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synced 2025-02-26 04:15:29 +00:00
191 lines
4.6 KiB
191 lines
4.6 KiB
var mkdirp = require('mkdirp');
Blockchain = function(blockchainConfig) {
this.config = blockchainConfig;
Blockchain.prototype.generate_genesis_init_command = function() {
var config = this.config;
var address = config.account.address;
var cmd = "geth ";
if (config.datadir !== "default") {
cmd += "--datadir=\"" + config.datadir + "\" ";
cmd += "init \"" + config.genesisBlock + "\" ";
return cmd;
Blockchain.prototype.generate_init_command = function() {
var config = this.config;
var address = config.account.address;
var cmd = "geth ";
if (config.datadir !== "default") {
cmd += "--datadir=\"" + config.datadir + "\" ";
if (config.account.password !== void 0) {
cmd += "--password " + config.account.password + " ";
return cmd;
Blockchain.prototype.generate_basic_command = function() {
var config = this.config;
var address = config.account.address;
var cmd = "geth ";
var rpc_api = ['eth', 'web3'];
if (config.datadir !== "default") {
cmd += "--datadir=\"" + config.datadir + "\" ";
if (config.testnet) {
cmd += "--testnet ";
if (config.account.password !== void 0) {
cmd += "--password " + config.account.password + " ";
if (config.geth_extra_opts) {
cmd += config.geth_extra_opts + " ";
cmd += "--port " + config.port + " ";
cmd += "--rpc ";
cmd += "--rpcport " + config.rpcPort + " ";
cmd += "--rpcaddr " + config.rpcHost + " ";
cmd += "--networkid " + config.networkId + " ";
cmd += "--rpccorsdomain=\"" + config.rpcWhitelist + "\" ";
cmd += "--testnet "
if (config.minerthreads !== void 0) {
cmd += "--minerthreads \"" + config.minerthreads + "\" ";
if(config.mine_when_needed || config.mine)
cmd += "--mine ";
if (config.whisper) {
cmd += "--shh ";
cmd += '--rpcapi "' + rpc_api.join(',') + '" ';
//TODO: this should be configurable
cmd += "--maxpeers " + config.maxPeers + " ";
return cmd;
Blockchain.prototype.list_command = function() {
return this.generate_init_command() + "account list ";
Blockchain.prototype.init_command = function() {
return this.generate_init_command() + "account new ";
Blockchain.prototype.geth_command = function(geth_args) {
return this.generate_basic_command() + geth_args;
Blockchain.prototype.run_command = function(address, use_tmp) {
var cmd = this.generate_basic_command();
var config = this.config;
if (address !== void 0) {
cmd += "--unlock=" + address + " ";
if (config.bootNodes !== undefined && config.bootNodes.boot == true) {
cmd += "--bootnodes \"";
for (var i = 0; i < config.bootNodes.enodes.length; i++){
cmd += config.bootNodes.enodes[i];
if (i != config.bootNodes.enodes.length - 1) cmd += " ";
cmd += "\"";
if (config.mine_when_needed) {
if (use_tmp) {
cmd += "js /tmp/js/mine.js";
else {
cmd += "js node_modules/embark-framework/js/mine.js";
return cmd;
Blockchain.prototype.get_address = function() {
var config = this.config;
return config.account.address;
var address = null;
if (config.account.init) {
// ensure datadir exists, bypassing the interactive liabilities prompt.
var newDir = mkdirp.sync(config.datadir);
if (newDir) {
console.log("=== datadir created");
} else {
console.log("=== datadir already exists");
console.log("running: " + this.list_command());
result = exec(this.list_command());
if (result.output === undefined || result.output === '' || result.output.indexOf("Fatal") >= 0) {
if (config.genesisBlock !== void 0) {
console.log("initializing genesis block")
console.log("running: " + this.generate_genesis_init_command());
result = exec(this.generate_genesis_init_command());
console.log("running: " + this.init_command());
result = exec(this.init_command());
address = result.output.match(/{(\w+)}/)[1];
} else {
console.log("=== already initialized");
address = result.output.match(/{(\w+)}/)[1];
return address;
Blockchain.prototype.startChain = function(use_tmp) {
var address = this.get_address();
console.log("running: " + this.run_command(address, use_tmp));
exec(this.run_command(address, use_tmp));
Blockchain.prototype.execGeth = function(args) {
var cmd = this.geth_command(args);
console.log("executing: " + cmd);
Blockchain.prototype.getStartChainCommand = function(use_tmp) {
var address = this.get_address();
return this.run_command(address, use_tmp);
module.exports = Blockchain