Michael Bradley, Jr ad01d1402c test: collect code coverage in the root of the monorepo
Implement scripts to collect coverage reports (JSON format) from all packages
in the monorepo that generate such reports. Reports are copied to

Implement scripts to generate a combined html report in `<root>/coverage`.

Adjust root `reset` and `clean` scripts to delete `<root>/.nyc_output` and

Implement a script in `<root>/package.json` to generate a `text-lcov` report
and upload it to coveralls from CI builds. Remove coveralls from

Supply `packages/embark` with an nyc configuration in its `package.json` and
have its `"test":` script generate both `json` and `html` reports.

Use nyc with `embarkjs`'s test suite: supply an nyc configuration in its
`package.json` and have its `"test":` script generate both `json` and `html`

Adjust `embarkjs`'s tests for more accurate coverage reporting.
2019-04-30 12:04:01 -04:00

78 lines
2.3 KiB

/* global before describe it require */
const {startRPCMockServer, TestProvider} = require('./helpers/blockchain');
const {assert} = require('chai');
const {Blockchain} = require('..');
const {promisify} = require('util');
describe('Blockchain', () => {
describe('#connect', () => {
before(() => {
Blockchain.registerProvider('web3', TestProvider);
Blockchain.setProvider('web3', {});
const scenarios = [
description: 'should not keep trying other connections if connected',
servers: [true, true],
visited: [true, false],
error: false
description: 'should keep trying other connections if not connected',
servers: [false, true],
visited: [true, true],
error: false
description: 'should return error if no connections succeed',
servers: [false, false],
visited: [true, true],
error: true
scenarios.forEach(({description, ...scenario}) => {
it(description, async () => {
const makeServers = async () => {
const servers = await Promise.all(
scenario.servers.map(server => (
promisify(startRPCMockServer)({successful: server})
const dappConnection = servers.map(server => server.connectionString);
return {servers, dappConnection};
// test Blockchain.connect() using callback
let {servers, dappConnection} = await makeServers();
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
Blockchain.connect({dappConnection}, err => {
try {
assert(scenario.error ? err : !err);
servers.forEach((server, idx) => {
assert.strictEqual(server.visited, scenario.visited[idx]);
} catch (e) {
// test Blockchain.connect() without callback
({servers, dappConnection} = await makeServers());
try {
await Blockchain.connect({dappConnection});
} catch (e) {
if (!scenario.error) throw e;
servers.forEach((server, idx) => {
assert.strictEqual(server.visited, scenario.visited[idx]);