let async = require('async'); let RunCode = require('../core/runCode.js'); let DeployTracker = require('./deploy_tracker.js'); let CodeGenerator = require('./code_generator.js'); class Deploy { constructor(options) { this.web3 = options.web3; this.contractsManager = options.contractsManager; this.logger = options.logger; this.env = options.env; this.deployTracker = new DeployTracker({ logger: options.logger, chainConfig: options.chainConfig, web3: options.web3, env: this.env }); } determineArguments(suppliedArgs) { let realArgs = [], l, arg, contractName, referedContract; for (l = 0; l < suppliedArgs.length; l++) { arg = suppliedArgs[l]; if (arg[0] === "$") { contractName = arg.substr(1); referedContract = this.contractsManager.getContract(contractName); realArgs.push(referedContract.deployedAddress); } else { realArgs.push(arg); } } return realArgs; } checkAndDeployContract(contract, params, callback) { let self = this; let realArgs; contract.error = false; if (contract.deploy === false) { self.logger.contractsState(self.contractsManager.contractsState()); return callback(); } if (contract.address !== undefined) { realArgs = self.determineArguments(params || contract.args); contract.deployedAddress = contract.address; self.deployTracker.trackContract(contract.className, contract.realRuntimeBytecode, realArgs, contract.address); self.deployTracker.save(); self.logger.contractsState(self.contractsManager.contractsState()); return callback(); } let trackedContract = self.deployTracker.getContract(contract.className, contract.realRuntimeBytecode, contract.args); if (trackedContract && this.web3.eth.getCode(trackedContract.address) !== "0x") { self.logger.info(contract.className.bold.cyan + " already deployed at ".green + trackedContract.address.bold.cyan); contract.deployedAddress = trackedContract.address; self.logger.contractsState(self.contractsManager.contractsState()); return callback(); } else { realArgs = self.determineArguments(params || contract.args); this.deployContract(contract, realArgs, function (err, address) { if (err) { return callback(new Error(err)); } self.deployTracker.trackContract(contract.className, contract.realRuntimeBytecode, realArgs, address); self.deployTracker.save(); self.logger.contractsState(self.contractsManager.contractsState()); if (contract.onDeploy !== undefined) { self.logger.info('executing onDeploy commands'); let codeGenerator = new CodeGenerator({contractsManager: self.contractsManager}); let context = codeGenerator.generateContext(); let code = codeGenerator.generateContracts(false, true, true); let cmds = contract.onDeploy.join(';\n'); let _cmds = "" _cmds += "__mainContext.__loadManagerInstance.execWhenReady(function() {" _cmds += cmds; _cmds += "});" RunCode.doEval(context + "\n" + code + "\n" + _cmds, self.web3); } callback(); }); } } deployContract(contract, params, callback) { let self = this; let contractObject = this.web3.eth.contract(contract.abiDefinition); let contractParams = (params || contract.args).slice(); this.web3.eth.getAccounts(function (err, accounts) { if (err) { return callback(new Error(err)); } let contractCode = contract.code; let contractsList = self.contractsManager.listContracts(); for (let contractObj of contractsList) { let filename = contractObj.filename; let deployedAddress = contractObj.deployedAddress; if (deployedAddress) { deployedAddress = deployedAddress.substr(2); } let linkReference = '__' + filename + ":" + contractObj.className; let toReplace = linkReference + "_".repeat(40 - linkReference.length); contractCode = contractCode.replace(new RegExp(toReplace, "g"), deployedAddress); } // TODO: probably needs to be defaultAccount // TODO: it wouldn't necessary be the first address // use defined blockchain address or first address contractParams.push({ //from: this.web3.eth.coinbase, from: accounts[0], data: "0x" + contractCode, gas: contract.gas, gasPrice: contract.gasPrice }); self.logger.info("deploying " + contract.className.bold.cyan + " with ".green + contract.gas + " gas".green); contractParams.push(function (err, transaction) { if (err) { self.logger.error("error deploying contract: " + contract.className.cyan); let errMsg = err.toString(); if (errMsg === 'Error: The contract code couldn\'t be stored, please check your gas amount.') { errMsg = 'The contract code couldn\'t be stored, out of gas or constructor error'; } self.logger.error(errMsg); contract.error = errMsg; self.logger.contractsState(self.contractsManager.contractsState()); return callback(new Error(err)); } else if (transaction.address !== undefined) { self.logger.info(contract.className.bold.cyan + " deployed at ".green + transaction.address.bold.cyan); contract.deployedAddress = transaction.address; contract.transactionHash = transaction.transactionHash; self.logger.contractsState(self.contractsManager.contractsState()); return callback(null, transaction.address); } }); self.logger.contractsState(self.contractsManager.contractsState()); contractObject["new"].apply(contractObject, contractParams); }); } deployAll(done) { let self = this; this.logger.info("deploying contracts"); async.eachOfSeries(this.contractsManager.listContracts(), function (contract, key, callback) { self.logger.trace(arguments); self.checkAndDeployContract(contract, null, callback); }, function (err, _results) { if (err) { self.logger.error("error deploying contracts"); self.logger.error(err.message); self.logger.debug(err.stack); } self.logger.info("finished deploying contracts"); self.logger.trace(arguments); done(); } ); } } module.exports = Deploy;