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synced 2025-02-20 01:18:52 +00:00
When running tests against non-simulated blockchain nodes, even for simplex
Smart Contracts, deployment transactions would exceed the block gas limit.
E.g. running `embark blockchain` in one process and `embark test --node embark`
in another, inside our demo application, will throw an error when Embark attempts
to deploy its `SimpleStorage`:
Compiling contracts
Compilation done
[SimpleStorage]: error deploying =SimpleStorage= due to error: Returned error: exceeds block gas limit
Error deploying contracts. Please fix errors to continue.
Error deploying contracts. Please fix errors to continue.
terminating due to error
Error deploying contracts. Please fix errors to continue.
The reason for that is because in https://github.com/embark-framework/embark/pull/1650, we've introduced a static
gas estimation for Smart Contract deployment that is just right below Ganache's
maximum gas limit of `6721975`, since Ganache tends to underestimate gas for
complex Smart Contracts due to its [low base fee](8ad1ab29de/lib/utils/gasEstimation.js (L33-L39)
The static gas estimation would apply any time we're in a test context, but we
didn't take into account the case where tests are executed against nodes
other than the simulated environment.
As mentioned in the comments in the linked PR:
> If this is not spec'ed at all, I wonder what complications it could cause when
> at some point we maybe switch to not using Ganache anymore for tests, or even
> the user itself (which I think is a reasonable thing to do).
This causes the error described above because we easily reach the block gas limit
with just two Smart Contracts and Embark already deploys a few Smart Contracts for
So basically what we want is to use the static gas estimation when we know
the node we're connecting to is Ganache. In all other cases we can rely on the
standardized gas estimation offered by the node.
387 lines
15 KiB
387 lines
15 KiB
import { __ } from 'embark-i18n';
const async = require('async');
import {AddressUtils, toChecksumAddress} from 'embark-utils';
const {ZERO_ADDRESS} = AddressUtils;
// Check out definition 97 of the yellow paper: https://ethereum.github.io/yellowpaper/paper.pdf
class ContractDeployer {
constructor(options) {
this.logger = options.logger;
this.events = options.events;
this.plugins = options.plugins;
this.events.setCommandHandler('deploy:contract', (contract, cb) => {
this.checkAndDeployContract(contract, null, cb);
this.events.setCommandHandler('deploy:contract:object', (contract, cb) => {
this.checkAndDeployContract(contract, null, cb, true);
// TODO: determining the arguments could also be in a module since it's not
// part of a 'normal' contract deployment
determineArguments(suppliedArgs, contract, accounts, callback) {
const self = this;
let args = suppliedArgs;
if (!Array.isArray(args)) {
args = [];
let abi = contract.abiDefinition.find((abi) => abi.type === 'constructor');
for (let input of abi.inputs) {
let inputValue = suppliedArgs[input.name];
if (!inputValue) {
this.logger.error(__("{{inputName}} has not been defined for {{className}} constructor", {inputName: input.name, className: contract.className}));
args.push(inputValue || "");
function parseArg(arg, cb) {
const match = arg.match(/\$accounts\[([0-9]+)]/);
if (match) {
if (!accounts[match[1]]) {
return cb(__('No corresponding account at index %d', match[1]));
return cb(null, accounts[match[1]]);
let contractName = arg.substr(1);
self.events.request('contracts:contract', contractName, (referedContract) => {
// Because we're referring to a contract that is not being deployed (ie. an interface),
// we still need to provide a valid address so that the ABI checker won't fail.
cb(null, (referedContract.deployedAddress || ZERO_ADDRESS));
function checkArgs(argus, cb) {
async.map(argus, (arg, nextEachCb) => {
if (arg[0] === "$") {
return parseArg(arg, nextEachCb);
if (Array.isArray(arg)) {
return checkArgs(arg, nextEachCb);
self.events.request('ens:isENSName', arg, (isENSName) => {
if (isENSName) {
return self.events.request("ens:resolve", arg, (err, address) => {
if (err) {
return nextEachCb(err);
nextEachCb(err, address);
nextEachCb(null, arg);
}, cb);
checkArgs(args, callback);
checkAndDeployContract(contract, params, callback, returnObject) {
let self = this;
contract.error = false;
let accounts = [];
let deploymentAccount;
if (contract.deploy === false) {
self.events.emit("deploy:contract:undeployed", contract);
return callback();
function checkContractBytesize(next) {
if (!contract.code) {
return next();
const code = (contract.code.indexOf('0x') === 0) ? contract.code.substr(2) : contract.code;
const contractCodeLength = Buffer.from(code, 'hex').toString().length;
if(contractCodeLength > MAX_CONTRACT_BYTECODE_LENGTH) {
return next(new Error(`Bytecode for ${contract.className} contract is too large. Not deploying.`));
function requestBlockchainConnector(next) {
self.events.request("blockchain:object", (blockchain) => {
self.blockchain = blockchain;
// TODO: can potentially go to a beforeDeploy plugin
function getAccounts(next) {
deploymentAccount = self.blockchain.defaultAccount();
self.events.request('blockchain:provider:contract:accounts:get', (_err, blockchainAccounts) => {
accounts = blockchainAccounts;
// applying deployer account configuration, if any
if (typeof contract.fromIndex === 'number') {
deploymentAccount = accounts[contract.fromIndex];
if (deploymentAccount === undefined) {
return next(__("error deploying") + " " + contract.className + ": " + __("no account found at index") + " " + contract.fromIndex + __(" check the config"));
if (typeof contract.from === 'string' && typeof contract.fromIndex !== 'undefined') {
self.logger.warn(__('Both "from" and "fromIndex" are defined for contract') + ' "' + contract.className + '". ' + __('Using "from" as deployer account.'));
if (typeof contract.from === 'string') {
deploymentAccount = contract.from;
deploymentAccount = deploymentAccount || accounts[0];
contract.deploymentAccount = deploymentAccount;
function applyArgumentPlugins(next) {
self.plugins.emitAndRunActionsForEvent('deploy:contract:arguments', {contract: contract}, (_params) => {
function _determineArguments(next) {
self.determineArguments(params || contract.args, contract, accounts, (err, realArgs) => {
if (err) {
return next(err);
contract.realArgs = realArgs;
function deployIt(next) {
let skipBytecodeCheck = false;
if (contract.address !== undefined) {
try {
} catch(e) {
self.logger.error(__("error deploying %s", contract.className));
contract.error = e.message;
self.events.emit("deploy:contract:error", contract);
return next(e.message);
contract.deployedAddress = contract.address;
skipBytecodeCheck = true;
if (returnObject) {
return self.deployContract(contract, next, returnObject);
self.plugins.emitAndRunActionsForEvent('deploy:contract:shouldDeploy', {contract: contract, shouldDeploy: true}, function(_err, params) {
let trackedContract = params.contract;
if (!params.shouldDeploy) {
return self.willNotDeployContract(contract, trackedContract, next);
if (!trackedContract.address) {
return self.deployContract(contract, next);
// deploy the contract regardless if track field is defined and set to false
if (trackedContract.track === false) {
self.logFunction(contract)(contract.className.bold.cyan + __(" will be redeployed").green);
return self.deployContract(contract, next);
self.blockchain.getCode(trackedContract.address, function(getCodeErr, codeInChain) {
if (getCodeErr) {
return next(getCodeErr);
if (codeInChain.length > 3 || skipBytecodeCheck) { // it is "0x" or "0x0" for empty code, depending on web3 version
self.contractAlreadyDeployed(contract, trackedContract, next);
} else {
self.deployContract(contract, next);
], callback);
willNotDeployContract(contract, trackedContract, callback) {
contract.deploy = false;
this.events.emit("deploy:contract:undeployed", contract);
contractAlreadyDeployed(contract, trackedContract, callback) {
this.logFunction(contract)(contract.className.bold.cyan + __(" already deployed at ").green + trackedContract.address.bold.cyan);
contract.deployedAddress = trackedContract.address;
this.events.emit("deploy:contract:deployed", contract);
this.registerContract(contract, callback);
registerContract(contract, callback) {
this.events.request('code-generator:contract:custom', contract, (contractCode) => {
this.events.request('runcode:eval', contractCode, (err) => {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
this.events.request('runcode:eval', contract.className, (err, result) => {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
this.events.emit("runcode:register", contract.className, result, callback);
logFunction(contract) {
return contract.silent ? this.logger.trace.bind(this.logger) : this.logger.info.bind(this.logger);
deployContract(contract, callback, returnObject) {
let self = this;
let deployObject;
function doLinking(next) {
if (!contract.linkReferences || !Object.keys(contract.linkReferences).length) {
return next();
let contractCode = contract.code;
let offset = 0;
async.eachLimit(contract.linkReferences, 1, (fileReference, eachCb1) => {
async.eachOfLimit(fileReference, 1, (references, libName, eachCb2) => {
self.events.request("contracts:contract", libName, (libContract) => {
async.eachLimit(references, 1, (reference, eachCb3) => {
if (!libContract) {
return eachCb3(new Error(__('{{contractName}} has a link to the library {{libraryName}}, but it was not found. Is it in your contract folder?'), {
contractName: contract.className,
libraryName: libName
let libAddress = libContract.deployedAddress;
if (!libAddress) {
return eachCb3(new Error(__("{{contractName}} needs {{libraryName}} but an address was not found, did you deploy it or configured an address?", {
contractName: contract.className,
libraryName: libName
libAddress = libAddress.substr(2).toLowerCase();
// Multiplying by two because the original pos and length are in bytes, but we have an hex string
contractCode = contractCode.substring(0, (reference.start * 2) + offset) + libAddress + contractCode.substring((reference.start * 2) + offset + (reference.length * 2));
// Calculating an offset in case the length is at some point different than the address length
offset += libAddress.length - (reference.length * 2);
}, eachCb2);
}, eachCb1);
}, (err) => {
contract.code = contractCode;
function applyBeforeDeploy(next) {
self.plugins.emitAndRunActionsForEvent('deploy:contract:beforeDeploy', {contract: contract}, (_params) => {
function getGasPriceForNetwork(next) {
self.events.request("blockchain:gasPrice", (err, gasPrice) => {
if (err) {
return next(new Error(__("could not get the gas price")));
contract.gasPrice = contract.gasPrice || gasPrice;
function createDeployObject(next) {
let contractCode = contract.code;
let contractObject = self.blockchain.ContractObject({abi: contract.abiDefinition});
let contractParams = (contract.realArgs || contract.args).slice();
try {
const dataCode = contractCode.startsWith('0x') ? contractCode : "0x" + contractCode;
deployObject = self.blockchain.deployContractObject(contractObject, {arguments: contractParams, data: dataCode});
if (returnObject) {
return callback(null, deployObject);
} catch(e) {
if (e.message.indexOf('Invalid number of parameters for "undefined"') >= 0) {
return next(new Error(__("attempted to deploy %s without specifying parameters", contract.className)) + ". " + __("check if there are any params defined for this contract in this environment in the contracts configuration file"));
return next(new Error(e));
function estimateCorrectGas(next) {
self.blockchain.getClientVersion((err, version) => {
if (version.split('/')[0] === GANACHE_CLIENT_VERSION_NAME) {
// This is Ganache's gas limit. We subtract 1 so we don't reach the limit.
// We do this because Ganache's gas estimates are wrong (contract creation
// has a base cost of 53k, not 21k, so it sometimes results in out of gas
// errors.)
contract.gas = 6721975 - 1;
} else if (contract.gas === 'auto' || !contract.gas) {
return self.blockchain.estimateDeployContractGas(deployObject, (err, gasValue) => {
if (err) {
return next(err);
let increase_per = 1 + (Math.random() / 10.0);
contract.gas = Math.floor(gasValue * increase_per);
function deployTheContract(next) {
let estimatedCost = contract.gas * contract.gasPrice;
self.blockchain.deployContractFromObject(deployObject, {
from: contract.deploymentAccount,
gas: contract.gas,
gasPrice: contract.gasPrice
}, function(error, receipt) {
if (error) {
contract.error = error.message;
self.events.emit("deploy:contract:error", contract);
if (error.message && error.message.indexOf('replacement transaction underpriced') !== -1) {
self.logger.warn("replacement transaction underpriced: This warning typically means a transaction exactly like this one is still pending on the blockchain");
return next(new Error("error deploying =" + contract.className + "= due to error: " + error.message));
self.logFunction(contract)(`${contract.className.bold.cyan} ${__('deployed at').green} ${receipt.contractAddress.bold.cyan} ${__("using").green} ${receipt.gasUsed} ${__("gas").green} (txHash: ${receipt.transactionHash.bold.cyan})`);
contract.deployedAddress = receipt.contractAddress;
contract.transactionHash = receipt.transactionHash;
receipt.className = contract.className;
if(receipt) self.events.emit("deploy:contract:receipt", receipt);
self.events.emit("deploy:contract:deployed", contract);
self.registerContract(contract, () => {
self.plugins.runActionsForEvent('deploy:contract:deployed', {contract: contract}, (err) => {
if (err) {
return next(err);
next(null, receipt);
}, hash => {
self.logFunction(contract)(__("deploying") + " " + contract.className.bold.cyan + " " + __("with").green + " " + contract.gas + " " + __("gas at the price of").green + " " + contract.gasPrice + " " + __("Wei, estimated cost:").green + " " + estimatedCost + " Wei".green + " (txHash: " + hash.bold.cyan + ")");
], callback);
module.exports = ContractDeployer;