var Npm = require('./npm.js'); class LibraryManager { constructor(options) { this.plugins = options.plugins; this.config = options.config; this.contractsConfig = this.config.contractsConfig; this.storageConfig = this.config.storageConfig; this.embark = this.plugins.createPlugin('libraryManager', {}); this.determineVersions(); this.registerCommands(); this.listenToCommandsToGetVersions(); this.listenToCommandsToGetLibrary(); } determineVersions() { this.versions = {}; let solcVersionInConfig = this.contractsConfig.versions.solc; let web3VersionInConfig = this.contractsConfig.versions["web3"]; let ipfsApiVersion = this.storageConfig.versions["ipfs-api"]; this.versions['solc'] = solcVersionInConfig; this.versions['web3'] = web3VersionInConfig; this.versions['ipfs-api'] = ipfsApiVersion; Object.keys(this.versions).forEach(versionKey => { const newVersion = this.versions[versionKey].trim(); if (newVersion !== this.versions[versionKey]) { this.embark.logger.warn(`There a a space in the version of ${versionKey}. We corrected it for you ("${this.versions[versionKey]}" => "${newVersion}").`); this.versions[versionKey] = newVersion; } }); } registerCommands() { const self = this; this.embark.registerConsoleCommand((cmd, _options) => { if (cmd === "versions") { let text = ['versions in use:']; for (let lib in self.versions) { text.push(lib + ": " + self.versions[lib]); } return text.join('\n'); } return false; }); } listenToCommandsToGetVersions() { const self = this; for (let libName in this.versions) { let lib = self.versions[libName];'version:get:' + libName, (cb) => { cb(lib); }); } } listenToCommandsToGetLibrary() { let npm = new Npm({logger: this.embark.logger}); // the installed package e.g solc'version:getPackageLocation', (libName, version, cb) => { npm.getPackageVersion(libName, version, false, false, cb); }); // only the file e.g dist/web3.js'version:getFileLocation', (libName, version, cb) => { npm.getPackageVersion(libName, version, false, true, cb); }); } } module.exports = LibraryManager;