Pascal Precht a0ef234fea
feat(modules/pipeline): move pipeline into its own module plugin
This is the first step of refactoring Embark's pipeline abstraction into
dedicated plugin modules that take advantage of Embark's event system.

With this commit we're moving `Pipeline` into `lib/modules/pipeline` and
introduce a new command handler `pipeline:build`. Embark's engine now
requests builds via this command handler.

Notice that `Watch` still lives in `lib/pipeline` as this is a step-by-step
refactoring to reduce chances of introducing regressions.
2018-10-22 19:35:58 +02:00

469 lines
16 KiB

const fs = require('./fs.js');
const File = require('./file.js');
const Plugins = require('./plugins.js');
const utils = require('../utils/utils.js');
const path = require('path');
const deepEqual = require('deep-equal');
const constants = require('../constants');
const {canonicalHost, defaultHost} = require('../utils/host');
const DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH = 'config/';
var Config = function(options) {
const self = this;
this.env = options.env;
this.blockchainConfig = {};
this.contractsConfig = {};
this.pipelineConfig = {};
this.webServerConfig = options.webServerConfig;
this.chainTracker = {};
this.assetFiles = {};
this.contractsFiles = [];
this.configDir = options.configDir || 'config/';
this.chainsFile = options.chainsFile || './chains.json';
this.plugins = options.plugins;
this.logger = options.logger;
this.events = options.events;
this.embarkConfig = {};
this.context = options.context || [constants.contexts.any];
this.shownNoAccountConfigMsg = false; // flag to ensure "no account config" message is only displayed once to the user
self.events.setCommandHandler("config:contractsConfig", (cb) => {
self.events.setCommandHandler("config:contractsFiles", (cb) => {
// TODO: refactor this so reading the file can be done with a normal resolver or something that takes advantage of the plugin api
self.events.setCommandHandler("config:contractsFiles:add", (filename) => {
self.contractsFiles.push(new File({filename: filename, type: File.types.custom, path: filename, resolver: function(callback) {
Config.prototype.loadConfigFiles = function(options) {
var interceptLogs = options.interceptLogs;
if (options.interceptLogs === undefined) {
interceptLogs = true;
if (!fs.existsSync(options.embarkConfig)){
this.logger.error(__('Cannot find file %s Please ensure you are running this command inside the Dapp folder', options.embarkConfig));
this.embarkConfig = fs.readJSONSync(options.embarkConfig);
this.embarkConfig.plugins = this.embarkConfig.plugins || {};
this.plugins = new Plugins({plugins: this.embarkConfig.plugins, logger: this.logger, interceptLogs: interceptLogs, events: this.events, config: this, context: this.context, env: this.env});
Config.prototype.reloadConfig = function() {
Config.prototype._updateBlockchainCors = function(){
let blockchainConfig = this.blockchainConfig;
let storageConfig = this.storageConfig;
let webServerConfig = this.webServerConfig;
let corsParts = [];
if(webServerConfig && webServerConfig.enabled) {
if(webServerConfig.host) corsParts.push(utils.buildUrlFromConfig(webServerConfig));
if(storageConfig && storageConfig.enabled) {
// if getUrl is specified in the config, that needs to be included in cors
// instead of the concatenated protocol://host:port
if(storageConfig.upload.getUrl) {
// remove /ipfs or /bzz: from getUrl if it's there
let getUrlParts = storageConfig.upload.getUrl.split('/');
getUrlParts = getUrlParts.slice(0, 3);
let host = canonicalHost(getUrlParts[2].split(':')[0]);
let port = getUrlParts[2].split(':')[1];
getUrlParts[2] = port ? [host, port].join(':') : host;
// use our modified getUrl or in case it wasn't specified, use a built url
// add whisper cors
if(this.communicationConfig && this.communicationConfig.enabled && this.communicationConfig.provider === 'whisper'){
let cors = corsParts.join(',');
if(blockchainConfig.rpcCorsDomain === 'auto'){
if(cors.length) blockchainConfig.rpcCorsDomain = cors;
else blockchainConfig.rpcCorsDomain = '';
if(blockchainConfig.wsOrigins === 'auto'){
if(cors.length) blockchainConfig.wsOrigins = cors;
else blockchainConfig.wsOrigins = '';
Config.prototype._mergeConfig = function(configFilePath, defaultConfig, env, enabledByDefault) {
if (!configFilePath) {
let configToReturn = defaultConfig['default'] || {};
configToReturn.enabled = enabledByDefault || false;
return configToReturn;
// due to embark.json; TODO: refactor this
configFilePath = configFilePath.replace('.json','').replace('.js', '');
if (!fs.existsSync(configFilePath + '.js') && !fs.existsSync(configFilePath + '.json')) {
// TODO: remove this if
if (this.logger) {
this.logger.warn(__("no config file found at %s using default config", configFilePath));
return defaultConfig['default'] || {};
let config;
if (fs.existsSync(configFilePath + '.js')) {
delete require.cache[fs.dappPath(configFilePath + '.js')];
config = require(fs.dappPath(configFilePath + '.js'));
} else {
config = fs.readJSONSync(configFilePath + '.json');
let configObject = utils.recursiveMerge(defaultConfig, config);
if (env) {
return utils.recursiveMerge(configObject['default'] || {}, configObject[env]);
return configObject;
Config.prototype._getFileOrOject = function(object, filePath, property) {
if (typeof (this.configDir) === 'object') {
return this.configDir[property];
return utils.joinPath(this.configDir, filePath);
Config.prototype.loadBlockchainConfigFile = function() {
var configObject = {
"default": {
"enabled": true,
"rpcCorsDomain": "auto",
"wsOrigins": "auto"
let configFilePath = this._getFileOrOject(this.configDir, 'blockchain', 'blockchain');
this.blockchainConfig = this._mergeConfig(configFilePath, configObject, this.env, true);
if (!configFilePath) {
this.blockchainConfig.default = true;
if (
!this.shownNoAccountConfigMsg &&
(/rinkeby|testnet|livenet/).test(this.blockchainConfig.networkType) &&
!(this.blockchainConfig.account && this.blockchainConfig.account.address && this.blockchainConfig.account.password) &&
!this.blockchainConfig.isDev &&
this.env !== 'development' && this.env !== 'test') {
'\n=== ' + __('Cannot unlock account - account config missing').bold + ' ===\n' +
__('Geth is configured to sync to a testnet/livenet and needs to unlock an account ' +
'to allow your dApp to interact with geth, however, the address and password must ' +
'be specified in your blockchain config. Please update your blockchain config with ' +
'a valid address and password: \n') +
` - config/blockchain.js > ${this.env} > account\n\n`.italic +
__('Please also make sure the keystore file for the account is located at: ') +
'\n - Mac: ' + `~/Library/Ethereum/${this.env}/keystore`.italic +
'\n - Linux: ' + `~/.ethereum/${this.env}/keystore`.italic +
'\n - Windows: ' + `%APPDATA%\\Ethereum\\${this.env}\\keystore`.italic) +
__('\n\nAlternatively, you could change ' +
`config/blockchain.js > ${this.env} > networkType`.italic +
__(' to ') +
this.shownNoAccountConfigMsg = true;
Config.prototype.loadContractsConfigFile = function() {
var defaultVersions = {
"web3": "1.0.0-beta",
"solc": "0.4.25"
var versions = utils.recursiveMerge(defaultVersions, this.embarkConfig.versions || {});
var configObject = {
"default": {
"versions": versions,
"deployment": {
"host": "localhost", "port": 8545, "type": "rpc"
"dappConnection": [
"gas": "auto",
"contracts": {
var contractsConfigs = this.plugins.getPluginsProperty('contractsConfig', 'contractsConfigs');
contractsConfigs.forEach(function(pluginConfig) {
configObject = utils.recursiveMerge(configObject, pluginConfig);
let configFilePath = this._getFileOrOject(this.configDir, 'contracts', 'contracts');
const newContractsConfig = this._mergeConfig(configFilePath, configObject, this.env);
if (!deepEqual(newContractsConfig, this.contractsConfig)) {
this.contractsConfig = newContractsConfig;
Config.prototype.loadExternalContractsFiles = function() {
let contracts = this.contractsConfig.contracts;
for (let contractName in contracts) {
let contract = contracts[contractName];
if (!contract.file) {
if (contract.file.startsWith('http') || contract.file.startsWith('git')) {
const fileObj = utils.getExternalContractUrl(contract.file);
if (!fileObj) {
return this.logger.error(__("HTTP contract file not found") + ": " + contract.file);
const localFile = fileObj.filePath;
this.contractsFiles.push(new File({filename: localFile, type: File.types.http, basedir: '', path: fileObj.url}));
} else if (fs.existsSync(contract.file)) {
this.contractsFiles.push(new File({filename: contract.file, type: File.types.dapp_file, basedir: '', path: contract.file}));
} else if (fs.existsSync(path.join('./node_modules/', contract.file))) {
this.contractsFiles.push(new File({filename: path.join('./node_modules/', contract.file), type: File.types.dapp_file, basedir: '', path: path.join('./node_modules/', contract.file)}));
} else {
this.logger.error(__("contract file not found") + ": " + contract.file);
Config.prototype.loadStorageConfigFile = function() {
var versions = utils.recursiveMerge({"ipfs-api": "17.2.4"}, this.embarkConfig.versions || {});
var configObject = {
"default": {
"versions": versions,
"enabled": true,
"available_providers": ["ipfs", "swarm"],
"ipfs_bin": "ipfs",
"upload": {
"provider": "ipfs",
"protocol": "http",
"host" : defaultHost,
"port": 5001,
"getUrl": "http://localhost:8080/ipfs/"
"dappConnection": [{"provider": "ipfs", "host": "localhost", "port": 5001, "getUrl": "http://localhost:8080/ipfs/"}]
let configFilePath = this._getFileOrOject(this.configDir, 'storage', 'storage');
this.storageConfig = this._mergeConfig(configFilePath, configObject, this.env);
Config.prototype.loadNameSystemConfigFile = function() {
// todo: spec out names for registration in the file itself for a dev chain
var configObject = {
"default": {
"enabled": false
let configFilePath = this._getFileOrOject(this.configDir, 'namesystem', 'namesystem');
this.namesystemConfig = this._mergeConfig(configFilePath, configObject, this.env);
Config.prototype.loadCommunicationConfigFile = function() {
var configObject = {
"default": {
"enabled": true,
"provider": "whisper",
"available_providers": ["whisper"],
"connection": {
"host": defaultHost,
"port": 8546,
"type": "ws"
let configFilePath = this._getFileOrOject(this.configDir, 'communication', 'communication');
this.communicationConfig = this._mergeConfig(configFilePath, configObject, this.env);
Config.prototype.loadWebServerConfigFile = function() {
var configObject = {
"enabled": true,
"host": defaultHost,
"openBrowser": true,
"port": 8000
let configFilePath = this._getFileOrOject(this.configDir, 'webserver', 'webserver');
let webServerConfig = this._mergeConfig(configFilePath, configObject, false);
if (configFilePath === false) {
this.webServerConfig = {enabled: false};
if (this.webServerConfig) {
// cli flags to `embark run` should override configFile and defaults (configObject)
this.webServerConfig = utils.recursiveMerge(webServerConfig, this.webServerConfig);
} else {
this.webServerConfig = webServerConfig;
Config.prototype.loadEmbarkConfigFile = function() {
var configObject = {
options: {
solc: {
"optimize": true,
"optimize-runs": 200
this.embarkConfig = utils.recursiveMerge(configObject, this.embarkConfig);
const contracts = this.embarkConfig.contracts;
const newContractsFiles = this.loadFiles(contracts);
if (!this.contractFiles || newContractsFiles.length !== this.contractFiles.length || !deepEqual(newContractsFiles, this.contractFiles)) {
this.contractsFiles = this.contractsFiles.concat(newContractsFiles).filter((file, index, arr) => {
return !arr.some((file2, index2) => {
return file.filename === file2.filename && index < index2;
// determine contract 'root' directories
this.contractDirectories = contracts.map((dir) => {
return dir.split("**")[0];
}).map((dir) => {
return dir.split("*.")[0];
this.buildDir = this.embarkConfig.buildDir;
this.configDir = this.embarkConfig.config;
Config.prototype.loadPipelineConfigFile = function() {
var assets = this.embarkConfig.app;
for(var targetFile in assets) {
this.assetFiles[targetFile] = this.loadFiles(assets[targetFile]);
Config.prototype.loadChainTrackerFile = function() {
if (!fs.existsSync(this.chainsFile)) {
this.logger.info(this.chainsFile + ' ' + __('file not found, creating it...'));
fs.writeJSONSync(this.chainsFile, {});
this.chainTracker = fs.readJSONSync(this.chainsFile);
function findMatchingExpression(filename, filesExpressions) {
for (let fileExpression of filesExpressions) {
var matchingFiles = utils.filesMatchingPattern(fileExpression);
for (let matchFile of matchingFiles) {
if (matchFile === filename) {
return path.dirname(fileExpression).replace(/\*/g, '');
return path.dirname(filename);
Config.prototype.loadFiles = function(files) {
var self = this;
var originalFiles = utils.filesMatchingPattern(files);
var readFiles = [];
originalFiles.filter(function(file) {
return (file[0] === '$' || file.indexOf('.') >= 0);
}).filter(function(file) {
let basedir = findMatchingExpression(file, files);
readFiles.push(new File({filename: file, type: File.types.dapp_file, basedir: basedir, path: file}));
var filesFromPlugins = [];
var filePlugins = self.plugins.getPluginsFor('pipelineFiles');
filePlugins.forEach(function(plugin) {
try {
var fileObjects = plugin.runFilePipeline();
for (var i=0; i < fileObjects.length; i++) {
var fileObject = fileObjects[i];
catch(err) {
filesFromPlugins.filter(function(file) {
if ((file.intendedPath && utils.fileMatchesPattern(files, file.intendedPath)) || utils.fileMatchesPattern(files, file.file)) {
return readFiles;
// NOTE: this doesn't work for internal modules
Config.prototype.loadPluginContractFiles = function() {
var self = this;
var contractsPlugins = this.plugins.getPluginsFor('contractFiles');
contractsPlugins.forEach(function(plugin) {
plugin.contractsFiles.forEach(function(file) {
var filename = file.replace('./','');
self.contractsFiles.push(new File({filename: filename, pluginPath: plugin.pluginPath, type: File.types.custom, path: filename, resolver: function(callback) {
module.exports = Config;