let chokidar = require('chokidar'); let path = require('path'); let fs = require('../core/fs.js'); // TODO: this should be receiving the config object not re-reading the // embark.json file class Watch { constructor(options) { this.logger = options.logger; this.events = options.events; } start() { let self = this; // TODO: should come from the config object instead of reading the file // directly let embarkConfig = fs.readJSONSync("embark.json"); this.watchAssets(embarkConfig, function () { self.logger.trace('ready to watch asset changes'); }); this.watchContracts(embarkConfig, function () { self.logger.trace('ready to watch contract changes'); }); this.watchConfigs(function () { self.logger.trace('ready to watch config changes'); }); this.logger.info("ready to watch file changes"); } watchAssets(embarkConfig, callback) { let self = this; let appConfig = embarkConfig.app; let filesToWatch = []; for (let targetFile in appConfig) { let files = appConfig[targetFile]; let fileGlob = files; // workaround for imports issue // so embark reacts to changes made in imported js files if (!Array.isArray(files)) { fileGlob = path.join(path.dirname(files), '**', '*.*'); } else if (files.length === 1) { fileGlob = path.join(path.dirname(files[0]), '**', '*.*'); } filesToWatch.push(fileGlob); } this.watchFiles( filesToWatch, function (eventName, path) { self.logger.info(`${eventName}: ${path}`); self.events.emit('file-' + eventName, 'asset', path); self.events.emit('file-event', 'asset', path); }, function () { callback(); } ); } watchContracts(embarkConfig, callback) { let self = this; this.watchFiles( [embarkConfig.contracts], function (eventName, path) { self.logger.info(`${eventName}: ${path}`); self.events.emit('file-' + eventName, 'contract', path); self.events.emit('file-event', 'contract', path); }, function () { callback(); } ); } watchConfigs(callback) { let self = this; this.watchFiles( "config/**/contracts.json", function (eventName, path) { self.logger.info(`${eventName}: ${path}`); self.events.emit('file-' + eventName, 'config', path); self.events.emit('file-event', 'config', path); }, function () { callback(); } ); } watchFiles(files, changeCallback, doneCallback) { this.logger.trace('watchFiles'); this.logger.trace(files); let configWatcher = chokidar.watch(files, { ignored: /[\/\\]\./, persistent: true, ignoreInitial: true, followSymlinks: true }); configWatcher .on('add', path => changeCallback('add', path)) .on('change', path => changeCallback('change', path)) .on('unlink', path => changeCallback('remove', path)) .on('ready', doneCallback); } } module.exports = Watch;