/* global __dirname module require */ const cloneDeep = require('lodash.clonedeep'); const {copySync, ensureDirSync} = require('fs-extra'); const glob = require('glob'); const {dirname, join, normalize, relative, sep} = require('path'); // @babel/cli v7's --copy-files option does not work well together with // config-specified ignore paths, and that's a problem for embark-collective // actions since the @babel/cli invocation must be the same across all packages // in the collective; so any package in the collective that excludes src/ files // from transpilation via its package-local .babelrc.js should copy those files // into dist/, but only if they are expected to be in dist/; .babelrc.js should // also copy any non .js,.ts files into /dist // in this case we want we want to copy .hbs files function copyFiles (ignored) { const others = glob.sync( join(__dirname, 'src/**/*.*'), {ignore: [ join(__dirname, 'src/**/*.js'), join(__dirname, 'src/**/*.ts'), join(__dirname, 'src/**/*.disabled') ]} ).map(path => relative(__dirname, path)); ignored = ignored.concat(others).map(normalize); ignored .map(path => path.replace(`src${sep}`, `dist${sep}`)) .forEach((dest, index) => { ensureDirSync(dirname(join(__dirname, dest))); const source = ignored[index]; copySync(join(__dirname, source), join(__dirname, dest)); }); } module.exports = (api) => { const env = api.env(); const base = {}; const node = cloneDeep(base); if (env === 'node') { copyFiles([]); return node; } const test = cloneDeep(node); if (env === 'test') { copyFiles([]); return test; } return base; };