const async = require('async'); const Mocha = require('mocha'); const path = require('path'); const {runCmd} = require('../../utils/utils'); const fs = require('../../core/fs'); const assert = require('assert'); const Test = require('./test'); const EmbarkSpec = require('./reporter'); const SolcTest = require('./solc_test'); const constants = require('../../constants'); class TestRunner { constructor(embark, options) { this.embark = embark; this.logger = embark.logger; =; this.ipc = options.ipc;'tests:run', (options, callback) => {, callback); }); } run(options, cb) { const self = this; let filePath = options.file; if (!filePath) { filePath = 'test'; } async.waterfall([ function getFiles(next) { self.getFilesFromDir(filePath, next); }, function groupFiles(files, next) { let jsFiles = files.filter((filename) => filename.substr(-3) === '.js'); let solidityFiles = files.filter((filename) => filename.indexOf('_test.sol') > 0); next(null, {jsFiles, solidityFiles}); }, function runTests(files, next) { const fns = []; if (!options.solc && files.jsFiles.length > 0) { let fn = (callback) => { self.runJSTests(files.jsFiles, options, callback); }; fns.push(fn); } if(files.solidityFiles.length > 0) { let fn = (callback) => { self.runSolidityTests(files.solidityFiles, options, callback); }; fns.push(fn); } if(fns.length === 0){ return next('No tests to run'); } async.series(fns, next); }, function runCoverage(results, next) { if (!options.coverage) { return next(null, results); }'tests:finished', function() { runCmd(`${fs.embarkPath('node_modules/.bin/istanbul')} report --root .embark --format html`, {silent: false, exitOnError: false}, (err) => { if (err) { return next(err); }`Coverage report created. You can find it here: ${fs.dappPath('coverage/__root__/index.html')}\n`); const opn = require('opn'); const _next = () => { next(null, results); }; if (options.noBrowser) { return next(null, results); } opn(fs.dappPath('coverage/__root__/index.html'), {wait: false}) .then(() => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000))) .then(_next, _next); }); }); } ], (err, results) => { if (err) { self.logger.error(err); return cb(err); } let totalFailures = results.reduce((acc, result) => acc + result.failures, 0); if (totalFailures) { return cb(` > Total number of failures: ${totalFailures}`.red.bold); }' > All tests passed'.green.bold); cb(); }); } getFilesFromDir(filePath, cb) { const self = this; fs.stat(filePath, (err, fileStat) => { const errorMessage = `File "${filePath}" doesn't exist or you don't have permission to it`.red; if (err) { return cb(errorMessage); } let isDirectory = fileStat.isDirectory(); if (isDirectory) { return fs.readdir(filePath, (err, files) => { if (err) { return cb(err); }, (file, _cb) => { self.getFilesFromDir(path.join(filePath, file), _cb); }, (err, arr) => { if (err) { return cb(errorMessage); } cb(null, arr.reduce((a,b) => a.concat(b), [])); }); }); } cb(null, [filePath]); }); } runJSTests(files, options, cb) { const self = this; async.waterfall([ function setupGlobalNamespace(next) { const test = new Test({loglevel: options.loglevel, node: options.node, events:, logger: self.logger, config: self.embark.config, ipc: self.ipc}); global.embark = test; global.assert = assert; global.config = test.config.bind(test); let deprecatedWarning = function () { self.logger.error(__('%s are not supported anymore', 'EmbarkSpec & deployAll').red); self.logger.error(__('You can learn about the new revamped tests here: %s', ''.underline)); process.exit(); }; global.deployAll = deprecatedWarning; global.EmbarkSpec = {}; global.EmbarkSpec.deployAll = deprecatedWarning; // Override require to enable `require('Embark/contracts/contractName');` const Module = require('module'); const originalRequire = require('module').prototype.require; Module.prototype.require = function (requireName) { if (requireName.startsWith('Embark/contracts')) { return test.require(...arguments); } return originalRequire.apply(this, arguments); }; global.contract = function (describeName, callback) { return Mocha.describe(describeName, callback); }; test.init((err) => { next(err, files); }); }, function executeForAllFiles(files, next) { let fns = => { return (cb) => { const mocha = new Mocha(); mocha.reporter(EmbarkSpec, { events:, gasDetails: options.gasDetails, gasLimit: constants.tests.gasLimit }); mocha.addFile(file); mocha.suite.timeout(0); mocha.suite.beforeAll('Wait for deploy', (done) => { if (global.embark.needConfig) { global.config({}); } global.embark.onReady((err) => { done(err); }); }); (fails) { mocha.suite.removeAllListeners(); // Mocha prints the error already cb(null, fails); }); }; }); async.series(fns, next); } ], (err, runs) => { if(err) { return cb(err); } let failures = runs.reduce((acc, val) => acc + val, 0); fs.remove('.embark/contracts', (_err) => { cb(null, {failures}); }); }); } runSolidityTests(files, options, cb) {'Running solc tests'); let solcTest = new SolcTest({loglevel: options.loglevel, node: options.node, events:, logger: this.logger, config: this.embark.config, ipc: this.ipc}); global.embark = solcTest; async.waterfall([ function initEngine(next) { solcTest.init(next); }, function setupTests(next) { solcTest.setupTests(files, next); }, function runTests(_reciepts ,cb) { let fns = => { return (cb) => { return solcTest.runTests(file, cb); }; }); async.series(fns, cb); } ], (err, results) => { if(err) return cb(err); let totalPass = 0; let totalFailures = 0; results.forEach((result) => { result.forEach((r) => { totalPass = totalPass + r.passingNum; totalFailures = totalFailures + r.failureNum; }); }); cb(null, {failures: totalFailures, pass: totalPass}); }); } } module.exports = TestRunner;