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synced 2025-03-03 14:50:53 +00:00
290 lines
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290 lines
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let async = require('async');
//require("../utils/debug_util.js")(__filename, async);
let utils = require('../../utils/utils.js');
class ContractDeployer {
constructor(options) {
const self = this;
this.logger = options.logger;
this.events = options.events;
this.plugins = options.plugins;
self.events.setCommandHandler('deploy:contract', (contract, cb) => {
self.checkAndDeployContract(contract, null, cb);
// TODO: determining the arguments could also be in a module since it's not
// part of ta 'normal' contract deployment
determineArguments(suppliedArgs, contract, accounts, callback) {
const self = this;
let args = suppliedArgs;
if (!Array.isArray(args)) {
args = [];
let abi = contract.abiDefinition.find((abi) => abi.type === 'constructor');
for (let input of abi.inputs) {
let inputValue = suppliedArgs[input.name];
if (!inputValue) {
this.logger.error(__("{{inputName}} has not been defined for {{className}} constructor", {inputName: input.name, className: contract.className}));
args.push(inputValue || "");
function parseArg(arg, cb) {
const match = arg.match(/\$accounts\[([0-9]+)]/);
if (match) {
if (!accounts[match[1]]) {
return cb(__('No corresponding account at index $d', match[1]));
return cb(null, accounts[match[1]]);
let contractName = arg.substr(1);
self.events.request('contracts:contract', contractName, (referedContract) => {
cb(null, referedContract.deployedAddress);
async.map(args, (arg, nextEachCb) => {
if (arg[0] === "$") {
parseArg(arg, nextEachCb);
} else if (Array.isArray(arg)) {
async.map(arg, (sub_arg, nextSubEachCb) => {
if (sub_arg[0] === "$") {
parseArg(sub_arg, nextSubEachCb);
} else {
nextSubEachCb(null, sub_arg);
}, (err, subRealArgs) => {
nextEachCb(null, subRealArgs);
} else {
nextEachCb(null, arg);
}, callback);
checkAndDeployContract(contract, params, callback) {
let self = this;
contract.error = false;
let accounts = [];
let deploymentAccount;
if (contract.deploy === false) {
self.events.emit("deploy:contract:undeployed", contract);
return callback();
function requestBlockchainConnector(callback) {
self.events.request("blockchain:object", (blockchain) => {
self.blockchain = blockchain;
// TODO: can potentially go to a beforeDeploy plugin
function getAccounts(next) {
deploymentAccount = self.blockchain.defaultAccount();
self.blockchain.getAccounts(function (err, _accounts) {
if (err) {
return next(new Error(err));
accounts = _accounts;
// applying deployer account configuration, if any
if (typeof contract.fromIndex === 'number') {
deploymentAccount = accounts[contract.fromIndex];
if (deploymentAccount === undefined) {
return next(__("error deploying") + " " + contract.className + ": " + __("no account found at index") + " " + contract.fromIndex + __(" check the config"));
if (typeof contract.from === 'string' && typeof contract.fromIndex !== 'undefined') {
self.logger.warn(__('Both "from" and "fromIndex" are defined for contract') + ' "' + contract.className + '". ' + __('Using "from" as deployer account.'));
if (typeof contract.from === 'string') {
deploymentAccount = contract.from;
deploymentAccount = deploymentAccount || accounts[0];
contract.deploymentAccount = deploymentAccount;
function _determineArguments(next) {
self.determineArguments(params || contract.args, contract, accounts, (err, realArgs) => {
if (err) {
return next(err);
contract.realArgs = realArgs;
function deployIt(next) {
if (contract.address !== undefined) {
try {
} catch(e) {
self.logger.error(__("error deploying %s", contract.className));
contract.error = e.message;
self.events.emit("deploy:contract:error", contract);
return next(e.message);
contract.deployedAddress = contract.address;
self.logger.info(contract.className.bold.cyan + __(" already deployed at ").green + contract.address.bold.cyan);
self.events.emit("deploy:contract:deployed", contract);
return next();
// TODO find a better way to do that
if (process.env.isTest) {
return self.deployContract(contract, next);
// TODO: this should be a plugin API instead, if not existing, it should by default deploy the contract
self.events.request("deploy:contract:shouldDeploy", contract, function(trackedContract) {
if (!trackedContract) {
return self.deployContract(contract, next);
self.blockchain.getCode(trackedContract.address, function(_getCodeErr, codeInChain) {
if (codeInChain !== "0x") {
self.contractAlreadyDeployed(contract, trackedContract, next);
} else {
self.deployContract(contract, next);
], callback);
contractAlreadyDeployed(contract, trackedContract, callback) {
const self = this;
self.logger.info(contract.className.bold.cyan + __(" already deployed at ").green + trackedContract.address.bold.cyan);
contract.deployedAddress = trackedContract.address;
self.events.emit("deploy:contract:deployed", contract);
// TODO: can be moved into a afterDeploy event
// just need to figure out the gasLimit coupling issue
self.events.request('code-generator:contract:vanilla', contract, contract._gasLimit, (contractCode) => {
self.events.request('runcode:eval', contractCode, () => {}, true);
return callback();
deployContract(contract, callback) {
let self = this;
let contractParams = (contract.realArgs || contract.args).slice();
let deployObject;
const logFunction = contract.silent ? self.logger.trace.bind(self.logger) : self.logger.info.bind(self.logger);
function doLinking(next) {
let contractCode = contract.code;
self.events.request('contracts:list', (_err, contracts) => {
for (let contractObj of contracts) {
let filename = contractObj.filename;
let deployedAddress = contractObj.deployedAddress;
if (deployedAddress) {
deployedAddress = deployedAddress.substr(2);
let linkReference = '__' + filename + ":" + contractObj.className;
if (contractCode.indexOf(linkReference.substr(0, 38)) < 0) { // substr to simulate the cut that solc does
if (linkReference.length > 40) {
return next(new Error(__("{{linkReference}} is too long, try reducing the path of the contract ({{filename}}) and/or its name {{contractName}}", {linkReference: linkReference, filename: filename, contractName: contractObj.className})));
let toReplace = linkReference + "_".repeat(40 - linkReference.length);
if (deployedAddress === undefined) {
let libraryName = contractObj.className;
return next(new Error(__("{{contractName}} needs {{libraryName}} but an address was not found, did you deploy it or configured an address?", {contractName: contract.className, libraryName: libraryName})));
contractCode = contractCode.replace(new RegExp(toReplace, "g"), deployedAddress);
// saving code changes back to the contract object
contract.code = contractCode;
self.events.request('contracts:setBytecode', contract.className, contractCode);
function applyBeforeDeploy(next) {
self.plugins.emitAndRunActionsForEvent('deploy:contract:beforeDeploy', {contract: contract}, next);
function getGasPriceForNetwork(next) {
self.events.request("blockchain:gasPrice", (gasPrice) => {
contract.gasPrice = contract.gasPrice || gasPrice;
function createDeployObject(next) {
let contractCode = contract.code;
let contractObject = self.blockchain.ContractObject({abi: contract.abiDefinition});
try {
const dataCode = contractCode.startsWith('0x') ? contractCode : "0x" + contractCode;
deployObject = self.blockchain.deployContractObject(contractObject, {arguments: contractParams, data: dataCode});
} catch(e) {
if (e.message.indexOf('Invalid number of parameters for "undefined"') >= 0) {
return next(new Error(__("attempted to deploy %s without specifying parameters", contract.className)));
} else {
return next(new Error(e));
function estimateCorrectGas(next) {
if (contract.gas === 'auto') {
return self.blockchain.estimateDeployContractGas(deployObject, (err, gasValue) => {
if (err) {
return next(err);
contract.gas = gasValue;
function deployTheContract(next) {
let estimatedCost = contract.gas * contract.gasPrice;
logFunction(__("deploying") + " " + contract.className.bold.cyan + " " + __("with").green + " " + contract.gas + " " + __("gas at the price of").green + " " + contract.gasPrice + " " + __("Wei, estimated cost:").green + " " + estimatedCost + " Wei".green);
self.blockchain.deployContractFromObject(deployObject, {
from: contract.deploymentAccount,
gas: contract.gas,
gasPrice: contract.gasPrice
}, function(error, receipt) {
if (error) {
contract.error = error.message;
self.events.emit("deploy:contract:error", contract);
return next(new Error("error deploying =" + contract.className + "= due to error: " + error.message));
logFunction(contract.className.bold.cyan + " " + __("deployed at").green + " " + receipt.contractAddress.bold.cyan + " " + __("using").green + " " + receipt.gasUsed + " " + __("gas").green);
contract.deployedAddress = receipt.contractAddress;
contract.transactionHash = receipt.transactionHash;
receipt.className = contract.className;
self.events.emit("deploy:contract:receipt", receipt);
self.events.emit("deploy:contract:deployed", contract);
// TODO: can be moved into a afterDeploy event
// just need to figure out the gasLimit coupling issue
self.events.request('code-generator:contract:vanilla', contract, contract._gasLimit, (contractCode) => {
self.events.request('runcode:eval', contractCode, () => {}, true);
self.plugins.runActionsForEvent('deploy:contract:deployed', {contract: contract}, () => {
return next(null, receipt);
], callback);
module.exports = ContractDeployer;