import * as path from 'path'; import * as os from 'os'; import { sha512 } from './web3Utils'; export const PWD = 'PWD'; export const DAPP_PATH = 'DAPP_PATH'; export const DIAGRAM_PATH = 'DIAGRAM_PATH'; export const EMBARK_PATH = 'EMBARK_PATH'; export const PKG_PATH = 'PKG_PATH'; export const NODE_PATH = 'NODE_PATH'; export function anchoredValue(anchor, value) { if (!arguments.length) { throw new TypeError(`anchor name '${anchor}' was not specified`); } if (arguments.length > 2) { throw new TypeError(`accepts at most 2 arguments`); } if (typeof anchor !== 'string') { throw new TypeError(`anchor name '${anchor}' was not a string`); } let _anchor = process.env[anchor]; if (arguments.length < 2 && !_anchor) { throw new Error(`process.env.${anchor} was not set`); } // don't override an existing value, e.g. if already set by bin/embark if (!_anchor) { _anchor = value; process.env[anchor] = _anchor; } return _anchor; } export function anchoredPath(anchor, ...args) { return joinPath( anchoredValue(anchor), => path.replace(dappPath(), '')) ); } export function joinPath() { return path.join.apply(path.join, arguments); } export function tmpDir(...args) { return joinPath(os.tmpdir(), ...args); } export function diagramPath(...args) { return anchoredPath(DIAGRAM_PATH, ...args); } export function pkgPath(...args) { return anchoredPath(PKG_PATH, ...args); } export function dappPath(...args) { return anchoredPath(DAPP_PATH, ...args); } export function embarkPath(...args) { return anchoredPath(EMBARK_PATH, ...args); } export function ipcPath(basename, usePipePathOnWindows = false) { if (!(basename && typeof basename === 'string')) { throw new TypeError('first argument must be a non-empty string'); } if (process.platform === 'win32' && usePipePathOnWindows) { return `\\\\.\\pipe\\${basename}`; } return joinPath( tmpDir(`embark-${sha512(dappPath()).slice(0, 8)}`), basename ); } export function urlJoin(url, path) { let urlChunks = url.split('/'); let levels = path.split('../'); // remove relative path parts from end of url urlChunks = urlChunks.slice(0, urlChunks.length - levels.length); // remove relative path parts from start of match levels.splice(0, levels.length - 1); // add on our match so we can join later urlChunks = urlChunks.concat(levels.join().replace('./', '')); return urlChunks.join('/'); } export function toForwardSlashes(content) { return content.replace(/\\/g, '/'); } export function normalizePath(content, useForwardSlashes = true) { content = path.normalize(content); if (useForwardSlashes && path.sep !== '/') { content = toForwardSlashes(content); } return content; }