const NetcatClient = require('netcat/client'); //Constants const minerStart = 'miner_start'; const minerStop = 'miner_stop'; const getHashRate = 'miner_getHashrate'; class GethMiner { constructor() { const self = this; // TODO: Find a way to load mining config from YML. // In the meantime, just set an empty config object this.config = {}; const defaults = { interval_ms: 15000, initial_ether: 15000000000000000000, mine_pending_txns: true, mine_periodically: false, mine_normally: false, threads: 1 }; for (let key in defaults) { if (this.config[key] === undefined) { this.config[key] = defaults[key]; } } const isWin = process.platform === "win32"; let ipcPath; if (isWin) { ipcPath = '\\\\.\\pipe\\geth.ipc'; } else { ipcPath = this.datadir + '/geth.ipc'; } this.client = new NetcatClient(); this.client.unixSocket(ipcPath) .enc('utf8') .connect() .on('data', function(res){ if (self.callback) { self.callback(null, res); self.callback = null; } }); if (this.config.mine_normally) { return this.sendCommand(minerStart); } self.sendCommand(minerStop, () => { self.fundAccount(function () { if (this.config.mine_periodically) self.start_periodic_mining(); if (this.config.mine_pending_txns) self.start_transaction_mining(); }); }); } sendCommand(method, callback) { if (callback) { this.callback = callback; } this.client.send(JSON.stringify({"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": method, "params": [], "id": 1})); } fundAccount(cb) { const self = this; const accountFunded = function () { // TODO check for APIs return (eth.getBalance(eth.coinbase) >= self.config.initial_ether); }; if (accountFunded()) { return cb(); } console.log("== Funding account"); this.sendCommand(minerStart); const blockWatcher = web3.eth.filter("latest").watch(function () { if (accountFunded()) { console.log("== Account funded"); blockWatcher.stopWatching(); self.sendCommand(minerStop, cb); } }); } pendingTransactions() { if (web3.eth.pendingTransactions === undefined || web3.eth.pendingTransactions === null) { return txpool.status.pending || txpool.status.queued; } else if (typeof web3.eth.pendingTransactions === "function") { return web3.eth.pendingTransactions().length > 0; } else { return web3.eth.pendingTransactions.length > 0 || web3.eth.getBlock('pending').transactions.length > 0; } } start_periodic_mining() { const self = this; let last_mined_ms =; let timeout_set = false; self.sendCommand(minerStart); web3.eth.filter("latest").watch(function () { if ((self.config.mine_pending_txns && self.pendingTransactions()) || timeout_set) { return; } timeout_set = true; const now =; const ms_since_block = now - last_mined_ms; last_mined_ms = now; let next_block_in_ms; if (ms_since_block > self.config.interval_ms) { next_block_in_ms = 0; } else { next_block_in_ms = (self.config.interval_ms - ms_since_block); } self.sendCommand(minerStop); console.log("== Looking for next block in " + next_block_in_ms + "ms"); setTimeout(function () { console.log("== Looking for next block"); timeout_set = false; //miner_obj.start(config.threads); self.sendCommand(minerStart); }, next_block_in_ms); }); } start_transaction_mining() { const self = this; web3.eth.filter("pending").watch(function () { self.sendCommand(getHashRate, (err, response) => { if (response.result > 0) return; console.log("== Pending transactions! Looking for next block..."); self.sendCommand(minerStart); }); }); if (self.config.mine_periodically) return; web3.eth.filter("latest").watch(function () { if (!self.pendingTransactions()) { console.log("== No transactions left. Stopping miner..."); self.sendCommand(minerStop); } }); } } module.exports = GethMiner;