import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import {Treebeard, decorators} from 'react-treebeard'; import {Form} from 'tabler-react'; const Header = ({style, node}) => { const iconType = node.children ? 'folder' : 'file'; const iconClass = `fe fe-${iconType}`; const iconStyle = {marginRight: '5px'}; return (
); }; Header.propTypes = { style: PropTypes.object, node: PropTypes.object }; decorators.Header = Header; class FileExplorer extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { showHidden: false }; } onToggle(node, toggled) { = true; if (node.children) { node.toggled = toggled; } else { this.props.fetchFile(node); } this.setState({cursor: node}); } onHiddenToggle(e) { this.setState({showHidden:}); } nodeEquals(a, b) { return a && b && a.path && b.path && && && a.path === b.path && ===; } isNodeInPath(a, b) { return a && b && a.path && b.path && a.path !== b.path && b.path.indexOf(a.path) > -1; } filterHidden(nodes) { let filtered = []; if (!Array.isArray(nodes)) return filtered; // we need a foreach to build an array instead of a // filter to prevent mutating the original object (in props) nodes.forEach(node => { const {showHidden, cursor} = this.state; if (!showHidden && node.isHidden) return; let updatedNode = {...node}; // if it's a folder, filter the children if (node.children) { let children = this.filterHidden(node.children); if (children.length) { updatedNode.children = children; } } // if this is the selected node, set it as active if (this.nodeEquals(node, cursor)) { =; // if this node has children, set it as toggled if (node.children) updatedNode.toggled = cursor.toggled; } // if this is a directory, and it lies in the path // of the selected node, ensure it's toggled if (node.children && this.isNodeInPath(node, cursor)) { updatedNode.toggled = true; } filtered.push(updatedNode); }); return filtered; } render() { return ( ); } } FileExplorer.propTypes = { files: PropTypes.array, fetchFile: PropTypes.func }; export default FileExplorer;