const async = require('async'); const AccountParser = require('../../utils/accountParser'); const fundAccount = require('./fundAccount'); const constants = require('../../constants'); class Provider { constructor(options) { this.web3 = options.web3; this.accountsConfig = options.accountsConfig; this.blockchainConfig = options.blockchainConfig; this.type = options.type; this.web3Endpoint = options.web3Endpoint; this.logger = options.logger; this.isDev = options.isDev; } startWeb3Provider(callback) { const self = this; if (this.type === 'rpc') { self.provider = new this.web3.providers.HttpProvider(self.web3Endpoint); } else if (this.type === 'ws') { // Note: don't pass to the provider things like {headers: {Origin: "embark"}}. Origin header is for browser to fill // to protect user, it has no meaning if it is used server-side. See here for more details: // Moreover, Parity reject origins that are not urls so if you try to connect with Origin: "embark" it gives the following error: // << Blocked connection to WebSockets server from untrusted origin: Some("embark") >> // The best choice is to use void origin, BUT Geth rejects void origin, so to keep both clients happy we can use http://embark self.provider = new this.web3.providers.WebsocketProvider(self.web3Endpoint, {headers: {Origin: constants.embarkResourceOrigin}}); self.provider.on('error', () => self.logger.error('Websocket Error')); self.provider.on('end', () => self.logger.error('Websocket connection ended')); } else { return callback(__("contracts config error: unknown deployment type %s", this.type)); } self.web3.setProvider(self.provider); self.web3.eth.getAccounts((err, accounts) => { if (err) { self.logger.warn('Error while getting the node\'s accounts.', err.message || err); } self.accounts = AccountParser.parseAccountsConfig(self.accountsConfig, self.web3, self.logger, accounts); self.addresses = []; if (!self.accounts.length) { return callback(); } self.accounts.forEach(account => { self.addresses.push(account.address); if (account.privateKey) { self.web3.eth.accounts.wallet.add(account); } }); self.web3.eth.defaultAccount = self.addresses[0]; const realSend = self.provider.send.bind(self.provider); self.provider.send = function (payload, cb) { if (payload.method === 'eth_accounts') { return realSend(payload, function (err, result) { if (err) { return cb(err); } result.result = self.addresses; // Send our addresses cb(null, result); }); } realSend(payload, cb); }; callback(); }); } connected() { if (this.type === 'rpc') { return !!this.provider; } else if (this.type === 'ws') { return this.provider && this.provider.connection._connection && this.provider.connection._connection.connected; } return false; } stop() { if (this.provider && this.provider.removeAllListeners) { this.provider.removeAllListeners('connect'); this.provider.removeAllListeners('error'); this.provider.removeAllListeners('end'); this.provider.removeAllListeners('data'); this.provider.responseCallbacks = {}; } this.provider = null; this.web3.setProvider(null); } fundAccounts(callback) { const self = this; if (!self.accounts.length) { return callback(); } if (!self.isDev) { return callback(); } async.eachLimit(self.accounts, 1, (account, eachCb) => { fundAccount(self.web3, account.address, account.hexBalance, eachCb); }, callback); } } module.exports = Provider;