const fs = require('../core/fs.js'); const {PerformanceObserver, performance} = require('perf_hooks'); const PluginManager = require('live-plugin-manager').PluginManager; require('colors'); const _ = require('underscore'); class Npm { constructor(options) { this.logger = options.logger; } getPackageVersion(packageName, version, callback) { let packageDirectory = './.embark/versions/' + packageName + '/' + version + '/'; let manager = new PluginManager({pluginsPath: packageDirectory}); if (fs.existsSync(packageDirectory + packageName)) { return callback(null, packageDirectory + packageName); }"Downloading {{packageName}} {{version}}...", {packageName: packageName, version: version})); const obsMeasure = new PerformanceObserver((items) => { let entry; let strDuration; // find any download ongoing measurements we've made entry = _.last(_.where(items.getEntries(), {name: downloadOngoing})); if(entry){ // ongoing performance mark strDuration = __('Still downloading {{packageName}} {{version}}... ({{duration}}ms elapsed)', {packageName: packageName, version: version, duration: entry.duration}); } else{ // otherwise, find our download complete measurement entry = _.last(_.where(items.getEntries(), {name: downloadComplete})); if(entry){ strDuration = __('Finished downloading {{packageName}} {{version}} in {{duration}}ms', {packageName: packageName, version: version, duration: entry.duration}); performance.clearMarks(); } } // log our measurement and make it red if it has taken too long if(entry && strDuration){ if(entry.duration > 1000){ strDuration =; }; } }); obsMeasure.observe({entryTypes: ['measure']}); // define mark and measurement names let startMark = 'downloadStart' + packageName + version; let ongoingMark = 'downloadOngoingMark' + packageName + version; let downloadOngoing = 'downloadOngoing' + packageName + version; let endMark = 'downloadEnd' + packageName + version; let downloadComplete = 'downloadComplete' + packageName + version; // mark our start time performance.mark(startMark); // function that continually updates the console to show user that we're downloading a library let intOngoingDownload = setInterval( function(){ performance.mark(ongoingMark); performance.measure(downloadOngoing, startMark, ongoingMark); }, 750); // do the package download/install manager.install(packageName, version).then((result) => { // stop updating console for ongoing download clearInterval(intOngoingDownload); performance.mark(endMark); performance.measure(downloadComplete, startMark, endMark); callback(null , result.location); }).catch(callback); } } module.exports = Npm;