Iuri Matias 1d6da99e8f display last error found
display last line on tx

fix debugger call

listen to source event only after jumping to the end

keep track of last tx; add minimal debug feature; fix ast issue

initial debugger apis & ui integration

prevent crash when step is out of bounds; send all all available data in websocket

add debugger commands

fix line number tracking in editor; toggle breakpoints

replace timeouts with callbacks

add debugger manager & refactor

refactor debugger api

refactor cmd line debugger

reduce debugger decoupling

reduce debugger decoupling

fix debug buttons

trigger source update so api triggers ws event to update source location

move locals and contracts vars to a json view

improve debugger icons

simplify debugger data

update debug package

add command handler to get a contract given a tx; update debugger so it can get a contract by its tx instead of tracking latest txs only

update debugger package
2018-10-23 18:27:40 -04:00

294 lines
9.5 KiB

const async = require('async');
const utils = require('../utils/utils');
const IPC = require('./ipc');
class Engine {
constructor(options) {
this.env = options.env;
this.client = options.client;
this.locale = options.locale;
this.embarkConfig = options.embarkConfig;
this.interceptLogs = options.interceptLogs;
this.version = options.version;
this.logFile = options.logFile;
this.logLevel = options.logLevel;
this.events = options.events;
this.context = options.context;
this.useDashboard = options.useDashboard;
this.webServerConfig = options.webServerConfig;
this.webpackConfigName = options.webpackConfigName;
this.ipcRole = options.ipcRole || 'client';
init(_options, callback) {
callback = callback || function() {};
const Events = require('./events.js');
const Logger = require('./logger.js');
const Config = require('./config.js');
let options = _options || {};
this.events = options.events || this.events || new Events();
this.logger = options.logger || new Logger({context: this.context, logLevel: options.logLevel || this.logLevel || 'debug', events: this.events, logFile: this.logFile});
this.config = new Config({env: this.env, logger: this.logger, events: this.events, context: this.context, webServerConfig: this.webServerConfig});
this.config.loadConfigFiles({embarkConfig: this.embarkConfig, interceptLogs: this.interceptLogs});
this.plugins = this.config.plugins;
this.isDev = this.config && this.config.blockchainConfig && (this.config.blockchainConfig.isDev || this.config.blockchainConfig.default);
if (this.interceptLogs || this.interceptLogs === undefined) {
utils.interceptLogs(console, this.logger);
this.ipc = new IPC({logger: this.logger, ipcRole: this.ipcRole});
if (this.ipc.isClient()) {
return this.ipc.connect((_err) => {
} else if (this.ipc.isServer()) {
return callback();
registerModule(moduleName, options) {
this.plugins.loadInternalPlugin(moduleName, options || {});
startService(serviceName, _options) {
let options = _options || {};
let services = {
"serviceMonitor": this.serviceMonitor,
"pipeline": this.pipelineService,
"codeRunner": this.codeRunnerService,
"codeGenerator": this.codeGeneratorService,
"compiler": this.setupCompilerAndContractsManagerService,
"deployment": this.deploymentService,
"fileWatcher": this.fileWatchService,
"webServer": this.webServerService,
"console": this.console,
"web3": this.web3Service,
"libraryManager": this.libraryManagerService,
"processManager": this.processManagerService,
"storage": this.storageService,
"pluginCommand": this.pluginCommandService,
"graph": this.graphService,
"testRunner": this.testRunnerService,
"codeCoverage": this.codeCoverageService,
"scaffolding": this.scaffoldingService,
"coreProcess": this.coreProcessService,
"loggerApi": this.loggerApiService
let service = services[serviceName];
if (!service) {
throw new Error("unknown service: " + serviceName);
// need to be careful with circular references due to passing the web3 object
//this.logger.trace("calling: " + serviceName + "(" + JSON.stringify(options) + ")");
return service.apply(this, [options]);
this.registerModule('core_process', {
events: this.events
this.registerModule('logger_api', {
logger: this.logger
processManagerService(_options) {
const ProcessManager = require('./processes/processManager.js');
this.processManager = new ProcessManager({
events: this.events,
logger: this.logger,
plugins: this.plugins
graphService(_options) {
scaffoldingService(_options) {
this.registerModule('scaffolding', {plugins: this.plugins});
pipelineService(_options) {
const self = this;
this.registerModule('pipeline', {
webpackConfigName: this.webpackConfigName
this.events.on('code-generator-ready', function (modifiedAssets) {
self.events.request('code', function (abi, contractsJSON) {
self.events.request('pipeline:build', {abi, contractsJSON, modifiedAssets}, () => {
serviceMonitor() {
const self = this;
const ServicesMonitor = require('./services_monitor.js');
this.servicesMonitor = new ServicesMonitor({events: this.events, logger: this.logger, plugins: this.plugins});
this.servicesMonitor.addCheck('Embark', function (cb) {
return cb({name: 'Embark ' + self.version, status: 'on'});
}, 0);
pluginCommandService() {
this.registerModule('plugin_cmd', {embarkConfigFile: this.embarkConfig, embarkConfig: this.config.embarkConfig, packageFile: 'package.json'});
console(_options) {
this.registerModule('console', {
events: this.events,
plugins: this.plugins,
version: this.version,
ipc: this.ipc,
logger: this.logger,
config: this.config
codeRunnerService(_options) {
const CodeRunner = require('./modules/coderunner/codeRunner.js');
this.codeRunner = new CodeRunner({
config: this.config,
plugins: this.plugins,
events: this.events,
logger: this.logger,
ipc: this.ipc
codeGeneratorService(_options) {
let self = this;
this.registerModule('code_generator', {plugins: self.plugins, env: self.env});
const generateCode = function (modifiedAssets) {
self.events.request("code-generator:embarkjs:build", () => {
self.events.emit('code-generator-ready', modifiedAssets);
const cargo = async.cargo((tasks, callback) => {
const modifiedAssets = tasks.map(task => task.modifiedAsset).filter(asset => asset); // filter null elements
self.events.once('outputDone', callback);
const addToCargo = function (modifiedAsset) {
this.events.on('contractsDeployed', addToCargo);
this.events.on('blockchainDisabled', addToCargo);
this.events.on('asset-changed', addToCargo);
setupCompilerAndContractsManagerService(options) {
this.registerModule('compiler', {plugins: this.plugins, disableOptimizations: options.disableOptimizations});
this.registerModule('solidity', {ipc: this.ipc, useDashboard: this.useDashboard});
this.registerModule('contracts_manager', {compileOnceOnly: options.compileOnceOnly});
deploymentService(options) {
let self = this;
this.registerModule('compiler', {plugins: self.plugins, disableOptimizations: options.disableOptimizations});
this.registerModule('solidity', {ipc: self.ipc, useDashboard: this.useDashboard});
this.registerModule('profiler', {plugins: this.plugins});
this.registerModule('deploytracker', {trackContracts: options.trackContracts});
this.registerModule('console_listener', {ipc: self.ipc});
this.registerModule('deployment', {plugins: this.plugins, onlyCompile: options.onlyCompile});
this.events.on('file-event', function ({fileType, path}) {
self.fileTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
// TODO: still need to redeploy contracts because the original contracts
// config is being corrupted
if (fileType === 'asset') {
// Throttle file changes so we re-write only once for all files
self.events.emit('asset-changed', path);
// TODO: for now need to deploy on asset changes as well
// because the contractsManager config is corrupted after a deploy
if (fileType === 'contract' || fileType === 'config') {
self.events.request('deploy:contracts', () => {});
}, 50);
fileWatchService() {
webServerService() {
this.registerModule('webserver', {plugins: this.plugins});
storageService(_options) {
this.registerModule('storage', {plugins: this.plugins});
web3Service(options) {
this.registerModule('blockchain_process', {
client: this.client,
locale: this.locale,
isDev: this.isDev,
ipc: this.ipc
this.registerModule('blockchain_connector', {
isDev: this.isDev,
locale: this.locale,
plugins: this.plugins,
web3: options.web3,
wait: options.wait
libraryManagerService(_options) {
codeCoverageService(_options) {
testRunnerService(options) {
this.registerModule('tests', Object.assign(options, {ipc: this.ipc}));
codeCoverageService(_options) {
module.exports = Engine;