let toposort = require('toposort'); let async = require('async'); let Compiler = require('./compiler.js'); let utils = require('../utils/utils.js'); // TODO: create a contract object class ContractsManager { constructor(options) { this.contractFiles = options.contractFiles; this.contractsConfig = options.contractsConfig; this.contracts = {}; this.logger = options.logger; this.plugins = options.plugins; this.contractDependencies = {}; this.gasLimit = options.gasLimit; } build(done) { let self = this; async.waterfall([ function compileContracts(callback) { let compiler = new Compiler({plugins: self.plugins, logger: self.logger}); compiler.compile_contracts(self.contractFiles, function (err, compiledObject) { self.compiledContracts = compiledObject; callback(err); }); }, function prepareContractsFromConfig(callback) { let className, contract; for (className in self.contractsConfig.contracts) { contract = self.contractsConfig.contracts[className]; contract.className = className; contract.args = contract.args || []; self.contracts[className] = contract; } callback(); }, function prepareContractsFromCompilation(callback) { let className, compiledContract, contractConfig, contract; for (className in self.compiledContracts) { compiledContract = self.compiledContracts[className]; contractConfig = self.contractsConfig.contracts[className]; contract = self.contracts[className] || {className: className, args: []}; contract.code = compiledContract.code; contract.runtimeBytecode = compiledContract.runtimeBytecode; contract.realRuntimeBytecode = (contract.realRuntimeBytecode || contract.runtimeBytecode); contract.swarmHash = compiledContract.swarmHash; contract.gasEstimates = compiledContract.gasEstimates; contract.functionHashes = compiledContract.functionHashes; contract.abiDefinition = compiledContract.abiDefinition; contract.filename = compiledContract.filename; contract.gas = (contractConfig && contractConfig.gas) || self.contractsConfig.gas || 'auto'; contract.gasPrice = contract.gasPrice || self.contractsConfig.gasPrice; contract.type = 'file'; contract.className = className; self.contracts[className] = contract; } callback(); }, function setDeployIntention(callback) { let className, contract; for (className in self.contracts) { contract = self.contracts[className]; contract.deploy = (contract.deploy === undefined) || contract.deploy; if (contract.code === "") { self.logger.info("assuming " + className + " to be an interface"); contract.deploy = false; } } callback(); }, /*eslint complexity: ["error", 11]*/ function dealWithSpecialConfigs(callback) { let className, contract, parentContractName, parentContract; let dictionary = Object.keys(self.contracts); for (className in self.contracts) { contract = self.contracts[className]; if (contract.instanceOf === undefined) { continue; } parentContractName = contract.instanceOf; parentContract = self.contracts[parentContractName]; if (parentContract === className) { self.logger.error(className + ": instanceOf is set to itself"); continue; } if (parentContract === undefined) { self.logger.error(className + ": couldn't find instanceOf contract " + parentContractName); let suggestion = utils.proposeAlternative(parentContractName, dictionary, [className, parentContractName]); if (suggestion) { self.logger.warn('did you mean "' + suggestion + '"?'); } continue; } if (parentContract.args && parentContract.args.length > 0 && ((contract.args && contract.args.length === 0) || contract.args === undefined)) { contract.args = parentContract.args; } if (contract.code !== undefined) { self.logger.error(className + " has code associated to it but it's configured as an instanceOf " + parentContractName); } contract.code = parentContract.code; contract.runtimeBytecode = parentContract.runtimeBytecode; contract.gasEstimates = parentContract.gasEstimates; contract.functionHashes = parentContract.functionHashes; contract.abiDefinition = parentContract.abiDefinition; contract.gas = contract.gas || parentContract.gas; contract.gasPrice = contract.gasPrice || parentContract.gasPrice; contract.type = 'instance'; } callback(); }, function removeContractsWithNoCode(callback) { let className, contract; let dictionary = Object.keys(self.contracts); for (className in self.contracts) { contract = self.contracts[className]; if (contract.code === undefined) { self.logger.error(className + " has no code associated"); let suggestion = utils.proposeAlternative(className, dictionary, [className]); if (suggestion) { self.logger.warn('did you mean "' + suggestion + '"?'); } delete self.contracts[className]; } } self.logger.trace(self.contracts); callback(); }, function determineDependencies(callback) { let className, contract; for (className in self.contracts) { contract = self.contracts[className]; // look in code for dependencies let libMatches = (contract.code.match(/\:(.*?)(?=_)/g) || []); for (let match of libMatches) { self.contractDependencies[className] = self.contractDependencies[className] || []; self.contractDependencies[className].push(match.substr(1)); } // look in arguments for dependencies if (contract.args === []) continue; let ref = contract.args; for (let j = 0; j < ref.length; j++) { let arg = ref[j]; if (arg[0] === "$") { self.contractDependencies[className] = self.contractDependencies[className] || []; self.contractDependencies[className].push(arg.substr(1)); } } // look in onDeploy for dependencies if (contract.onDeploy === [] || contract.onDeploy === undefined) continue; let regex = /\$\w+/g; contract.onDeploy.map((cmd) => { cmd.replace(regex, (match) => { self.contractDependencies[className] = self.contractDependencies[className] || []; self.contractDependencies[className].push(match.substr(1)); }); }); } callback(); } ], function (err, _result) { if (err) { self.logger.error("Error Compiling/Building contracts: " + err); } self.logger.trace("finished".underline); done(err, self); }); } getContract(className) { return this.contracts[className]; } sortContracts(contractList) { let converted_dependencies = [], i; for (let contract in this.contractDependencies) { let dependencies = this.contractDependencies[contract]; for (i = 0; i < dependencies.length; i++) { converted_dependencies.push([contract, dependencies[i]]); } } let orderedDependencies; try { orderedDependencies = toposort(converted_dependencies.filter((x) => x[0] != x[1])).reverse(); } catch(e) { this.logger.error(("Error: " + e.message).red); this.logger.error("there are two or more contracts that depend on each other in a cyclic manner".bold.red); this.logger.error("Embark couldn't determine which one to deploy first".red); throw new Error("CyclicDependencyError"); //process.exit(0); } let newList = contractList.sort(function (a, b) { let order_a = orderedDependencies.indexOf(a.className); let order_b = orderedDependencies.indexOf(b.className); return order_a - order_b; }); return newList; } // TODO: should be built contracts listContracts() { let contracts = []; for (let className in this.contracts) { let contract = this.contracts[className]; contracts.push(contract); } return this.sortContracts(contracts); } contractsState() { let data = []; for (let className in this.contracts) { let contract = this.contracts[className]; let contractData; if (contract.deploy === false) { contractData = [ className.green, 'Interface or set to not deploy'.green, "\t\tn/a".green ]; } else if (contract.error) { contractData = [ className.green, (contract.error).split("\n")[0].replace(/Error: /g, '').substring(0, 32).red, '\t\tError'.red ]; } else { contractData = [ className.green, (contract.deployedAddress || '...').green, ((contract.deployedAddress !== undefined) ? "\t\tDeployed".green : "\t\tPending".magenta) ]; } data.push(contractData); } return data; } } module.exports = ContractsManager;