Configuring & Using Contracts =============== Embark will automatically take care of deployment for you and set all needed JS bindings. For example, the contract below: .. code:: javascript # app/contracts/simple_storage.sol contract SimpleStorage { uint public storedData; function SimpleStorage(uint initialValue) { storedData = initialValue; } function set(uint x) { storedData = x; } function get() constant returns (uint retVal) { return storedData; } } Will automatically be available in Javascript as: .. code:: javascript # app/js/index.js SimpleStorage.set(100); SimpleStorage.get().then(function(value) { console.log(value.toNumber()) }); SimpleStorage.storedData().then(function(value) { console.log(value.toNumber()) }); You can specify for each contract and environment its gas costs and arguments: .. code:: json # config/contracts.json { "development": { "gas": "auto", "contracts": { "SimpleStorage": { "args": [ 100 ] } } } } If you are using multiple contracts, you can pass a reference to another contract as ``$ContractName``, Embark will automatically replace this with the correct address for the contract. .. code:: json # config/contracts.json { ... "development": { "contracts": { "SimpleStorage": { "args": [ 100, "$MyStorage" ] }, "MyStorage": { "args": [ "initial string" ] }, "MyMainContract": { "args": [ "$SimpleStorage" ] } } } ... } You can now deploy many instances of the same contract. e.g .. code:: json # config/contracts.json { "development": { "contracts": { "Currency": { "deploy": false, "args": [ 100 ] }, "Usd": { "instanceOf": "Currency", "args": [ 200 ] }, "MyCoin": { "instanceOf": "Currency", "args": [ 200 ] } } } } ... Contracts addresses can be defined, If an address is defined the contract wouldn't be deployed but its defined address will be used instead. .. code:: json # config/contracts.json { ... "development": { "contracts": { "UserStorage": { "address": "0x123456" }, "UserManagement": { "args": [ "$UserStorage" ] } } } ... }