let fs = require('../core/fs.js'); let async = require('async'); //var Plugins = require('../core/plugins.js'); var utils = require('../utils/utils.js'); //var Npm = require('../pipeline/npm.js'); //let currentWeb3Version = require('../../package.json').dependencies.web3.replace("^",""); const webpack = require("webpack"); require("babel-preset-react"); require("babel-preset-es2015"); require("babel-preset-es2016"); require("babel-preset-es2017"); class Pipeline { constructor(options) { this.buildDir = options.buildDir; this.contractsFiles = options.contractsFiles; this.assetFiles = options.assetFiles; this.events = options.events; this.logger = options.logger; this.plugins = options.plugins; } build(abi, contractsJSON, path, callback) { let self = this; this.buildContracts(contractsJSON); self.buildWeb3JS(function() { // limit:1 due to issues when downloading required files such as web3.js async.eachOfLimit(self.assetFiles, 1, function (files, targetFile, cb) { // limit:1 due to issues when downloading required files such as web3.js async.mapLimit(files, 1, function(file, fileCb) { self.logger.trace("reading " + file.filename); if (file.filename.indexOf('.js') >= 0) { let importsList = {}; //importsList["Embark/EmbarkJS"] = fs.embarkPath("js/embark.js"); importsList["Embark/EmbarkJS"] = utils.joinPath(fs.dappPath(), ".embark", 'embark.js'); importsList["Embark/web3"] = utils.joinPath(fs.dappPath(), ".embark", 'web3_instance.js'); importsList["Embark/contracts/SimpleStorage"] = utils.joinPath(fs.dappPath(), ".embark", 'SimpleStorage.js'); self.plugins.getPluginsProperty('imports', 'imports').forEach(function (importObject) { let [importName, importLocation] = importObject; importsList[importName] = importLocation; }); for (let contractName in contractsJSON) { let contractCode = self.buildContractJS(contractName); let filePath = utils.joinPath(fs.dappPath(), ".embark", contractName + '.js'); fs.writeFileSync(filePath, contractCode); importsList["Embark/contracts/" + contractName] = filePath; } let realCwd; async.waterfall([ function findImports(next) { self.webpackRun(file.filename, {}, false, importsList, false, next); }, function changeCwd(next) { realCwd = process.env.PWD; process.chdir(fs.embarkPath('')); next(); }, //function findImportsPhase2(next) { // console.log("====> findImports_2"); // self.webpackRun(file.filename, { // externals: function(context, request, callback) { // if (request === utils.joinPath(fs.dappPath(), file.filename)) { // callback(); // } else { // //if (request.indexOf('Embark/contracts/') === 0) { // // let contractName = request.split('/')[2]; // // let contractCode = self.buildContractJS(contractName); // // let filePath = utils.joinPath(fs.dappPath(), ".embark", contractName + '.js'); // // fs.writeFileSync(filePath, contractCode); // // importsList[request] = filePath; // //} // callback(null, "amd " + Math.random()); // } // } // }, true, importsList, next); //}, function runWebpack(next) { self.webpackRun(file.filename, {}, true, importsList, true, next); }, function changeCwdBack(next) { process.chdir(realCwd); next(); } ], function(err, _result) { if (err) { process.chdir(realCwd); self.logger.error(err); return fileCb(err); } if (!fs.existsSync('./.embark/' + file.filename)) { self.logger.error("couldn't find file: " + file.filename); return fileCb("couldn't find file: " + file.filename); } let fileContent = fs.readFileSync('./.embark/' + file.filename).toString(); fileCb(null, {content: fileContent, filename: file.filename, path: file.path, modified: true}); }); } else { file.content(function(fileContent) { return fileCb(null, {content: fileContent, filename: file.filename, path: file.path, modified: true}); }); } }, function (err, contentFiles) { if (err) { self.logger.warn('errors found while generating ' + targetFile); } let dir = targetFile.split('/').slice(0, -1).join('/'); self.logger.trace("creating dir " + self.buildDir + dir); fs.mkdirpSync(self.buildDir + dir); // if it's a directory if (targetFile.slice(-1) === '/' || targetFile.indexOf('.') === -1) { let targetDir = targetFile; if (targetDir.slice(-1) !== '/') { targetDir = targetDir + '/'; } contentFiles.map(function (file) { let filename = file.filename.replace('app/', ''); filename = filename.replace(targetDir, ''); self.logger.info("writing file " + (self.buildDir + targetDir + filename).bold.dim); fs.copySync(file.path, self.buildDir + targetDir + filename, {overwrite: true}); }); } else { let content = contentFiles.map(function (file) { if (file === undefined) { return ""; } return file.content; }).join("\n"); self.logger.info("writing file " + (self.buildDir + targetFile).bold.dim); fs.writeFileSync(self.buildDir + targetFile, content); } cb(); } ); }, function (_err, _results) { callback(); }); }); } webpackRun(filename, options, includeModules, importsList, detectErrors, callback) { let defaultOptions = { entry: utils.joinPath(fs.dappPath(), filename), output: { libraryTarget: 'umd', path: utils.joinPath(fs.dappPath(), '.embark'), filename: filename }, resolve: { alias: importsList, modules: [ fs.embarkPath('node_modules'), utils.joinPath(fs.dappPath(), 'node_modules') ] }, externals: function(context, request, callback) { callback(); } }; let webpackOptions = utils.recursiveMerge(defaultOptions, options); if (includeModules) { webpackOptions.module = { rules: [ { test: /\.css$/, use: [{loader: "style-loader"}, {loader: "css-loader"}] }, { test: /\.scss$/, use: [{loader: "style-loader"}, {loader: "css-loader"}] }, { test: /\.(png|woff|woff2|eot|ttf|svg)$/, loader: 'url-loader?limit=100000' }, { test: /\.js$/, loader: "babel-loader", exclude: /(node_modules|bower_components)/, options: { presets: ['es2016', 'es2017', 'react'], plugins: ["babel-plugin-webpack-aliases"] } } ] }; } webpack(webpackOptions).run((_err, _stats) => { if (!detectErrors) { return callback(); } if (_stats.hasErrors()) { return callback(_stats.toJson().errors.join("\n")); } callback(); }); } buildContracts(contractsJSON) { fs.mkdirpSync(utils.joinPath(fs.dappPath(), this.buildDir, 'contracts')); for (let className in contractsJSON) { let contract = contractsJSON[className]; fs.writeJSONSync(utils.joinPath(fs.dappPath(), this.buildDir, 'contracts', className + ".json"), contract, {spaces: 2}); } } buildContractJS(contractName) { let contractJSON = fs.readFileSync(utils.joinPath(fs.dappPath(), this.buildDir, 'contracts', contractName + '.json')).toString(); let contractCode = ""; contractCode += "import web3 from 'Embark/web3';\n"; contractCode += "import EmbarkJS from 'Embark/EmbarkJS';\n"; contractCode += "let " + contractName + "JSONConfig = " + contractJSON + ";\n"; contractCode += "let " + contractName + " = new EmbarkJS.Contract(" + contractName + "JSONConfig);\n"; contractCode += "\n__embarkContext.execWhenReady(function() {\n"; contractCode += "\n" + contractName + ".setProvider(web3.currentProvider);\n"; contractCode += "\n});\n"; contractCode += "export default " + contractName + ";\n"; return contractCode; } buildWeb3JS(cb) { const self = this; let code = ""; async.waterfall([ function getWeb3Location(next) { self.events.request("version:get:web3", function(web3Version) { if (web3Version === "1.0.0-beta") { return next(null, utils.joinPath(fs.embarkPath("js/web3-1.0.min.js"))); } else { self.events.request("version:getPackageLocation", "web3", web3Version, function(err, location) { return next(null, utils.joinPath(process.env.PWD, location)); }); } }); }, function getImports(web3Location, next) { code += "\nimport Web3 from '" + web3Location + "';\n"; code += "\n if (typeof web3 !== 'undefined') {"; code += "\n } else {"; code += "\n var web3 = new Web3();\n"; code += "\n }"; self.events.request('provider-code', function(providerCode) { code += providerCode; code += "\nglobal.__embarkContext = __mainContext.__loadManagerInstance;\n"; code += "\nwindow.web3 = web3;\n"; code += "\nexport default web3;\n"; next(); }); }, function writeFile(next) { let filePath = utils.joinPath(fs.dappPath(), ".embark", 'web3_instance.js'); fs.mkdirpSync(utils.joinPath(fs.dappPath(), ".embark")); fs.writeFileSync(filePath, code); next(); } ], function(_err, _result) { cb(); }); } } module.exports = Pipeline;