emizzle 7e12c5a9f7 funding dev account updates
Now funds accounts only if they have not been funded, and also funds with only the amount needed.

Also fixed bug with unlocking accounts when re-running `unlockAccounts` on already created accounts.
2018-07-17 10:57:31 +02:00

129 lines
4.6 KiB

const async = require('async');
const Web3 = require('web3');
const { getWeiBalanceFromString, buildUrl } = require('../../utils/utils.js');
const { readFileSync, dappPath } = require('../../core/fs');
class DevFunds {
constructor(blockchainConfig) {
this.web3 = null;
this.blockchainConfig = blockchainConfig;
this.accounts = [];
this.numAccounts = this.blockchainConfig.account.numAccounts || 0;
this.password = readFileSync(dappPath('config/development/password'), 'utf8').replace('\n', '');
this.web3 = new Web3();
this.balance = Web3.utils.toWei("1", "ether");
if (this.blockchainConfig.account.balance) {
console.dir('[blockchain/dev_funds]: converting balance from ' + this.blockchainConfig.account.balance);
this.balance = getWeiBalanceFromString(this.blockchainConfig.account.balance, this.web3);
console.dir('[blockchain/dev_funds]: converted balance to ' + this.balance);
connectToNode(cb) {
this.web3.setProvider(new Web3.providers.WebsocketProvider(buildUrl('ws', this.blockchainConfig.wsHost, this.blockchainConfig.wsPort), { headers: { Origin: "http://localhost:8000" } }));
this.web3.eth.getAccounts().then((accounts) => {
this.web3.eth.defaultAccount = accounts[0];
if (accounts.length > 1) {
this.accounts = accounts.slice(1);
console.dir('----- CURRENT ACCOUNTS ' + this.accounts);
createAccounts(numAccounts, password, cb) {
const numAccountsToCreate = numAccounts - (this.accounts.length + 1);
if (numAccountsToCreate === 0) return cb();
console.dir("creating " + numAccountsToCreate + " new accounts with password " + password);
async.timesLimit(numAccountsToCreate, 1, (_, next) => {
console.dir("--- creating new account");
this.web3.eth.personal.newAccount(password, next);
}, (err, accounts) => {
if (err) console.error(err);
console.dir("-- accounts created are ");
this.accounts = accounts;
unlockAccounts(password, cb) {
console.dir('--- CURRENT ACCOUNTS ' + this.accounts);
async.each(this.accounts, (account, next) => {
console.dir('-- unlocking account ' + account + ' with password ' + password);
this.web3.eth.personal.unlockAccount(account, password).then((result) => {
console.dir('-- unlocked account ' + account + ' with password ' + password + ' and result ' + result);
}, (err) => {
console.dir('-- FINISHED UNLOCKING ACCOUNTS, err= ' + err);
fundAccounts(balance, cb) {
console.dir('-- funding accounts...');
async.each(this.accounts, (account, next) => {
this.web3.eth.getBalance(account).then(currBalance => {
const remainingBalance = balance - currBalance;
console.dir("---- account " + account + " balance needed = " + remainingBalance);
if (remainingBalance <= 0) return next();
console.dir("-- funding account " + account + " with balance " + remainingBalance);
this.web3.eth.sendTransaction({to: account, value: remainingBalance}).then((result) => {
console.dir('FUNDING ACCT result: ' + JSON.stringify(result));
}, (err) => {
console.dir('-- FINISHED FUNDING ACCOUNTS, err= ' + err);
createFundAndUnlockAccounts(cb) {
(next) => {
console.dir('--- CONNECTING TO NODE');
(next) => {
console.dir('--- CREATING THE ACCOUNTS');
this.createAccounts(this.numAccounts, this.password, next);
(next) => {
console.dir('--- UNLOCKING THE ACCOUNTS');
this.unlockAccounts(this.password, next);
(next) => {
console.dir('--- FUNDING THE ACCOUNTS');
this.fundAccounts(this.balance, next);
], (err) => {
console.dir(`--- COMPLETED THE ACCOUNTS (${this.accounts.join(', ')} and funded with ${this.balance} wei)`);
if (err) console.error('Error creating, unlocking, and funding accounts', JSON.stringify(err));
// this.web3.eth.getAccounts().then((accounts) => {
// let numAccts = accounts.length;
// accounts.forEach((account) => {
// this.web3.eth.getBalance(account).then((balance) => {
// console.dir('[contracts/dev_funds]: account ' + account + ' has balance of ' + balance);
// if(--numAccts === 0) cb(err);
// });
// });
// });
module.exports = DevFunds;