/* global Buffer __dirname module process require */ const filterPackages = require('@lerna/filter-packages'); const {fork, spawn} = require('child_process'); const {sync: findUp} = require('find-up'); const {existsSync, readJsonSync, writeJsonSync} = require('fs-extra'); const {sync: glob} = require('glob'); const isEqual = require('lodash.isequal'); const isPlainObject = require('lodash.isplainobject'); const mergeWith = require('lodash.mergewith'); const minimist = require('minimist'); const {basename, dirname, join, normalize, relative} = require('path'); const sortKeys = require('sort-keys'); const {Transform} = require('stream'); const EMBARK_COLLECTIVE = 'embark-collective'; module.exports = function (cliArgs = []) { const {action, exclude, include, showPrivate, solo} = processArgs(cliArgs); const allPackages = findAllMonorepoPackages(); const allPkgJsons = allPackages.map(path => readJsonSync(path)); const filteredPkgJsons = filterPkgJsons( allPkgJsons, {action, exclude, include, showPrivate} ); const {allPkgJsonDict, filteredPkgJsonDict} = makePkgJsonDict( allPackages, allPkgJsons, filteredPkgJsons ); switch (action) { case 'build:browser': buildBrowser(cliArgs.slice(1), filteredPkgJsonDict); break; case 'build:node': buildNode(cliArgs.slice(1), filteredPkgJsonDict); break; case 'typecheck': typecheck(cliArgs.slice(1), filteredPkgJsonDict, allPkgJsonDict, solo); break; default: throw new Error(`no implementation for ${action} action`); } }; function processArgs(cliArgs) { let options; if (process.env.EMBARK_COLLECTIVE_OPTIONS) { options = JSON.parse(process.env.EMBARK_COLLECTIVE_OPTIONS); } else { options = {}; } const args = minimist(cliArgs); Object.keys(args).forEach(key => { const invKey = key.slice(3); if (key.startsWith('no-') && args.hasOwnProperty(invKey)) { args[key] = !args[invKey]; delete args[invKey]; } }); const np = 'no-private'; args.ignore = [].concat(options.ignore || [], args.ignore || []); args[np] = !!options[np]; args.scope = [].concat(options.scope || [], args.scope || []); if (!args._[0]) args._[0] = 'start'; // scripts/monorun.js (in the monorepo root) forwards other `lerna run` // options as well, e.g. `stream` and `parallel`; for now only make use of // ignore, scope, and no-private; can consider implementing support for the // others if desirable/needed in the context of collective actions const {_: [action], ignore: exclude, [np]: noPrivate, scope: include} = args; const showPrivate = !noPrivate; const solo = !!process.env.EMBARK_SOLO; return {action, exclude, include, showPrivate, solo}; } let _monorepoRootPath = null; const lernaJson = 'lerna.json'; function monorepoRootPath() { if (_monorepoRootPath === null) { _monorepoRootPath = dirname(findUp(lernaJson, {cwd: __dirname})); } return _monorepoRootPath; } const globArgs = [ '**/package.json', { cwd: monorepoRootPath(), ignore: [ '**/node_modules/**', 'package.json', 'scripts/**', 'site/**' ] } ]; function findAllMonorepoPackages() { return glob(...globArgs).map(path => join(monorepoRootPath(), path)); } function filterPkgJsons(pkgJsons, {action, exclude, include, showPrivate}) { return filterPackages( pkgJsons, include, exclude, showPrivate ).filter(pkgJson => ( pkgJson && pkgJson[EMBARK_COLLECTIVE] && pkgJson[EMBARK_COLLECTIVE][action] && !(pkgJson.scripts && pkgJson.scripts[action]) )); } function makePkgJsonDict(allPackages, allPkgJsons, filteredPkgJsons) { const allPkgJsonDict = {}; const filteredPkgJsonDict = {}; allPkgJsons.forEach((pkgJson, index) => { const {name} = pkgJson; pkgJson._path = allPackages[index]; allPkgJsonDict[name] = pkgJson; }); filteredPkgJsons.forEach(({name}) => { filteredPkgJsonDict[name] = allPkgJsonDict[name]; }); return {allPkgJsonDict, filteredPkgJsonDict}; } function labeler(label) { return new Transform({ transform(chunk, _encoding, callback) { chunk = Buffer.from( `[${label}] ${chunk.toString()}` ); callback(null, chunk); } }); } function build(babelEnv, outDir, cliArgs, pkgJsonDict) { const rootPath = monorepoRootPath(); const babelCmd = process.platform === 'win32' ? 'babel.cmd': 'babel'; const babelBinPath = join(rootPath, 'node_modules', '.bin', babelCmd); const babelConfigPath = join(rootPath, 'babel.config.js'); const sources = Object.values(pkgJsonDict).map( ({_path}) => relative(rootPath, join(dirname(_path), 'src')) ); if (!sources.length) { return; } const subp = spawn(babelBinPath, [ ...sources, '--config-file', babelConfigPath, '--extensions', '.js,.ts', '--out-dir', normalize(`../${outDir}`), '--relative', '--source-maps', ...cliArgs ], { cwd: rootPath, env: { ...process.env, BABEL_ENV: babelEnv, FORCE_COLOR: '1' }, stdio: ['inherit', 'pipe', 'pipe'] }); subp.stdout.pipe(labeler(`build:${babelEnv}`)).pipe(process.stdout); subp.stderr.pipe(labeler(`build:${babelEnv}`)).pipe(process.stderr); subp.on('close', code => process.exit(code)); } function buildBrowser(cliArgs, pkgJsonDict) { build('browser', 'dist/browser', cliArgs, pkgJsonDict); } function buildNode(cliArgs, pkgJsonDict) { build('node', 'dist', cliArgs, pkgJsonDict); } function typecheck(cliArgs, filteredPkgJsonDict, allPkgJsonDict, solo) { let doClean = cliArgs.indexOf('--clean'); if (doClean > -1) { cliArgs.splice(doClean, 1); doClean = true; } else { doClean = false; } const rootPath = monorepoRootPath(); const rootTsConfigPath = join(rootPath, 'tsconfig.json'); const baseTsConfigPath = join(rootPath, 'tsconfig.base.json'); const collectiveTsConfigPath = join(rootPath, '.tsconfig.collective.json'); const typecheckCmd = process.platform === 'win32' ? 'tsc.cmd': 'tsc'; const typecheckBinPath = join(__dirname, 'node_modules', '.bin', typecheckCmd); const allPkgNames = new Set(Object.keys(allPkgJsonDict)); const seen = {}; const collectiveTsConfig = { files: [], references: [] }; Object.values(filteredPkgJsonDict).forEach(pkgJson => { const packages = [pkgJson]; for (const _pkgJson of packages) { if (seen[_pkgJson.name]) continue; seen[_pkgJson.name] = true; const pkgTsConfig = { compilerOptions: { composite: true, declarationDir: './dist', tsBuildInfoFile: `./node_modules/.cache/tsc/tsconfig.${_pkgJson.name}.tsbuildinfo` }, extends: relative( dirname(_pkgJson._path), baseTsConfigPath ).replace(/\\/g, '/'), include: [] }; pkgTsConfig.compilerOptions.rootDir = './src'; if (basename(dirname(_pkgJson.main)) === 'lib' || basename(dirname(dirname(_pkgJson.main))) === 'lib') { pkgTsConfig.include.push('src/lib/**/*'); } else { pkgTsConfig.include.push('src/**/*'); } let refs; for (const pkgName of [...new Set([ ...Object.keys(_pkgJson.dependencies), ...Object.keys(_pkgJson.devDependencies) ])].filter(n => n !== 'embark-solo')) { if (allPkgNames.has(pkgName)) { if (!refs) { refs = true; pkgTsConfig.references = []; } const depPkgJson = allPkgJsonDict[pkgName]; const depPkgJsonTsConfig = (depPkgJson[EMBARK_COLLECTIVE] && depPkgJson[EMBARK_COLLECTIVE].typecheck); if (depPkgJsonTsConfig) { pkgTsConfig.references.push({ path: relative( dirname(_pkgJson._path), dirname(depPkgJson._path) ).replace(/\\/g, '/') }); if (!seen[pkgName]) { packages.push(depPkgJson); } } } } if (pkgTsConfig.references) { pkgTsConfig.references.sort(refPathSort); } const _pkgJsonTsConfig = _pkgJson[EMBARK_COLLECTIVE].typecheck; if (isPlainObject(_pkgJsonTsConfig)) { mergeWith(pkgTsConfig, _pkgJsonTsConfig, (_objValue, srcValue, key) => { // cf. https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/tsconfig-json.html if (['exclude', 'files', 'include'].includes(key)) { return srcValue; } return undefined; }); } const pkgTsConfigPath = join(dirname(_pkgJson._path), 'tsconfig.json'); if (!existsSync(pkgTsConfigPath) || !isEqual(pkgTsConfig, readJsonSync(pkgTsConfigPath))) { writeJsonSync( pkgTsConfigPath, sortKeys(pkgTsConfig, {deep: true}), {spaces: 2} ); } } }); const rootTsConfig = { files: [], references: [] }; Object.values(allPkgJsonDict).forEach(pkgJson => { if (pkgJson[EMBARK_COLLECTIVE] && pkgJson[EMBARK_COLLECTIVE].typecheck) { rootTsConfig.references.push({ path: relative(rootPath, dirname(pkgJson._path)).replace(/\\/g, '/') }); } }); rootTsConfig.references.sort(refPathSort); if (!existsSync(rootTsConfigPath) || !isEqual(rootTsConfig, readJsonSync(rootTsConfigPath))) { writeJsonSync( rootTsConfigPath, sortKeys(rootTsConfig, {deep: true}), {spaces: 2} ); } if (solo) { const packagePath = dirname(Object.values(filteredPkgJsonDict)[0]._path); const doSolo = () => { const subp = spawn(typecheckBinPath, [ '--build', '--pretty', ...cliArgs ], { cwd: packagePath, stdio: 'inherit' }); subp.on('close', code => process.exit(code)); }; if (doClean) { const subp = spawn(typecheckBinPath, [ '--build', '--clean' ], { cwd: packagePath, stdio: 'inherit' }); subp.on('close', code => { if (code) process.exit(code); doSolo(); }); } else { doSolo(); } } else { Object.values(filteredPkgJsonDict).forEach(pkgJson => { if (pkgJson[EMBARK_COLLECTIVE] && pkgJson[EMBARK_COLLECTIVE].typecheck) { collectiveTsConfig.references.push({ path: relative(rootPath, dirname(pkgJson._path)).replace(/\\/g, '/') }); } }); collectiveTsConfig.references.sort(refPathSort); if (!existsSync(collectiveTsConfigPath) || !isEqual(collectiveTsConfig, readJsonSync(collectiveTsConfigPath))) { writeJsonSync( collectiveTsConfigPath, sortKeys(collectiveTsConfig, {deep: true}), {spaces: 2} ); } const doCollective = () => { const subp = spawn(typecheckBinPath, [ '--build', collectiveTsConfigPath, '--pretty', ...cliArgs ], { cwd: rootPath, stdio: ['inherit', 'pipe', 'pipe'] }); subp.stdout.pipe(labeler('typecheck')).pipe(process.stdout); subp.stderr.pipe(labeler('typecheck')).pipe(process.stderr); subp.on('close', code => process.exit(code)); }; if (doClean) { const subp = spawn(typecheckBinPath, [ '--build', collectiveTsConfigPath, '--clean' ], { cwd: rootPath, stdio: ['inherit', 'pipe', 'pipe'] }); subp.stdout.pipe(labeler('typecheck')).pipe(process.stdout); subp.stderr.pipe(labeler('typecheck')).pipe(process.stderr); subp.on('close', code => { if (code) process.exit(code); doCollective(); }); } else { doCollective(); } } } function refPathSort({path: pathA}, {path: pathB}) { if (pathA < pathB) { return -1; } else if (pathA > pathB) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } const embarkInsidePkg = 'embark-inside-monorepo'; try { require.resolve(embarkInsidePkg, {paths: [__dirname]}); } catch (err) { const dir = dirname(findUp('package.json', {cwd: __dirname})); throw new Error(`package at ${dir} is not inside embark's monorepo`); }