const {assert, expect} = require('chai'); const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const sinon = require('sinon'); const ContractSources = require('../lib/modules/coverage/contract_sources'); const ContractSource = require('../lib/modules/coverage/contract_source'); const SourceMap = require('../lib/modules/coverage/source_map'); function fixturePath(fixture) { return path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', fixture); } function loadFixture(fixture) { return fs.readFileSync(fixturePath(fixture)).toString(); } function dumpToFile(obj, path) { return fs.writeFileSync(path, JSON.stringify(obj)); } describe('ContractSources', () => { describe('constructor', () => { it('should read files and create instances of ContractSource', (done) => { const contractPath = fixturePath('cont.sol'); var cs = new ContractSources([contractPath]); assert.instanceOf(cs.files['cont.sol'], ContractSource); done(); }); it('should work when a single path is passed', (done) => { const contractPath = fixturePath('cont.sol'); var cs = new ContractSources(contractPath); assert.instanceOf(cs.files['cont.sol'], ContractSource); done(); }); it('should throw an error when the file does not exist', (done) => { assert.throws(() => { new ContractSources(['fixtures/404.sol']) }, 'Error loading fixtures/404.sol: ENOENT'); done(); }); }); describe('#toSolcInputs', () => { it('should build the hash in the format that solc likes', (done) => { const contractPath = fixturePath('cont.sol'); var cs = new ContractSources([contractPath]); assert.deepEqual({ 'cont.sol': {content: cs.files['cont.sol'].body} }, cs.toSolcInputs()); done(); }); }); describe('#parseSolcOutput', () => { it('should send the output to each of the ContractSource instances', (done) => { const contractPath = fixturePath('cont.sol'); var cs = new ContractSources([contractPath]); var parseSolcOutputSpy = sinon.spy(cs.files['cont.sol'], 'parseSolcOutput'); const solcOutput = JSON.parse(loadFixture('solc-output.json')); cs.parseSolcOutput(solcOutput); assert(parseSolcOutputSpy.calledOnce); done(); }); }); }); describe('ContractSource', () => { const contractSource = ` pragma solidity ^0.4.24; contract x { int number; string name; constructor(string _name) public { name = _name; } function g(int _number) public returns (int _multiplication) { number = _number; return _number * 5; } function f(int _foo, int _bar) public pure returns (int _addition) { return _foo + _bar; } function h(int _bar) public pure returns (bool _great) { if(_bar > 25) { return true; } else { return false; } } } `.trim(); const cs = new ContractSource('contract.sol', contractSource); describe('constructor', () => { it('should set line offsets and line lengths correctly', (done) => { // +1 here accounts for a newline assert.equal("pragma solidity ^0.4.24;".length + 1, cs.lineOffsets[1]); done(); }); }); describe('#sourceMapToLocations', () => { it('should return objects that indicate start and end location and columns', (done) => { // constructor function var loc = cs.sourceMapToLocations('71:60:0'); assert.deepEqual({line: 7, column: 2}, loc.start); assert.deepEqual({line: 11, column: 3}, loc.end); // f function loc = cs.sourceMapToLocations('257:104:0'); assert.deepEqual({line: 21, column: 2}, loc.start); assert.deepEqual({line: 27, column: 3}, loc.end); // g function loc = cs.sourceMapToLocations('135:118:0'); assert.deepEqual({line: 13, column: 2}, loc.start); assert.deepEqual({line: 19, column: 3}, loc.end); done(); }); }); describe('#parseSolcOutput', () => { it('should parse the bytecode output correctly', (done) => { var solcOutput = JSON.parse(loadFixture('solc-output.json')); const contractPath = fixturePath('cont.sol'); var cs = new ContractSources(contractPath); cs.parseSolcOutput(solcOutput); var contractSource = cs.files['cont.sol']; assert.isNotEmpty(contractSource.contractBytecode); assert.isNotEmpty(contractSource.contractBytecode['x']); var bytecode = contractSource.contractBytecode['x']; assert.deepEqual({instruction: 'PUSH1', sourceMap: '26:487:0:-', seen: false}, bytecode[0]); assert.deepEqual({instruction: 'PUSH1', sourceMap: '', seen: false}, bytecode[2]); assert.deepEqual({instruction: 'MSTORE', sourceMap: '', seen: false}, bytecode[4]); assert.deepEqual({instruction: 'PUSH1', sourceMap: '', seen: false}, bytecode[5]); done(); }); }); describe('#generateCodeCoverage', () => { it('should return an error when solc output was not parsed', (done) => { const contractPath = fixturePath('cont.sol'); var cs = new ContractSources(contractPath); var contractSource = cs.files['cont.sol']; var trace = JSON.parse(loadFixture('geth-debugtrace-output-g.json')); assert.throws(() => { contractSource.generateCodeCoverage(trace); }, 'Error generating coverage: solc output was not assigned'); done(); }); it('should return a coverage report when solc output was parsed', (done) => { var solcOutput = JSON.parse(loadFixture('solc-output.json')); const contractPath = fixturePath('cont.sol'); var cs = new ContractSources(contractPath); cs.parseSolcOutput(solcOutput); var trace = JSON.parse(loadFixture('geth-debugtrace-output-h-5.json')); var coverage = cs.generateCodeCoverage(trace); dumpToFile(coverage, '/tmp/coverage.json'); done(); }); it('should merge coverages as we add more traces', (done) => { const contractPath = fixturePath('cont.sol'); var cs = new ContractSources(contractPath); const solcOutput = JSON.parse(loadFixture('solc-output.json')); cs.parseSolcOutput(solcOutput); var trace = JSON.parse(loadFixture('geth-debugtrace-output-h-5.json')); cs.generateCodeCoverage(trace); trace = JSON.parse(loadFixture('geth-debugtrace-output-h-50.json')); var coverage = cs.generateCodeCoverage(trace)['cont.sol']; // In the fixture, the branch has an ID of 61, and the function has the // ID of 63 assert.deepEqual([1,1], coverage.b['61']); assert.equal(2, coverage.f['63']); done(); }); }); }); describe('SourceMap', () => { describe('#subtract', () => { it('should return the correct values', (done) => { var sm1 = new SourceMap('365:146:0'); var sm2 = new SourceMap('428:83:0'); var result = sm1.subtract(sm2); assert.equal(365, result.offset); assert.equal(63, result.length); done(); }); }); });