/*global EmbarkJS, Web3 */ // for the old version of whisper and web3.js let __embarkWhisperOld = {}; __embarkWhisperOld.setProvider = function(options) { const self = this; let provider; if (options === undefined) { provider = "localhost:8546"; } else { provider = options.server + ':' + options.port; } self.web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider("http://" + provider)); self.getWhisperVersion(function(err, version) { if (err) { console.log("whisper not available"); } else if (version >= 5) { throw new Error("whisper 5 not supported with this version of web3.js"); } else { self.identity = self.web3.shh.newIdentity(); } self.whisperVersion = self.web3.version.whisper; }); }; __embarkWhisperOld.sendMessage = function(options) { var topics, data, ttl, priority, payload; topics = options.topic || options.topics; data = options.data || options.payload; ttl = options.ttl || 100; priority = options.priority || 1000; var identity = options.identity || this.identity || this.web3.shh.newIdentity(); var _topics; if (topics === undefined) { throw new Error("missing option: topic"); } if (data === undefined) { throw new Error("missing option: data"); } if (typeof topics === 'string') { _topics = [EmbarkJS.Utils.fromAscii(topics)]; } else { _topics = topics.map((t) => EmbarkJS.Utils.fromAscii(t)); } topics = _topics; payload = JSON.stringify(data); var message; message = { from: identity, topics: topics, payload: EmbarkJS.Utils.fromAscii(payload), ttl: ttl, priority: priority }; return this.web3.shh.post(message, function() { }); }; __embarkWhisperOld.listenTo = function(options) { var topics, _topics, messageEvents; topics = options.topic || options.topics; _topics = []; messageEvents = function() { this.cb = function() {}; }; messageEvents.prototype.then = function(cb) { this.cb = cb; }; messageEvents.prototype.error = function(err) { return err; }; messageEvents.prototype.stop = function() { this.filter.stopWatching(); }; if (typeof topics === 'string') { _topics = [topics]; } else { _topics = topics.map((t) => EmbarkJS.Utils.fromAscii(t)); } topics = _topics; var filterOptions = { topics: topics }; let promise = new messageEvents(); let filter = this.web3.shh.filter(filterOptions, function(err, result) { var payload = JSON.parse(EmbarkJS.Utils.toAscii(result.payload)); var data; if (err) { promise.error(err); } else { data = { topic: topics, data: payload, from: result.from, time: (new Date(result.sent * 1000)) }; promise.cb(payload, data, result); } }); promise.filter = filter; return promise; }; __embarkWhisperOld.getWhisperVersion = function(cb) { this.web3.version.getWhisper(function(err, _res) { cb(err, self.web3.version.whisper); }); };