const fs = require('../../core/fs.js'); const PluginManager = require('live-plugin-manager-git-fix').PluginManager; require('colors'); const NpmTimer = require('./npmTimer'); class Npm { constructor(options) { this._logger = options.logger; this._packageName = options.packageName; this._version = options.version; this._installing = {}; } static getPackagePath(packageName, version){ return './.embark/versions/' + packageName + '/' + version + '/' + packageName; } _isInstalling(packageName, version){ return typeof this._installing[packageName + version] != 'undefined'; } getPackageVersion(packageName, version, callback) { const packagePath = Npm.getPackagePath(packageName, version); // check if this package already exists in the filesystem if (fs.existsSync(packagePath)) { return callback(null, packagePath); } const pluginManager = new PluginManager({pluginsPath: './.embark/versions/' + packageName + '/' + version + '/'}); // check if we're already installing this package if(this._isInstalling(packageName, version)){ this._installing[packageName + version].push(callback); }else{ this._installing[packageName + version] = [callback]; const timer = new NpmTimer({logger: this._logger, packageName: packageName, version: version}); timer.start(); // do the package download/install pluginManager.install(packageName, version).then((result) => { timer.end(); this._installing[packageName + version].forEach((cb) => { cb(null, result.location); }); delete this._installing[packageName + version]; }).catch(err => { this._installing[packageName + version].forEach((cb) => { cb(err); }); }); } } } module.exports = Npm;