/*global describe, it, web3, config*/ const assert = require('assert'); const SimpleStorage = require('Embark/contracts/SimpleStorage'); const EmbarkJS = require('Embark/EmbarkJS'); config({ namesystem: { enabled: true, register: { "rootDomain": "test.eth" } }, contracts: { deploy: { "SimpleStorage": { args: [100] } } } }); describe("EmbarkJS functions", function() { it('should have access to ENS functions (register, lookup and resolve)', function(done) { const registerAddr = web3.utils.toChecksumAddress('0x1a2f3b98e434c02363f3dac3174af93c1d690914'); EmbarkJS.Names.registerSubDomain('subdomain', registerAddr, async (err) => { try { assert.strictEqual(err, null); const rootAddress = await EmbarkJS.Names.resolve('test.eth'); assert.strictEqual(rootAddress, web3.eth.defaultAccount); const rootName = await EmbarkJS.Names.lookup(rootAddress); assert.strictEqual(rootName, 'test.eth'); const subRegisterAddr = await EmbarkJS.Names.resolve('subdomain.test.eth'); assert.strictEqual(subRegisterAddr, registerAddr); done(); } catch (e) { done(e); } }); }); it('should have access to Storage functions', async function() { // Not calling the functions because it requires Swarm assert.ok(EmbarkJS.Storage.saveText); assert.ok(EmbarkJS.Storage.get); }); it('should have access to Blockchain functions', async function() { const contract = new EmbarkJS.Blockchain.Contract({ abi: SimpleStorage.options.jsonInterface, address: SimpleStorage.options.address, web3: web3 }); const result = await contract.methods.get().call(); assert.strictEqual(parseInt(result, 10), 100); }); });