pragma solidity ^0.4.18; /* Temporary Hash Registrar ======================== This is a simplified version of a hash registrar. It is purporsefully limited: names cannot be six letters or shorter, new auctions will stop after 4 years. The plan is to test the basic features and then move to a new contract in at most 2 years, when some sort of renewal mechanism will be enabled. */ import './ENS.sol'; import './Deed.sol'; /** * @title Registrar * @dev The registrar handles the auction process for each subnode of the node it owns. */ contract Registrar { ENS public ens; bytes32 public rootNode; mapping (bytes32 => Entry) _entries; mapping (address => mapping (bytes32 => Deed)) public sealedBids; enum Mode { Open, Auction, Owned, Forbidden, Reveal, NotYetAvailable } uint32 constant totalAuctionLength = 5 days; uint32 constant revealPeriod = 48 hours; uint32 public constant launchLength = 8 weeks; uint constant minPrice = 0.01 ether; uint public registryStarted; event AuctionStarted(bytes32 indexed hash, uint registrationDate); event NewBid(bytes32 indexed hash, address indexed bidder, uint deposit); event BidRevealed(bytes32 indexed hash, address indexed owner, uint value, uint8 status); event HashRegistered(bytes32 indexed hash, address indexed owner, uint value, uint registrationDate); event HashReleased(bytes32 indexed hash, uint value); event HashInvalidated(bytes32 indexed hash, string indexed name, uint value, uint registrationDate); struct Entry { Deed deed; uint registrationDate; uint value; uint highestBid; } modifier inState(bytes32 _hash, Mode _state) { require(state(_hash) == _state); _; } modifier onlyOwner(bytes32 _hash) { require(state(_hash) == Mode.Owned && msg.sender == _entries[_hash].deed.owner()); _; } modifier registryOpen() { require(now >= registryStarted && now <= registryStarted + 4 years && ens.owner(rootNode) == address(this)); _; } /** * @dev Constructs a new Registrar, with the provided address as the owner of the root node. * * @param _ens The address of the ENS * @param _rootNode The hash of the rootnode. */ function Registrar(ENS _ens, bytes32 _rootNode, uint _startDate) public { ens = _ens; rootNode = _rootNode; registryStarted = _startDate > 0 ? _startDate : now; } /** * @dev Start an auction for an available hash * * @param _hash The hash to start an auction on */ function startAuction(bytes32 _hash) public registryOpen() { Mode mode = state(_hash); if (mode == Mode.Auction) return; require(mode == Mode.Open); Entry storage newAuction = _entries[_hash]; newAuction.registrationDate = now + totalAuctionLength; newAuction.value = 0; newAuction.highestBid = 0; AuctionStarted(_hash, newAuction.registrationDate); } /** * @dev Start multiple auctions for better anonymity * * Anyone can start an auction by sending an array of hashes that they want to bid for. * Arrays are sent so that someone can open up an auction for X dummy hashes when they * are only really interested in bidding for one. This will increase the cost for an * attacker to simply bid blindly on all new auctions. Dummy auctions that are * open but not bid on are closed after a week. * * @param _hashes An array of hashes, at least one of which you presumably want to bid on */ function startAuctions(bytes32[] _hashes) public { for (uint i = 0; i < _hashes.length; i ++) { startAuction(_hashes[i]); } } /** * @dev Submit a new sealed bid on a desired hash in a blind auction * * Bids are sent by sending a message to the main contract with a hash and an amount. The hash * contains information about the bid, including the bidded hash, the bid amount, and a random * salt. Bids are not tied to any one auction until they are revealed. The value of the bid * itself can be masqueraded by sending more than the value of your actual bid. This is * followed by a 48h reveal period. Bids revealed after this period will be burned and the ether unrecoverable. * Since this is an auction, it is expected that most public hashes, like known domains and common dictionary * words, will have multiple bidders pushing the price up. * * @param sealedBid A sealedBid, created by the shaBid function */ function newBid(bytes32 sealedBid) public payable { require(address(sealedBids[msg.sender][sealedBid]) == 0x0); require(msg.value >= minPrice); // Creates a new hash contract with the owner Deed newBid = (new Deed).value(msg.value)(msg.sender); sealedBids[msg.sender][sealedBid] = newBid; NewBid(sealedBid, msg.sender, msg.value); } /** * @dev Start a set of auctions and bid on one of them * * This method functions identically to calling `startAuctions` followed by `newBid`, * but all in one transaction. * * @param hashes A list of hashes to start auctions on. * @param sealedBid A sealed bid for one of the auctions. */ function startAuctionsAndBid(bytes32[] hashes, bytes32 sealedBid) public payable { startAuctions(hashes); newBid(sealedBid); } /** * @dev Submit the properties of a bid to reveal them * * @param _hash The node in the sealedBid * @param _value The bid amount in the sealedBid * @param _salt The sale in the sealedBid */ function unsealBid(bytes32 _hash, uint _value, bytes32 _salt) public { bytes32 seal = shaBid(_hash, msg.sender, _value, _salt); Deed bid = sealedBids[msg.sender][seal]; require(address(bid) != 0); sealedBids[msg.sender][seal] = Deed(0); Entry storage h = _entries[_hash]; uint value = min(_value, bid.value()); bid.setBalance(value, true); var auctionState = state(_hash); if (auctionState == Mode.Owned) { // Too late! Bidder loses their bid. Gets 0.5% back. bid.closeDeed(5); BidRevealed(_hash, msg.sender, value, 1); } else if (auctionState != Mode.Reveal) { // Invalid phase revert(); } else if (value < minPrice || bid.creationDate() > h.registrationDate - revealPeriod) { // Bid too low or too late, refund 99.5% bid.closeDeed(995); BidRevealed(_hash, msg.sender, value, 0); } else if (value > h.highestBid) { // New winner // Cancel the other bid, refund 99.5% if (address(h.deed) != 0) { Deed previousWinner = h.deed; previousWinner.closeDeed(995); } // Set new winner // Per the rules of a vickery auction, the value becomes the previous highestBid h.value = h.highestBid; // will be zero if there's only 1 bidder h.highestBid = value; h.deed = bid; BidRevealed(_hash, msg.sender, value, 2); } else if (value > h.value) { // Not winner, but affects second place h.value = value; bid.closeDeed(995); BidRevealed(_hash, msg.sender, value, 3); } else { // Bid doesn't affect auction bid.closeDeed(995); BidRevealed(_hash, msg.sender, value, 4); } } /** * @dev Cancel a bid * * @param seal The value returned by the shaBid function */ function cancelBid(address bidder, bytes32 seal) public { Deed bid = sealedBids[bidder][seal]; // If a sole bidder does not `unsealBid` in time, they have a few more days // where they can call `startAuction` (again) and then `unsealBid` during // the revealPeriod to get back their bid value. // For simplicity, they should call `startAuction` within // 9 days (2 weeks - totalAuctionLength), otherwise their bid will be // cancellable by anyone. require(address(bid) != 0 && now >= bid.creationDate() + totalAuctionLength + 2 weeks); // Send the canceller 0.5% of the bid, and burn the rest. bid.setOwner(msg.sender); bid.closeDeed(5); sealedBids[bidder][seal] = Deed(0); BidRevealed(seal, bidder, 0, 5); } /** * @dev Finalize an auction after the registration date has passed * * @param _hash The hash of the name the auction is for */ function finalizeAuction(bytes32 _hash) public onlyOwner(_hash) { Entry storage h = _entries[_hash]; // Handles the case when there's only a single bidder (h.value is zero) h.value = max(h.value, minPrice); h.deed.setBalance(h.value, true); trySetSubnodeOwner(_hash, h.deed.owner()); HashRegistered(_hash, h.deed.owner(), h.value, h.registrationDate); } /** * @dev The owner of a domain may transfer it to someone else at any time. * * @param _hash The node to transfer * @param newOwner The address to transfer ownership to */ function transfer(bytes32 _hash, address newOwner) public onlyOwner(_hash) { require(newOwner != 0); Entry storage h = _entries[_hash]; h.deed.setOwner(newOwner); trySetSubnodeOwner(_hash, newOwner); } /** * @dev After some time, or if we're no longer the registrar, the owner can release * the name and get their ether back. * * @param _hash The node to release */ function releaseDeed(bytes32 _hash) public onlyOwner(_hash) { Entry storage h = _entries[_hash]; Deed deedContract = h.deed; require(now >= h.registrationDate + 1 years || ens.owner(rootNode) != address(this)); h.value = 0; h.highestBid = 0; h.deed = Deed(0); _tryEraseSingleNode(_hash); deedContract.closeDeed(1000); HashReleased(_hash, h.value); } /** * @dev Submit a name 6 characters long or less. If it has been registered, * the submitter will earn 50% of the deed value. * * We are purposefully handicapping the simplified registrar as a way * to force it into being restructured in a few years. * * @param unhashedName An invalid name to search for in the registry. */ function invalidateName(string unhashedName) public inState(keccak256(unhashedName), Mode.Owned) { require(strlen(unhashedName) <= 6); bytes32 hash = keccak256(unhashedName); Entry storage h = _entries[hash]; _tryEraseSingleNode(hash); if (address(h.deed) != 0) { // Reward the discoverer with 50% of the deed // The previous owner gets 50% h.value = max(h.value, minPrice); h.deed.setBalance(h.value/2, false); h.deed.setOwner(msg.sender); h.deed.closeDeed(1000); } HashInvalidated(hash, unhashedName, h.value, h.registrationDate); h.value = 0; h.highestBid = 0; h.deed = Deed(0); } /** * @dev Allows anyone to delete the owner and resolver records for a (subdomain of) a * name that is not currently owned in the registrar. If passing, eg, '', * the owner and resolver fields on '' and 'bar.eth' will all be cleared. * * @param labels A series of label hashes identifying the name to zero out, rooted at the * registrar's root. Must contain at least one element. For instance, to zero * '' on a registrar that owns '.eth', pass an array containing * [keccak256('foo'), keccak256('bar')]. */ function eraseNode(bytes32[] labels) public { require(labels.length != 0); require(state(labels[labels.length - 1]) != Mode.Owned); _eraseNodeHierarchy(labels.length - 1, labels, rootNode); } /** * @dev Transfers the deed to the current registrar, if different from this one. * * Used during the upgrade process to a permanent registrar. * * @param _hash The name hash to transfer. */ function transferRegistrars(bytes32 _hash) public onlyOwner(_hash) { address registrar = ens.owner(rootNode); require(registrar != address(this)); // Migrate the deed Entry storage h = _entries[_hash]; h.deed.setRegistrar(registrar); // Call the new registrar to accept the transfer Registrar(registrar).acceptRegistrarTransfer(_hash, h.deed, h.registrationDate); // Zero out the Entry h.deed = Deed(0); h.registrationDate = 0; h.value = 0; h.highestBid = 0; } /** * @dev Accepts a transfer from a previous registrar; stubbed out here since there * is no previous registrar implementing this interface. * * @param hash The sha3 hash of the label to transfer. * @param deed The Deed object for the name being transferred in. * @param registrationDate The date at which the name was originally registered. */ function acceptRegistrarTransfer(bytes32 hash, Deed deed, uint registrationDate) public { hash; deed; registrationDate; // Don't warn about unused variables } // State transitions for names: // Open -> Auction (startAuction) // Auction -> Reveal // Reveal -> Owned // Reveal -> Open (if nobody bid) // Owned -> Open (releaseDeed or invalidateName) function state(bytes32 _hash) public view returns (Mode) { Entry storage entry = _entries[_hash]; if (!isAllowed(_hash, now)) { return Mode.NotYetAvailable; } else if (now < entry.registrationDate) { if (now < entry.registrationDate - revealPeriod) { return Mode.Auction; } else { return Mode.Reveal; } } else { if (entry.highestBid == 0) { return Mode.Open; } else { return Mode.Owned; } } } function entries(bytes32 _hash) public view returns (Mode, address, uint, uint, uint) { Entry storage h = _entries[_hash]; return (state(_hash), h.deed, h.registrationDate, h.value, h.highestBid); } /** * @dev Determines if a name is available for registration yet * * Each name will be assigned a random date in which its auction * can be started, from 0 to 8 weeks * * @param _hash The hash to start an auction on * @param _timestamp The timestamp to query about */ function isAllowed(bytes32 _hash, uint _timestamp) public view returns (bool allowed) { return _timestamp > getAllowedTime(_hash); } /** * @dev Returns available date for hash * * The available time from the `registryStarted` for a hash is proportional * to its numeric value. * * @param _hash The hash to start an auction on */ function getAllowedTime(bytes32 _hash) public view returns (uint) { return registryStarted + ((launchLength * (uint(_hash) >> 128)) >> 128); // Right shift operator: a >> b == a / 2**b } /** * @dev Hash the values required for a secret bid * * @param hash The node corresponding to the desired namehash * @param value The bid amount * @param salt A random value to ensure secrecy of the bid * @return The hash of the bid values */ function shaBid(bytes32 hash, address owner, uint value, bytes32 salt) public pure returns (bytes32) { return keccak256(hash, owner, value, salt); } function _tryEraseSingleNode(bytes32 label) internal { if (ens.owner(rootNode) == address(this)) { ens.setSubnodeOwner(rootNode, label, address(this)); bytes32 node = keccak256(rootNode, label); ens.setResolver(node, 0); ens.setOwner(node, 0); } } function _eraseNodeHierarchy(uint idx, bytes32[] labels, bytes32 node) internal { // Take ownership of the node ens.setSubnodeOwner(node, labels[idx], address(this)); node = keccak256(node, labels[idx]); // Recurse if there are more labels if (idx > 0) { _eraseNodeHierarchy(idx - 1, labels, node); } // Erase the resolver and owner records ens.setResolver(node, 0); ens.setOwner(node, 0); } /** * @dev Assign the owner in ENS, if we're still the registrar * * @param _hash hash to change owner * @param _newOwner new owner to transfer to */ function trySetSubnodeOwner(bytes32 _hash, address _newOwner) internal { if (ens.owner(rootNode) == address(this)) ens.setSubnodeOwner(rootNode, _hash, _newOwner); } /** * @dev Returns the maximum of two unsigned integers * * @param a A number to compare * @param b A number to compare * @return The maximum of two unsigned integers */ function max(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (uint) { if (a > b) return a; else return b; } /** * @dev Returns the minimum of two unsigned integers * * @param a A number to compare * @param b A number to compare * @return The minimum of two unsigned integers */ function min(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (uint) { if (a < b) return a; else return b; } /** * @dev Returns the length of a given string * * @param s The string to measure the length of * @return The length of the input string */ function strlen(string s) internal pure returns (uint) { s; // Don't warn about unused variables // Starting here means the LSB will be the byte we care about uint ptr; uint end; assembly { ptr := add(s, 1) end := add(mload(s), ptr) } for (uint len = 0; ptr < end; len++) { uint8 b; assembly { b := and(mload(ptr), 0xFF) } if (b < 0x80) { ptr += 1; } else if (b < 0xE0) { ptr += 2; } else if (b < 0xF0) { ptr += 3; } else if (b < 0xF8) { ptr += 4; } else if (b < 0xFC) { ptr += 5; } else { ptr += 6; } } return len; } }