import { each } from "async"; import { Callback, Logger } /* supplied by @types/embark in packages/embark-typings */ from "embark"; import { compact, dappPath, isEs6Module, recursiveMerge } from "embark-utils"; import * as path from "path"; import { NodeVM, NodeVMOptions } from "vm2"; const WEB3_INVALID_RESPONSE_ERROR: string = "Invalid JSON RPC response"; interface Command { varName: string; code: any; } /** * Wraps an instance of NodeVM from VM2 ( and allows * code evaluations in the fully sandboxed NodeVM context. */ class VM { /** * The local instance of NodeVM that is wrapped */ private vm!: NodeVM; /** * These external requires are the whitelisted requires allowed during evaluation * of code in the VM. Any other require attempts will error with "The module '' * is not whitelisted in VM." * Currently, all of the allowed external requires appear in the EmbarkJS scripts. If * the requires change in any of the EmbarkJS scripts, they will need to be updated here. */ // private _options: NodeVMOptions = { public _options: NodeVMOptions = { require: { builtin: ["path", "util"], external: [ "@babel/runtime-corejs3/core-js/json/stringify", "@babel/runtime-corejs3/core-js/object/assign", "@babel/runtime-corejs3/core-js/promise", "@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/interopRequireDefault", // "embark-utils", // TODO: ideally this shouldnt' be needed/here or should be configurable by the modules themselves somehow // "embarkjs-ens", // "embarkjs-ipfs", // "embarkjs-swarm", // "embarkjs-whisper", // "eth-ens-namehash", // "ipfs-api", "rxjs", "rxjs/operators", // "web3", // "swarm-api", ], }, sandbox: { __dirname: dappPath() }, }; /** * @constructor * @param {NodeVMOptions} options Options to instantiate the NodeVM with. * @param {Logger} logger Logger. */ constructor(options: NodeVMOptions, private logger: Logger) { this._options = recursiveMerge(this._options, options); this.setupNodeVm(() => { }); } public get options(): NodeVMOptions { return this._options; } /** * Transforms a snippet of code such that the last expression is returned, * so long as it is not an assignment. * @param {String} code Code to run. * @returns Formatted code. */ private static formatCode(code: string) { const instructions = compact(code.split(";")); const last = instructions.pop().trim(); const awaiting = code.indexOf("await") > -1; if (!(last.includes("return") || last.includes("="))) { instructions.push(`return ${last}`); } else { instructions.push(last); } code = instructions.join(";"); return `module.exports = (${awaiting ? "async" : ""} function () {${code};})()`; } /** * Evaluate a snippet of code in the VM. * @param {String} code Code to evaluate. * @param {Boolean} tolerateError If true, errors are logged to the logger (appears in the console). * @param {Callback} cb Callback function that is called on error or completion of evaluation. */ public async doEval(code: string, tolerateError = false, cb: Callback) { code = VM.formatCode(code); let result: any; try { result =, __filename); } catch (e) { if (!tolerateError) { this.logger.error(e.message); } return cb(e); } try { result = await result; } catch (error) { // Improve error message when there's no connection to node if (error.message && error.message.indexOf(WEB3_INVALID_RESPONSE_ERROR) !== -1) { error.message += ". Are you connected to an Ethereum node?"; } if (typeof error === "string") { error = new Error(error); } return cb(error); } return cb(null, result); } /** * Registers a variable in the global context of the VM (called the "sandbox" in VM2 terms). * @param {String} varName Name of the variable to register. * @param {any} code Value of the variable to register. */ public registerVar(varName: string, code: any, cb: Callback) { // Disallow `eval` and `require`, just in case. if (code === eval || code === require) { return; } // handle ES6 modules if (isEs6Module(code) && code.default) { code = code.default; } this.updateState(() => { this._options.sandbox[varName] = code; this.setupNodeVm(cb); }); } private updateState(cb: Callback) { if (!this.vm) { return cb(); } // update sandbox state from VM each(Object.keys(this._options.sandbox), (sandboxVar: string, next: Callback) => { this.doEval(sandboxVar, false, (err?: Error | null, result?: any) => { if (!err) { this._options.sandbox[sandboxVar] = result; } next(err); }); }, cb); } /** * Reinstantiates the NodeVM based on the @type {VMOptions} which are passed in when this * @type {VM} class is instantiated. The "sandbox" member of the options can be modified * by calling @function {registerVar}. */ private setupNodeVm(cb: Callback) { this.vm = new NodeVM(this._options); cb(); } } export default VM;