mirror of
synced 2025-02-01 08:26:55 +00:00
display last line on tx fix debugger call listen to source event only after jumping to the end keep track of last tx; add minimal debug feature; fix ast issue initial debugger apis & ui integration prevent crash when step is out of bounds; send all all available data in websocket add debugger commands fix line number tracking in editor; toggle breakpoints replace timeouts with callbacks add debugger manager & refactor refactor debugger api refactor cmd line debugger reduce debugger decoupling reduce debugger decoupling fix debug buttons trigger source update so api triggers ws event to update source location move locals and contracts vars to a json view improve debugger icons simplify debugger data update debug package add command handler to get a contract given a tx; update debugger so it can get a contract by its tx instead of tracking latest txs only update debugger package
588 lines
21 KiB
588 lines
21 KiB
let toposort = require('toposort');
let async = require('async');
const cloneDeep = require('clone-deep');
const utils = require('../../utils/utils.js');
const fs = require('../../core/fs');
// TODO: create a contract object
class ContractsManager {
constructor(embark, options) {
const self = this;
this.logger = embark.logger;
this.events = embark.events;
this.contracts = {};
this.contractDependencies = {};
this.deployOnlyOnConfig = false;
this.compileError = false;
this.compileOnceOnly = options.compileOnceOnly;
this.disableOptimizations = options.disableOptimizations;
self.events.setCommandHandler('contracts:list', (cb) => {
cb(self.compileError, self.listContracts());
self.events.setCommandHandler('contracts:all', (cb) => {
cb(self.compileError, self.contracts);
self.events.setCommandHandler('contracts:dependencies', (cb) => {
cb(self.compileError, self.contractDependencies);
self.events.setCommandHandler("contracts:contract", (contractName, cb) => {
self.events.setCommandHandler("contracts:contract:byTxHash", (txHash, cb) => {
self.getContractByTxHash(txHash, cb)
self.events.setCommandHandler("contracts:build", (configOnly, cb) => {
self.deployOnlyOnConfig = configOnly; // temporary, should refactor
self.build((err) => {
self.events.setCommandHandler("contracts:reset:dependencies", (cb) => {
self.contractDependencies = {};
self.events.on("deploy:contract:error", (_contract) => {
self.events.emit('contractsState', self.contractsState());
self.events.on("deploy:contract:deployed", (_contract) => {
self.events.emit('contractsState', self.contractsState());
self.events.on("deploy:contract:undeployed", (_contract) => {
self.events.emit('contractsState', self.contractsState());
this.events.setCommandHandler('setDashboardState', () => {
self.events.emit('contractsState', self.contractsState());
self.events.setCommandHandler("contracts:formatted:all", (cb) => {
const contracts = self.listContracts().map((contract, index) => (
className: contract.className,
deploy: contract.deploy,
error: contract.error,
address: contract.deployedAddress,
isFiddle: Boolean(contract.isFiddle),
args: contract.args,
transactionHash: contract.transactionHash,
gas: contract.gas,
gasPrice: contract.gasPrice,
(req, res) => {
self.events.request('contracts:contract', req.params.contractName, res.send.bind(res));
(req, res) => {
contract: (callback) => {
self.events.request('contracts:contract', req.body.contractName, (contract) => callback(null, contract));
account: (callback) => {
self.events.request("blockchain:defaultAccount:get", (account) => callback(null, account));
}, (error, result) => {
if (error) {
return res.send({error: error.message});
const {account, contract} = result;
const abi = contract.abiDefinition.find(definition => definition.name === req.body.method);
const funcCall = (abi.constant === true || abi.stateMutability === 'view' || abi.stateMutability === 'pure') ? 'call' : 'send';
self.events.request("blockchain:contract:create", {abi: contract.abiDefinition, address: contract.deployedAddress}, (contractObj) => {
try {
contractObj.methods[req.body.method].apply(this, req.body.inputs)[funcCall]({from: account, gasPrice: req.body.gasPrice}, (error, result) => {
if (error) {
return res.send({result: error.message});
} catch (e) {
res.send({result: e.message});
(req, res) => {
contract: (callback) => {
self.events.request('contracts:contract', req.body.contractName, (contract) => callback(null, contract));
account: (callback) => {
self.events.request("blockchain:defaultAccount:get", (account) => callback(null, account));
}, (error, result) => {
if (error) {
return res.send({error: error.message});
const {account, contract} = result;
self.events.request("blockchain:contract:create", {abi: contract.abiDefinition}, async (contractObj) => {
try {
const params = {data: `0x${contract.code}`, arguments: req.body.inputs};
let gas = await contractObj.deploy(params).estimateGas();
let newContract = await contractObj.deploy(params).send({from: account, gas, gasPrice: req.body.gasPrice});
res.send({result: newContract._address});
} catch (e) {
res.send({result: e.message});
(req, res) => {
const result = [];
self.events.request('contracts:formatted:all', (contracts) => {
contracts.forEach((contract) => {
self.events.request('contracts:contract', contract.className, (c) => (
result.push(Object.assign(contract, c))
(req, res) => {
this.logger.trace(`POST request /embark-api/contract/deploy:\n ${JSON.stringify(req.body)}`);
if(typeof req.body.compiledContract !== 'object'){
return res.send({error: 'Body parameter \'compiledContract\' must be an object'});
self.compiledContracts = Object.assign(self.compiledContracts, req.body.compiledContract);
const contractNames = Object.keys(req.body.compiledContract);
self.build((err, _mgr) => {
return res.send({error: err.message});
// for each compiled contract, deploy (in parallel)
async.each(contractNames, (contractName, next) => {
const contract = self.contracts[contractName];
contract.args = []; /* TODO: override contract.args */
contract.className = contractName;
contract.isFiddle = true;
self.events.request("deploy:contract", contract, (err) => {
}, (err) => {
let responseData = {};
responseData.error = err.message;
else responseData.result = contractNames;
this.logger.trace(`POST response /embark-api/contract/deploy:\n ${JSON.stringify(responseData)}`);
}, false, false);
build(done, useContractFiles = true, resetContracts = true) {
let self = this;
self.contracts = {};
let compilerOptions = {disableOptimizations: this.disableOptimizations};
if(resetContracts) self.contracts = {};
function loadContractFiles(callback) {
self.events.request("config:contractsFiles", (contractsFiles) => {
self.contractsFiles = contractsFiles;
function loadContractConfigs(callback) {
self.events.request("config:contractsConfig", (contractsConfig) => {
self.contractsConfig = cloneDeep(contractsConfig);
function compileContracts(callback) {
self.events.emit("status", __("Compiling..."));
if (self.compileOnceOnly && self.compiledContracts && Object.keys(self.compiledContracts).length) {
return callback();
self.events.request("compiler:contracts", self.contractsFiles, compilerOptions, function (err, compiledObject) {
self.compiledContracts = compiledObject;
function prepareContractsFromConfig(callback) {
self.events.emit("status", __("Building..."));
// if we are appending contracts (ie fiddle), we
// don't need to build a contract from config, so
// we can skip this entirely
if(!resetContracts) return callback();
let className, contract;
for (className in self.contractsConfig.contracts) {
contract = self.contractsConfig.contracts[className];
contract.className = className;
contract.args = contract.args || [];
self.contracts[className] = contract;
function getGasPriceForNetwork(callback) {
return callback(null, self.contractsConfig.gasPrice);
function prepareContractsFromCompilation(gasPrice, callback) {
let className, compiledContract, contractConfig, contract;
for (className in self.compiledContracts) {
compiledContract = self.compiledContracts[className];
contractConfig = self.contractsConfig.contracts[className];
contract = self.contracts[className] || {className: className, args: []};
contract.code = compiledContract.code;
contract.runtimeBytecode = compiledContract.runtimeBytecode;
contract.realRuntimeBytecode = (compiledContract.realRuntimeBytecode || compiledContract.runtimeBytecode);
contract.swarmHash = compiledContract.swarmHash;
contract.gasEstimates = compiledContract.gasEstimates;
contract.functionHashes = compiledContract.functionHashes;
contract.abiDefinition = compiledContract.abiDefinition;
contract.filename = compiledContract.filename;
contract.originalFilename = compiledContract.originalFilename || ("contracts/" + contract.filename);
contract.path = fs.dappPath(contract.originalFilename);
contract.gas = (contractConfig && contractConfig.gas) || self.contractsConfig.gas || 'auto';
contract.gasPrice = contract.gasPrice || gasPrice;
contract.type = 'file';
contract.className = className;
self.contracts[className] = contract;
function setDeployIntention(callback) {
let className, contract;
for (className in self.contracts) {
contract = self.contracts[className];
contract.deploy = (contract.deploy === undefined) || contract.deploy;
if (self.deployOnlyOnConfig && !self.contractsConfig.contracts[className]) {
contract.deploy = false;
if (contract.code === "") {
const message = __("assuming %s to be an interface", className);
if (contract.silent) {
} else {
contract.deploy = false;
/*eslint complexity: ["error", 11]*/
function dealWithSpecialConfigs(callback) {
let className, contract, parentContractName, parentContract;
let dictionary = Object.keys(self.contracts);
for (className in self.contracts) {
contract = self.contracts[className];
if (contract.instanceOf === undefined) {
parentContractName = contract.instanceOf;
parentContract = self.contracts[parentContractName];
if (parentContract === className) {
self.logger.error(__("%s : instanceOf is set to itself", className));
if (parentContract === undefined) {
self.logger.error(__("{{className}}: couldn't find instanceOf contract {{parentContractName}}", {
className: className,
parentContractName: parentContractName
let suggestion = utils.proposeAlternative(parentContractName, dictionary, [className, parentContractName]);
if (suggestion) {
self.logger.warn(__('did you mean "%s"?', suggestion));
if (parentContract.args && parentContract.args.length > 0 && ((contract.args && contract.args.length === 0) || contract.args === undefined)) {
contract.args = parentContract.args;
if (contract.code !== undefined) {
self.logger.error(__("{{className}} has code associated to it but it's configured as an instanceOf {{parentContractName}}", {
className: className,
parentContractName: parentContractName
contract.code = parentContract.code;
contract.runtimeBytecode = parentContract.runtimeBytecode;
contract.realRuntimeBytecode = (parentContract.realRuntimeBytecode || parentContract.runtimeBytecode);
contract.gasEstimates = parentContract.gasEstimates;
contract.functionHashes = parentContract.functionHashes;
contract.abiDefinition = parentContract.abiDefinition;
contract.gas = contract.gas || parentContract.gas;
contract.gasPrice = contract.gasPrice || parentContract.gasPrice;
contract.type = 'instance';
function removeContractsWithNoCode(callback) {
let className, contract;
let dictionary = Object.keys(self.contracts);
for (className in self.contracts) {
contract = self.contracts[className];
if (contract.code === undefined) {
self.logger.error(__("%s has no code associated", className));
let suggestion = utils.proposeAlternative(className, dictionary, [className]);
if (suggestion) {
self.logger.warn(__('did you mean "%s"?', suggestion));
delete self.contracts[className];
// TODO: needs refactoring, has gotten too complex
/*eslint complexity: ["error", 16]*/
/*eslint max-depth: ["error", 16]*/
function determineDependencies(callback) {
let className, contract;
for (className in self.contracts) {
contract = self.contracts[className];
// look in code for dependencies
let libMatches = (contract.code.match(/:(.*?)(?=_)/g) || []);
for (let match of libMatches) {
self.contractDependencies[className] = self.contractDependencies[className] || [];
// look in arguments for dependencies
if (contract.args === []) continue;
let ref;
if (Array.isArray(contract.args)) {
ref = contract.args;
} else {
let keys = Object.keys(contract.args);
ref = keys.map((k) => contract.args[k]).filter((x) => !x);
for (let j = 0; j < ref.length; j++) {
let arg = ref[j];
if (arg[0] === "$" && !arg.startsWith('$accounts')) {
self.contractDependencies[className] = self.contractDependencies[className] || [];
self.checkDependency(className, arg.substr(1));
if (Array.isArray(arg)) {
for (let sub_arg of arg) {
if (sub_arg[0] === "$" && !sub_arg.startsWith('$accounts')) {
self.contractDependencies[className] = self.contractDependencies[className] || [];
self.checkDependency(className, sub_arg.substr(1));
// look in onDeploy for dependencies
if (contract.onDeploy !== [] && contract.onDeploy !== undefined) {
let regex = /\$\w+/g;
contract.onDeploy.map((cmd) => {
if (cmd.indexOf('$accounts') > -1) {
cmd.replace(regex, (match) => {
self.contractDependencies[className] = self.contractDependencies[className] || [];
// Remove duplicates
if (self.contractDependencies[className]) {
const o = {};
self.contractDependencies[className].forEach(function (e) {
o[e] = true;
self.contractDependencies[className] = Object.keys(o);
], function (err) {
if (err) {
self.compileError = true;
self.events.emit("status", __("Compile/Build error"));
self.events.emit("outputError", __("Error building Dapp, please check console"));
self.logger.error(__("Error Compiling/Building contracts: ") + err);
} else {
self.compileError = false;
done(err, self);
checkDependency(className, dependencyName) {
if (!this.contractDependencies[className]) {
if (!this.contracts[dependencyName]) {
this.logger.warn(__('{{className}} has a dependency on {{dependencyName}}', {className, dependencyName}) +
__(', but it is not present in the contracts'));
if (!this.contracts[dependencyName].deploy) {
this.logger.warn(__('{{className}} has a dependency on {{dependencyName}}', {className, dependencyName}) +
__(', but it is not set to deploy. It could be an interface.'));
getContract(className) {
return this.contracts[className];
getContractByTxHash(txHash, cb) {
this.events.request("blockchain:getTransaction", txHash, (err, tx) => {
if (err) return cb(err);
for (let contractName in this.contracts) {
let contract = this.contracts[contractName];
if (tx.to === contract.deployedAddress) {
return cb(null, contract);
cb("no known contract found for txHash: " + txHash);
sortContracts(contractList) {
let converted_dependencies = [], i;
for (let contract in this.contractDependencies) {
let dependencies = this.contractDependencies[contract];
for (i = 0; i < dependencies.length; i++) {
converted_dependencies.push([contract, dependencies[i]]);
let orderedDependencies;
try {
orderedDependencies = toposort(converted_dependencies.filter((x) => x[0] !== x[1])).reverse();
} catch (e) {
this.logger.error((__("Error: ") + e.message).red);
this.logger.error(__("there are two or more contracts that depend on each other in a cyclic manner").bold.red);
this.logger.error(__("Embark couldn't determine which one to deploy first").red);
throw new Error("CyclicDependencyError");
return contractList.sort(function (a, b) {
let order_a = orderedDependencies.indexOf(a.className);
let order_b = orderedDependencies.indexOf(b.className);
return order_a - order_b;
// TODO: should be built contracts
listContracts() {
let contracts = [];
for (let className in this.contracts) {
let contract = this.contracts[className];
return this.sortContracts(contracts);
contractsState() {
let data = [];
for (let className in this.contracts) {
let contract = this.contracts[className];
if (contract.silent) {
let contractData;
if (contract.deploy === false) {
contractData = [
__('Interface or set to not deploy').green,
} else if (contract.error) {
contractData = [
(contract.error).split("\n")[0].replace(/Error: /g, '').substring(0, 32).red,
} else {
contractData = [
(contract.deployedAddress || '...').green,
((contract.deployedAddress !== undefined) ? ("\t\t" + __("Deployed")).green : ("\t\t" + __("Pending")).magenta)
return data;
module.exports = ContractsManager;