mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 22:30:45 +00:00
BREAKING CHANGE: node: >=10.17.0 <12.0.0 npm: >=6.11.3 yarn: >=1.19.1 node v10.17.0 is the latest in the 10.x series and is still in the Active LTS lifecycle. Embark is still not compatible with node's 12.x and 13.x series (because of some dependencies), otherwise it would probably make sense to bump our minimum supported node version all the way to the most recent 12.x release. npm v6.11.3 is the version that's bundled with node v10.17.0. yarn v1.19.1 is the most recent version as of the time node v10.17.0 was released.
90 lines
3.4 KiB
90 lines
3.4 KiB
"devDependencies": {
"chalk": "2.4.2",
"coveralls": "3.0.6",
"find-up": "4.1.0",
"form-data": "2.5.1",
"fs-extra": "8.1.0",
"lerna": "3.16.4",
"minimist": "1.2.0",
"npm-run-all": "4.1.5",
"nyc": "13.1.0",
"rimraf": "3.0.0"
"engines": {
"node": ">=10.17.0 <12.0.0",
"npm": ">=6.11.3",
"yarn": ">=1.19.1"
"license": "MIT",
"name": "root",
"private": true,
"scripts": {
"build": "node scripts/monorun --stream build",
"build:no-ui": "npm run build -- --ignore embark-ui",
"ci": "node scripts/monorun --ignore embark-dapp-* --stream ci",
"ci:dapps": "lerna run --concurrency=1 --scope embark-dapp-* --stream ci",
"ci:full": "npm-run-all cwtree \"ci -- --concurrency={1}\" ci:dapps cwtree -- 1",
"clean": "node scripts/monorun --stream clean",
"clean:full": "npx npm-run-all clean clean:top",
"clean:top": "npx rimraf node_modules",
"coverage": "npm-run-all coverage:collect coverage:report",
"coverage:collect": "node scripts/coverage-collect",
"coverage:coveralls": "nyc report --reporter=text-lcov | coveralls || exit 0",
"coverage:report": "node scripts/coverage-report",
"coveralls": "npm-run-all coverage:collect coverage:coveralls",
"cwtree": "node scripts/check-working-tree",
"deploy:site": "node site/deploy-site",
"globalize": "node scripts/globalize",
"lint": "node scripts/monorun --parallel lint",
"package": "lerna exec --stream --concurrency=1 -- npm pack",
"postclean": "npx lerna clean --yes",
"postreboot": "yarn install",
"postreboot:full": "yarn install",
"preci:full": "yarn install",
"preclean": "npm run reset:top",
"preqa:full": "yarn install",
"qa": "node scripts/monorun --ignore embark-dapp-* --stream qa",
"qa:dapps": "lerna run --concurrency=1 --scope embark-dapp-* --stream qa",
"qa:full": "npm-run-all cwtree reboot:full cwtree \"qa -- --concurrency={1}\" qa:dapps cwtree -- 1",
"reboot": "npm run clean",
"reboot:full": "npm run clean:full",
"release": "node scripts/release",
"reset": "node scripts/monorun --stream reset",
"reset:full": "npx npm-run-all reset reset:top",
"reset:top": "npx rimraf .nyc_output coverage",
"start": "node scripts/monorun --parallel start",
"test": "node scripts/monorun --ignore embark-dapp-* --stream test",
"test:dapps": "lerna run --concurrency=1 --scope embark-dapp-* --stream test",
"test:full": "npm-run-all test test:dapps",
"typecheck": "node scripts/monorun --parallel typecheck",
"watch": "node scripts/monorun --parallel watch",
"watch:build": "node scripts/monorun --parallel watch:build",
"watch:lint": "node scripts/monorun --parallel watch:lint",
"watch:test": "node scripts/monorun --ignore embark-dapp-* --parallel watch:test",
"watch:typecheck": "node scripts/monorun --parallel watch:typecheck"
"workspaces": {
"packages": [
"nohoist": [