const constants = require('../constants'); const fs = require('../core/fs'); const ProcessWrapper = require('../core/processes/processWrapper'); const webpack = require('webpack'); const writeFile = require('util').promisify(require('fs').writeFile); let webpackProcess; class WebpackProcess extends ProcessWrapper { constructor(options) { super(options); this.webpackConfigName = options.webpackConfigName; if (!process.env.DAPP_PATH) { process.env.DAPP_PATH = fs.dappPath(); } if (!process.env.EMBARK_PATH) { process.env.EMBARK_PATH = fs.embarkPath(); } } async build(assets, importsList, callback) { try { await this.webpackRun(assets, importsList, callback); } catch (e) { console.error(e.message); callback(e); // ?? should return e or e.message } } async webpackRun(assets, importsList, callback) { try { await writeFile( fs.dappPath('.embark/embark-aliases.json'), JSON.stringify(importsList) ); await writeFile( fs.dappPath('.embark/embark-assets.json'), JSON.stringify(assets) ); } catch (e) { console.error(e.message); return callback(e); // ?? should return e or e.message } const dappConfigPath = fs.dappPath('webpack.config.js'); const defaultConfigPath = fs.embarkPath('webpack.config.js'); let config, configPath; try { if (fs.existsSync(dappConfigPath)) { delete require.cache[dappConfigPath]; configPath = dappConfigPath; config = require(dappConfigPath); } else { configPath = defaultConfigPath; config = require(defaultConfigPath); } // valid config types: // + function that returns a config object // + function that returns a promise for a config object // + array of named config objects // + config object if (typeof config === 'function') { config = await config(this.webpackConfigName); } else if (Array.isArray(config)) { config = config.filter(cfg => === this.webpackConfigName); if (!config.length) { const errMsg = `no webpack config has the name '${this.webpackConfigName}'`; console.error(errMsg); return callback(errMsg); // ?? should the message be wrapped in new Error() } if (config.length > 1) { console.warn( `detected ${config.length} webpack configs having the name '${this.webpackConfigName}', using the first one` ); } config = config[0]; } else { // proceed with the value obtained from require(dapp/default/Config) } } catch (e) { console.error(`error while loading webpack config ${configPath}`); console.error(e.message); callback(e); // ?? should return e or e.message } if (typeof config !== 'object' || config === null) { const errMsg = 'bad webpack config, the resolved config was null or not an object'; console.error(errMsg); return callback(errMsg); // ?? should the message be wrapped in new Error() } webpack(config).run(async (err, stats) => { if (err) { console.error(err); return callback(err); } try { if (config.stats && config.stats !== 'none') { this._log('info', 'writing file '+ ('.embark/').bold.dim); await writeFile( fs.dappPath('.embark/'), stats.toString(config.stats) ); this._log('info','writing file '+ ('.embark/stats.json').bold.dim); await writeFile( fs.dappPath('.embark/stats.json'), JSON.stringify(stats.toJson(config.stats)) ); } } catch (e) { console.error(e.message); return callback(err); } if (config.stats && stats.hasErrors()) { const errors = stats.toJson(config.stats).errors.join('\n'); console.error(errors); return callback(errors); } callback(); }); } } process.on('message', (msg) => { if (msg.action === constants.pipeline.init) { webpackProcess = new WebpackProcess(msg.options); return process.send({result: constants.pipeline.initiated}); } if (msg.action === { return, msg.importsList, (err) => { process.send({result: constants.pipeline.built, error: err}); }); } });