/* global __dirname process require */ const chalk = require('chalk'); const {execSync} = require('child_process'); const minimist = require('minimist'); const path = require('path'); const {readJsonSync} = require('fs-extra'); const semver = require('semver'); const args = minimist(process.argv.slice(2)); const DEFAULT_SKIP_QA = false; const skipQa = args['skip-qa'] || DEFAULT_SKIP_QA; const branch = `master`; const commitMsg = `chore(release): %v`; const distTag = `latest`; const remote = `origin`; const cyan = (str) => chalk.cyan(str); const execSyncInherit = (cmd) => execSync(cmd, {stdio: 'inherit'}); const log = (mark, str, which = 'log') => console[which]( mark, str.filter(s => !!s).join(` `) ); const logError = (...str) => log(chalk.red(`✘`), str, 'error'); const logInfo = (...str) => log(chalk.blue(`ℹ`), str); const logSuccess = (...str) => log(chalk.green(`✔`), str); const logWarning = (...str) => log(chalk.yellow('‼︎'), str); const failMsg = `${chalk.red(`STABLE RELEASE FAILED!`)} Stopping right here.`; const runCommand = (cmd, inherit = true, display) => { logInfo(`Running command ${cyan(display || cmd)}.`); let out; if (inherit) { execSyncInherit(cmd); } else { out = execSync(cmd); } return out; }; (async () => { if (!process.env.GH_TOKEN) { logError( `Environment variable ${cyan('GH_TOKEN')} was not defined or falsy. It`, `must be defined with a properly scoped GitHub personal access token.` ); logError(failMsg); process.exit(1); } const lernaJsonPath = path.join(__dirname, '../lerna.json'); logInfo(`Reading ${cyan(lernaJsonPath)}...`); let currentVersion, lernaJson, registry; try { lernaJson = readJsonSync(lernaJsonPath); currentVersion = lernaJson.version; if (!currentVersion) throw new Error('missing version in lerna.json'); registry = lernaJson.command.publish.registry; if (!registry) throw new Error('missing registry in lerna.json'); } catch (e) { console.error(e.stack || e); logError( `Could not read values from ${cyan(lernaJsonPath)}. Please check the`, `error above.` ); logError(failMsg); process.exit(1); } try { if (!semver(currentVersion).prerelease.length) { logError( `Current version in ${cyan('lerna.json')} is not a prerelease. This`, `script is intended only for graduating a prerelease to a stable`, `release.` ); logError(failMsg); process.exit(1); } logSuccess( `Current version in ${cyan('lerna.json')} is ${cyan(currentVersion)}.` ); } catch (e) { logError(`A problem occured. Please check the error above.`); logError(failMsg); process.exit(1); } logInfo(`Determining the latest stable version...`); let latestStableVersion; try { const stableReleaseTags = runCommand(`git tag --list`, false) .toString() .trim() .split('\n') .filter(tag => tag.startsWith('v') && !tag.includes('-')) .map(tag => tag.slice(1)); latestStableVersion = semver.rsort(stableReleaseTags)[0]; if (!latestStableVersion) { logError(`Unable to determine the latest stable version.`); logError(failMsg); process.exit(1); } logSuccess(`Latest stable version is ${cyan(latestStableVersion)}.`); } catch (e) { logError(`A problem occured. Please check the error above.`); logError(failMsg); process.exit(1); } let forcePublish; try { const currentMajor = semver(currentVersion).major; const stableMajor = semver(latestStableVersion).major; if (currentMajor > stableMajor) { forcePublish = true; } else if (currentMajor < stableMajor) { logError( `Major version of the current version in ${cyan('lerna.json')} is less`, `than the major version of the latest stable version. wat.` ); logError(failMsg); process.exit(1); } } catch (e) { logError(`A problem occured. Please check the error above.`); logError(failMsg); process.exit(1); } logInfo(`Determining the current branch...`); let currentBranch; try { currentBranch = runCommand(`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`, false) .toString() .trim(); } catch (e) { logError(`Could not determine the branch. Please check the error above.`); logError(failMsg); process.exit(1); } if (currentBranch === branch) { logSuccess(`Current branch and release branch are the same.`); } else { logError( `Current branch ${cyan(currentBranch)} is not the same as release branch`, `${cyan(branch)}.` ); logError(failMsg); process.exit(1); } logInfo( `Fetching commits from ${cyan(remote)} to compare local and remote`, `branches...` ); try { runCommand(`git fetch ${remote}`, false); } catch (e) { logError(`Could not fetch latest commits. Please check the error above.`); logError(failMsg); process.exit(1); } let localRef, remoteRef; try { localRef = runCommand(`git rev-parse ${branch}`, false).toString().trim(); remoteRef = runCommand(`git rev-parse ${remote}/${branch}`, false) .toString() .trim(); } catch (e) { logError(`A problem occured. Please check the error above.`); logError(failMsg); process.exit(1); } if (localRef === remoteRef) { logSuccess(`Local branch is in sync with remote branch.`); } else { logError( `Local branch ${cyan(branch)} is not in sync with`, `${cyan(`${remote}/${branch}`)}.` ); logError(failMsg); process.exit(1); } if (skipQa) { logWarning( `Skipping the QA suite. You already built the packages, right?` ); } else { logInfo( `It's time to run the QA suite, this will take awhile...` ); try { runCommand(`npm run qa:full`); logSuccess(`All steps succeeded in the QA suite.`); } catch (e) { logError(`A step failed in the QA suite. Please check the error above.`); logError(failMsg); process.exit(1); } } const lernaChanged = [ `lerna`, `changed`, (!forcePublish && `--conventional-graduate`) || ``, (forcePublish && `--force-publish`) || ``, `--json`, `--all` ].filter(str => !!str).join(` `); let pkgsToTag; try { pkgsToTag = JSON.parse( runCommand(`${lernaChanged} 2>/dev/null || true`, false, lernaChanged) .toString() .trim() || '[]' ); } catch (e) { logError(`A problem occured. Please check the error above.`); logError(failMsg); process.exit(1); } const lernaPublish = [ `lerna`, `publish`, `--conventional-commits`, (!forcePublish && `--conventional-graduate`) || ``, `--create-release github`, `--dist-tag ${distTag}`, (forcePublish && `--force-publish`) || ``, `--git-remote ${remote}`, `--message "${commitMsg}"`, `--registry ${registry}` ].filter(str => !!str).join(` `); try { runCommand(lernaPublish); if (localRef === runCommand(`git rev-parse ${branch}`, false).toString().trim()) { logWarning( chalk.yellow(`STABLE RELEASE STOPPED!`), `No commit or tag was created. No packages were published. This is`, `most likely due to no qualifying changes having been made to the`, `${cyan(branch)} branch since the previous release. Please check the`, `output above.` ); process.exit(0); } } catch (e) { logError(`A problem occured. Please check the error above.`); const lernaDocsUrl = 'https://github.com/lerna/lerna/tree/master/commands/publish#bump-from-package'; logError( failMsg, `Make sure to clean up commits, tags, and releases as necessary. Check`, `the package registry to verify if any packages were published. If so`, `they may need to be flagged as deprecated since the`, `${cyan('lerna publish')} command exited with error. In some cases it`, `may be possible to salvage an imcomplete release by using the`, `${cyan('from-package')} keyword with the ${cyan('lerna publish')}`, `command. See: ${lernaDocsUrl}` ); process.exit(1); } if (pkgsToTag.length) { logInfo(`Reading ${cyan(lernaJsonPath)}...`); let updatedCurrentVersion; try { lernaJson = readJsonSync(lernaJsonPath); updatedCurrentVersion = lernaJson.version; if (!updatedCurrentVersion) throw new Error('missing version in lerna.json'); logSuccess(`Updated current version is ${updatedCurrentVersion}`); } catch (e) { console.error(e.stack || e); logError( `Could not read values from ${cyan(lernaJsonPath)}. Please check the`, `error above.` ); logError(failMsg); process.exit(1); } logInfo( `Updating ${cyan('nightly')} dist-tags to point to the new stable`, `version...` ); logInfo('Packages to tag:', pkgsToTag.map(({name}) => cyan(name)).join(', ')); const _pkgsToTag = pkgsToTag.slice(); try { for (const {name} of pkgsToTag) { runCommand(`npm dist-tag add ${name}@${updatedCurrentVersion} nightly`); _pkgsToTag.shift(); } } catch (e) { logError(`A problem occured. Please check the error above.`); const packages = _pkgsToTag.map(({name}) => cyan(name)).join(', '); logError( `NPM dist-tag ${cyan('nightly')} was not updated for the following`, `packages: ${packages}. Make sure to complete the updates manually.` ); logError(failMsg); process.exit(1); } } logSuccess(`${chalk.green(`STABLE RELEASE SUCCEEDED!`)} Woohoo! Done.`); })().then(() => { process.exit(0); }).catch(e => { console.error(e.stack || e); logError(`A problem occured. Please check the error above.`); logError(failMsg); process.exit(1); });