var hashmerge = require('hashmerge'); var readYaml = require('read-yaml'); var shelljs = require('shelljs'); var shelljs_global = require('shelljs/global'); var web3 = require('web3'); var commander = require('commander'); var wrench = require('wrench'); var python = require('python'); var syncMe = require('sync-me'); var methodmissing = require('methodmissing'); var jasmine = require('jasmine'); //var Tests = require('./test.js'); var Blockchain = require('./blockchain.js'); var Deploy = require('./deploy.js'); var Release = require('./ipfs.js'); var Config = require('./config/config.js'); var Compiler = require('./compiler.js'); var ChainManager = require('./chain_manager.js'); Embark = { init: function() { this.blockchainConfig = (new Config.Blockchain()); this.compiler = (new Compiler(this.blockchainConfig)); this.contractsConfig = (new Config.Contracts(this.blockchainConfig, this.compiler)); this.chainManager = (new ChainManager()); }, //tests: function() { // return new Tests(); //}, startBlockchain: function(env, use_tmp) { var chain = new Blockchain(this.blockchainConfig.config(env)); chain.startChain(use_tmp); }, copyMinerJavascriptToTemp: function(){ //TODO: better with --exec, but need to fix console bug first wrench.copyDirSyncRecursive(__dirname + "/../js", "/tmp/js", {forceDelete: true}); }, getStartBlockchainCommand: function(env, use_tmp) { var chain = new Blockchain(this.blockchainConfig.config(env)); return chain.getStartChainCommand(use_tmp); }, deployContracts: function(env, contractFiles, destFile, chainFile, cb) { this.contractsConfig.init(contractFiles, env); this.chainManager.loadConfigFile(chainFile) var deploy = new Deploy(env, contractFiles, this.blockchainConfig.config(env), this.contractsConfig, this.chainManager); deploy.deploy_contracts(env, function() { console.log("contracts deployed; generating abi file"); var result = deploy.generate_abi_file(); cb(result); }); }, geth: function(env, args) { var chain = new Blockchain(this.blockchainConfig.config(env)); chain.execGeth(args); }, release: Release } module.exports = Embark;