const stringReplaceAsync = require('string-replace-async'); const async = require('async'); class SpecialConfigs { constructor(embark, options) { this.logger = embark.logger; =; this.buildDir = options.buildDir; this.embark = embark; this.contractsConfig = embark.config.contractsConfig; this.registerAfterDeployAction(); this.registerOnDeployAction(); } replaceWithAddresses(cmd, cb) { const self = this; let regex = /\$\w+/g; stringReplaceAsync.seq(cmd, regex, (match) => { return (new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let referedContractName = match.slice(1);'contracts:contract', referedContractName, (referedContract) => { if (!referedContract) { self.logger.error(referedContractName + ' does not exist'); self.logger.error("error running cmd: " + cmd); return reject(new Error("ReferedContractDoesNotExist")); } if (referedContract && referedContract.deploy === false) { self.logger.error(referedContractName + " exists but has been set to not deploy"); self.logger.error("error running cmd: " + cmd); return reject(new Error("ReferedContracSetToNotdeploy")); } if (referedContract && !referedContract.deployedAddress) { self.logger.error("couldn't find a valid address for " + referedContractName + ". has it been deployed?"); self.logger.error("error running cmd: " + cmd); return reject(new Error("ReferedContractAddressNotFound")); } return resolve(referedContract.deployedAddress); }); })); }).then((result) => { cb(null, result); }).catch(cb); } registerAfterDeployAction() { const self = this; this.embark.registerActionForEvent("contracts:deploy:afterAll", (cb) => { let afterDeployCmds = self.contractsConfig.afterDeploy || []; async.mapLimit(afterDeployCmds, 1, (cmd, nextMapCb) => { self.replaceWithAddresses(cmd, nextMapCb); }, (err, onDeployCode) => { if (err) { self.logger.trace(err); return cb(new Error("error running afterDeploy")); } self.runOnDeployCode(onDeployCode, cb); }); }); } runOnDeployCode(onDeployCode, callback, silent) { const self = this; const logFunction = silent ? self.logger.trace.bind(self.logger) :; async.each(onDeployCode, (cmd, eachCb) => { logFunction("==== executing: " + cmd);'runcode:eval', cmd, (err) => { if (err && err.message.indexOf("invalid opcode") >= 0) { self.logger.error('the transaction was rejected; this usually happens due to a throw or a require, it can also happen due to an invalid operation'); } eachCb(err); }); }, callback); } registerOnDeployAction() { const self = this; this.embark.registerActionForEvent("deploy:contract:deployed", (params, cb) => { let contract = params.contract; if (!contract.onDeploy) { return cb(); } if (!contract.silent) {'executing onDeploy commands')); } let onDeployCmds = contract.onDeploy; async.mapLimit(onDeployCmds, 1, (cmd, nextMapCb) => { self.replaceWithAddresses(cmd, nextMapCb); }, (err, onDeployCode) => { if (err) { return cb(new Error("error running onDeploy for " + contract.className.cyan)); } self.runOnDeployCode(onDeployCode, cb, contract.silent); }); }); } } module.exports = SpecialConfigs;