var readYaml = require('read-yaml'); var fs = require('fs'); var toposort = require('toposort'); ContractsConfig = function(blockchainConfig, compiler) { this.blockchainConfig = blockchainConfig; this.compiler = compiler; this.contractFiles = []; } ContractsConfig.prototype.init = function(files, env) { this.all_contracts = []; this.contractDB = {}; this.contractFiles = files; this.contractDependencies = {}; this.contractStubs = {}; //TODO: have to specify environment otherwise wouldn't work with staging if (this.blockchainConfig.config != undefined) { //this.blockchainConfig = this.blockchainConfig.config('development'); this.blockchainConfig = this.blockchainConfig.config(env); } }; ContractsConfig.prototype.loadConfigFile = function(filename) { try { this.contractConfig = readYaml.sync(filename); } catch (e) { throw new Error("error reading " + filename); } return this; }; ContractsConfig.prototype.loadConfig = function(config) { this.contractConfig = config; return this; }; ContractsConfig.prototype.config = function(env) { return this.contractConfig[env]; }; ContractsConfig.prototype.is_a_token = function(target, compiled_contracts) { for (var className in compiled_contracts) { if (this.contractStubs[className] && this.contractStubs[className].indexOf(target) >= 0) { return true; } } return false; }; ContractsConfig.prototype.compileContracts = function(env) { var contractFile, source, j; var contractsConfig = this.config(env); this.compiler.init(env); // determine dependencies if (contractsConfig != null) { for (className in contractsConfig) { options = contractsConfig[className]; if (options.args == null) continue; ref = options.args; //get arguments for (j = 0; j < ref.length; j++) { arg = ref[j]; if (arg[0] === "$") { //check if they are a contract dependency if (this.contractDependencies[className] === void 0) { this.contractDependencies[className] = []; } this.contractDependencies[className].push(arg.substr(1)); } } this.contractStubs[className] = options.stubs; } } var all_compiled_contracts = {}; // compile files compiled_contracts = this.compiler.compile(this.contractFiles); for (var className in compiled_contracts) { var contract = compiled_contracts[className]; if (this.is_a_token(className, compiled_contracts)) { continue; } all_compiled_contracts[className] = contract; this.all_contracts.push(className); this.contractDB[className] = { args: [], types: ['file'], gasPrice: this.blockchainConfig.gasPrice, gasLimit: this.blockchainConfig.gasLimit, compiled: contract } } // TODO: move this for(className in contractsConfig) { var contractConfig = contractsConfig[className]; var contract; contract = this.contractDB[className]; if (contract === undefined) { contract = { args: [], types: ['file'], gasPrice: this.blockchainConfig.gasPrice, gasLimit: this.blockchainConfig.gasLimit, compiled: contract } this.contractDB[className] = contract; } contract.gasPrice = contractConfig.gas_price || contract.gasPrice; contract.gasLimit = contractConfig.gas_limit || contract.gasLimit; contract.args = contractConfig.args || []; contract.address = contractConfig.address; contract.onDeploy = contractConfig.onDeploy || []; if (contractConfig.instanceOf !== undefined) { contract.types.push('instance'); contract.instanceOf = contractConfig.instanceOf; contract.compiled = all_compiled_contracts[contractConfig.instanceOf]; } if (contractConfig.address !== undefined) { contract.types.push('static'); } contract.deploy = contractConfig.deploy; if (contractConfig.deploy === undefined) { contract.deploy = true; } if (this.all_contracts.indexOf(className) < 0) { this.all_contracts.push(className); } } this.sortContracts(); }; ContractsConfig.prototype.sortContracts = function() { var converted_dependencies = [], i; for(contract in this.contractDependencies) { var dependencies = this.contractDependencies[contract]; for(i=0; i < dependencies.length; i++) { converted_dependencies.push([contract, dependencies[i]]); } } var orderedDependencies = toposort(converted_dependencies).reverse(); this.all_contracts = this.all_contracts.sort(function(a,b) { var order_a = orderedDependencies.indexOf(a); var order_b = orderedDependencies.indexOf(b); return order_a - order_b; });; }; module.exports = ContractsConfig;