import { __ } from 'embark-i18n'; const async = require('async'); import {AddressUtils, toChecksumAddress} from 'embark-utils'; const {ZERO_ADDRESS} = AddressUtils; // Check out definition 97 of the yellow paper: const MAX_CONTRACT_BYTECODE_LENGTH = 24576; const GANACHE_CLIENT_VERSION_NAME = "EthereumJS TestRPC"; class ContractDeployer { constructor(options) { this.logger = options.logger; =; this.plugins = options.plugins;'deploy:contract', (contract, cb) => { this.checkAndDeployContract(contract, null, cb); });'deploy:contract:object', (contract, cb) => { this.checkAndDeployContract(contract, null, cb, true); }); } // TODO: determining the arguments could also be in a module since it's not // part of a 'normal' contract deployment determineArguments(suppliedArgs, contract, accounts, callback) { const self = this; let args = suppliedArgs; if (!Array.isArray(args)) { args = []; let abi = contract.abiDefinition.find((abi) => abi.type === 'constructor'); for (let input of abi.inputs) { let inputValue = suppliedArgs[]; if (!inputValue) { this.logger.error(__("{{inputName}} has not been defined for {{className}} constructor", {inputName:, className: contract.className})); } args.push(inputValue || ""); } } function parseArg(arg, cb) { const match = arg.match(/\$accounts\[([0-9]+)]/); if (match) { if (!accounts[match[1]]) { return cb(__('No corresponding account at index %d', match[1])); } return cb(null, accounts[match[1]]); } let contractName = arg.substr(1);'contracts:contract', contractName, (referedContract) => { // Because we're referring to a contract that is not being deployed (ie. an interface), // we still need to provide a valid address so that the ABI checker won't fail. cb(null, (referedContract.deployedAddress || ZERO_ADDRESS)); }); } function checkArgs(argus, cb) {, (arg, nextEachCb) => { if (arg[0] === "$") { return parseArg(arg, nextEachCb); } if (Array.isArray(arg)) { return checkArgs(arg, nextEachCb); }'ens:isENSName', arg, (isENSName) => { if (isENSName) { return"ens:resolve", arg, (err, address) => { if (err) { return nextEachCb(err); } nextEachCb(err, address); }); } nextEachCb(null, arg); }); }, cb); } checkArgs(args, callback); } checkAndDeployContract(contract, params, callback, returnObject) { let self = this; contract.error = false; let accounts = []; let deploymentAccount; if (contract.deploy === false) {"deploy:contract:undeployed", contract); return callback(); } async.waterfall([ function checkContractBytesize(next) { if (!contract.code) { return next(); } const code = (contract.code.indexOf('0x') === 0) ? contract.code.substr(2) : contract.code; const contractCodeLength = Buffer.from(code, 'hex').toString().length; if(contractCodeLength > MAX_CONTRACT_BYTECODE_LENGTH) { return next(new Error(`Bytecode for ${contract.className} contract is too large. Not deploying.`)); } next(); }, function requestBlockchainConnector(next) {"blockchain:object", (blockchain) => { self.blockchain = blockchain; next(); }); }, // TODO: can potentially go to a beforeDeploy plugin function getAccounts(next) { deploymentAccount = self.blockchain.defaultAccount();'blockchain:provider:contract:accounts:get', (_err, blockchainAccounts) => { accounts = blockchainAccounts; // applying deployer account configuration, if any if (typeof contract.fromIndex === 'number') { deploymentAccount = accounts[contract.fromIndex]; if (deploymentAccount === undefined) { return next(__("error deploying") + " " + contract.className + ": " + __("no account found at index") + " " + contract.fromIndex + __(" check the config")); } } if (typeof contract.from === 'string' && typeof contract.fromIndex !== 'undefined') { self.logger.warn(__('Both "from" and "fromIndex" are defined for contract') + ' "' + contract.className + '". ' + __('Using "from" as deployer account.')); } if (typeof contract.from === 'string') { deploymentAccount = contract.from; } deploymentAccount = deploymentAccount || accounts[0]; contract.deploymentAccount = deploymentAccount; next(); }); }, function applyArgumentPlugins(next) { self.plugins.emitAndRunActionsForEvent('deploy:contract:arguments', {contract: contract}, (_params) => { next(); }); }, function _determineArguments(next) { self.determineArguments(params || contract.args, contract, accounts, (err, realArgs) => { if (err) { return next(err); } contract.realArgs = realArgs; next(); }); }, function deployIt(next) { let skipBytecodeCheck = false; if (contract.address !== undefined) { try { toChecksumAddress(contract.address); } catch(e) { self.logger.error(__("error deploying %s", contract.className)); self.logger.error(e.message); contract.error = e.message;"deploy:contract:error", contract); return next(e.message); } contract.deployedAddress = contract.address; skipBytecodeCheck = true; } if (returnObject) { return self.deployContract(contract, next, returnObject); } self.plugins.emitAndRunActionsForEvent('deploy:contract:shouldDeploy', {contract: contract, shouldDeploy: true}, function(_err, params) { let trackedContract = params.contract; if (!params.shouldDeploy) { return self.willNotDeployContract(contract, trackedContract, next); } if (!trackedContract.address) { return self.deployContract(contract, next); } // deploy the contract regardless if track field is defined and set to false if (trackedContract.track === false) { self.logFunction(contract)(contract.className.bold.cyan + __(" will be redeployed").green); return self.deployContract(contract, next); } self.blockchain.getCode(trackedContract.address, function(getCodeErr, codeInChain) { if (getCodeErr) { return next(getCodeErr); } if (codeInChain.length > 3 || skipBytecodeCheck) { // it is "0x" or "0x0" for empty code, depending on web3 version self.contractAlreadyDeployed(contract, trackedContract, next); } else { self.deployContract(contract, next); } }); }); } ], callback); } willNotDeployContract(contract, trackedContract, callback) { contract.deploy = false;"deploy:contract:undeployed", contract); callback(); } contractAlreadyDeployed(contract, trackedContract, callback) { this.logFunction(contract)(contract.className.bold.cyan + __(" already deployed at ").green + trackedContract.address.bold.cyan); contract.deployedAddress = trackedContract.address;"deploy:contract:deployed", contract); this.registerContract(contract, callback); } registerContract(contract, callback) {'code-generator:contract:custom', contract, (contractCode) => {'runcode:eval', contractCode, (err) => { if (err) { return callback(err); }'runcode:eval', contract.className, (err, result) => { if (err) { return callback(err); }"runcode:register", contract.className, result, callback); }); }); }); } logFunction(contract) { return contract.silent ? this.logger.trace.bind(this.logger) :; } deployContract(contract, callback, returnObject) { let self = this; let deployObject; async.waterfall([ function doLinking(next) { if (!contract.linkReferences || !Object.keys(contract.linkReferences).length) { return next(); } let contractCode = contract.code; let offset = 0; async.eachLimit(contract.linkReferences, 1, (fileReference, eachCb1) => { async.eachOfLimit(fileReference, 1, (references, libName, eachCb2) => {"contracts:contract", libName, (libContract) => { async.eachLimit(references, 1, (reference, eachCb3) => { if (!libContract) { return eachCb3(new Error(__('{{contractName}} has a link to the library {{libraryName}}, but it was not found. Is it in your contract folder?'), { contractName: contract.className, libraryName: libName })); } let libAddress = libContract.deployedAddress; if (!libAddress) { return eachCb3(new Error(__("{{contractName}} needs {{libraryName}} but an address was not found, did you deploy it or configured an address?", { contractName: contract.className, libraryName: libName }))); } libAddress = libAddress.substr(2).toLowerCase(); // Multiplying by two because the original pos and length are in bytes, but we have an hex string contractCode = contractCode.substring(0, (reference.start * 2) + offset) + libAddress + contractCode.substring((reference.start * 2) + offset + (reference.length * 2)); // Calculating an offset in case the length is at some point different than the address length offset += libAddress.length - (reference.length * 2); eachCb3(); }, eachCb2); }); }, eachCb1); }, (err) => { contract.code = contractCode; next(err); }); }, function applyBeforeDeploy(next) { self.plugins.emitAndRunActionsForEvent('deploy:contract:beforeDeploy', {contract: contract}, (_params) => { next(); }); }, function getGasPriceForNetwork(next) {"blockchain:gasPrice", (err, gasPrice) => { if (err) { return next(new Error(__("could not get the gas price"))); } contract.gasPrice = contract.gasPrice || gasPrice; next(); }); }, function createDeployObject(next) { let contractCode = contract.code; let contractObject = self.blockchain.ContractObject({abi: contract.abiDefinition}); let contractParams = (contract.realArgs || contract.args).slice(); try { const dataCode = contractCode.startsWith('0x') ? contractCode : "0x" + contractCode; deployObject = self.blockchain.deployContractObject(contractObject, {arguments: contractParams, data: dataCode}); if (returnObject) { return callback(null, deployObject); } } catch(e) { if (e.message.indexOf('Invalid number of parameters for "undefined"') >= 0) { return next(new Error(__("attempted to deploy %s without specifying parameters", contract.className)) + ". " + __("check if there are any params defined for this contract in this environment in the contracts configuration file")); } return next(new Error(e)); } next(); }, function estimateCorrectGas(next) { self.blockchain.getClientVersion((err, version) => { if (version.split('/')[0] === GANACHE_CLIENT_VERSION_NAME) { // This is Ganache's gas limit. We subtract 1 so we don't reach the limit. // // We do this because Ganache's gas estimates are wrong (contract creation // has a base cost of 53k, not 21k, so it sometimes results in out of gas // errors.) contract.gas = 6721975 - 1; } else if (contract.gas === 'auto' || !contract.gas) { return self.blockchain.estimateDeployContractGas(deployObject, (err, gasValue) => { if (err) { return next(err); } let increase_per = 1 + (Math.random() / 10.0); contract.gas = Math.floor(gasValue * increase_per); next(); }); } next(); }); }, function deployTheContract(next) { let estimatedCost = contract.gas * contract.gasPrice; self.blockchain.deployContractFromObject(deployObject, { from: contract.deploymentAccount, gas: contract.gas, gasPrice: contract.gasPrice }, function(error, receipt) { if (error) { contract.error = error.message;"deploy:contract:error", contract); if (error.message && error.message.indexOf('replacement transaction underpriced') !== -1) { self.logger.warn("replacement transaction underpriced: This warning typically means a transaction exactly like this one is still pending on the blockchain"); } return next(new Error("error deploying =" + contract.className + "= due to error: " + error.message)); } self.logFunction(contract)(`${contract.className.bold.cyan} ${__('deployed at').green} ${receipt.contractAddress.bold.cyan} ${__("using").green} ${receipt.gasUsed} ${__("gas").green} (txHash: ${receipt.transactionHash.bold.cyan})`); contract.deployedAddress = receipt.contractAddress; contract.transactionHash = receipt.transactionHash; receipt.className = contract.className; if(receipt)"deploy:contract:receipt", receipt);"deploy:contract:deployed", contract); self.registerContract(contract, () => { self.plugins.runActionsForEvent('deploy:contract:deployed', {contract: contract}, (err) => { if (err) { return next(err); } next(null, receipt); }); }); }, hash => { self.logFunction(contract)(__("deploying") + " " + contract.className.bold.cyan + " " + __("with").green + " " + contract.gas + " " + __("gas at the price of").green + " " + contract.gasPrice + " " + __("Wei, estimated cost:").green + " " + estimatedCost + " Wei".green + " (txHash: " + hash.bold.cyan + ")"); }); } ], callback); } } module.exports = ContractDeployer;