Michael Bradley, Jr ad30a98169 refactor: upgrade to web3 v1.2.1
Upgrade all dependencies on web3/web3-* v1.0.0-beta.37 to v1.2.1.

Make various adjustments related to the previous convention of
`"web3": "1.0.0-beta"` in `embark.json` signifying that embark's own web3
dependency should be used in dapp builds.

Fix bugs in library manager, including a switch from using the
live-plugin-manager package to using npm in a child process to install
`"versions"` dependencies specified in `embark.json` when a specified version
doesn't match up with embark's own version for that package.

Avoid race conditions when installing `"versions"` by completing all installs
prior to starting other services. If an install fails, then after all the
installs have completed or failed the embark command will exit with error.

Change various comments and update docs to reflect the new default of web3
2019-08-07 11:01:23 -05:00

77 lines
2.3 KiB

"name": "embark-coverage",
"version": "4.1.0-beta.5",
"author": "Iuri Matias <iuri.matias@gmail.com>",
"contributors": [],
"description": "Code Coverage capabilities for Embark",
"homepage": "https://github.com/embark-framework/embark/tree/master/packages/embark-coverage#readme",
"bugs": "https://github.com/embark-framework/embark/issues",
"keywords": [
"files": [
"license": "MIT",
"repository": {
"directory": "packages/embark-coverage",
"type": "git",
"url": "https://github.com/embark-framework/embark.git"
"main": "./dist/lib/index.js",
"scripts": {
"build": "cross-env BABEL_ENV=node babel src --extensions \".ts\" --out-dir dist --root-mode upward --source-maps",
"ci": "npm run qa",
"clean": "npm run reset",
"lint": "npm-run-all lint:*",
"lint:ts": "tslint -c tslint.json \"src/**/*.ts\"",
"package": "npm pack",
"qa": "npm-run-all lint typecheck build package",
"reset": "npx rimraf dist embark-*.tgz package",
"start": "npm run watch",
"test": "nyc --reporter=html --reporter=json mocha dist/test/**/*.js --exit --no-timeouts --require source-map-support/register",
"typecheck": "tsc",
"watch": "run-p watch:*",
"watch:build": "npm run build -- --verbose --watch",
"watch:typecheck": "npm run typecheck -- --preserveWatchOutput --watch"
"dependencies": {
"@babel/runtime-corejs2": "7.3.1",
"embark-core": "^4.1.0-beta.5",
"embark-utils": "^4.1.0-beta.5",
"fs-extra": "7.0.1",
"globule": "1.2.1",
"prettier-plugin-solidity": "1.0.0-alpha.25",
"semver": "5.6.0",
"solidity-parser-antlr": "0.4.5",
"web3-eth-contract": "1.2.1"
"devDependencies": {
"@babel/cli": "7.2.3",
"@babel/core": "7.2.2",
"@types/fs-extra": "7.0.0",
"@types/mocha": "5.2.0",
"@types/prettier": "1.16.4",
"@types/semver": "5.5.0",
"@types/web3": "1.0.12",
"cross-env": "5.2.0",
"eslint": "5.7.0",
"mocha": "5.2.0",
"npm-run-all": "4.1.5",
"rimraf": "2.6.3",
"tslint": "5.16.0",
"typescript": "3.4.5"
"engines": {
"node": ">=8.12.0 <12.0.0",
"npm": ">=6.4.1",
"yarn": ">=1.12.3"