const async = require('async'); const Web3 = require('web3'); const AccountParser = require('../../contracts/accountParser'); const fs = require('../../core/fs'); // TODO: make all of this async class GethCommands { constructor(options) { this.config = options && options.hasOwnProperty('config') ? options.config : {}; this.env = options && options.hasOwnProperty('env') ? options.env : 'development'; this.isDev = options && options.hasOwnProperty('isDev') ? options.isDev : (this.env === 'development'); = "Go-Ethereum ("; this.geth_bin = this.config.geth_bin || "geth"; } commonOptions() { let config = this.config; let cmd = ""; cmd += this.determineNetworkType(config); if (config.datadir) { cmd += "--datadir=\"" + config.datadir + "\" "; } if (config.light) { cmd += "--light "; } if ( { cmd += "--fast "; } if (config.account && config.account.password) { cmd += "--password " + config.account.password + " "; } return cmd; } determineVersion() { return this.geth_bin + " version"; } determineNetworkType(config) { let cmd = ""; if (config.networkType === 'testnet') { cmd += "--testnet "; } else if (config.networkType === 'olympic') { cmd += "--olympic "; } else if (config.networkType === 'custom') { cmd += "--networkid " + config.networkId + " "; } return cmd; } initGenesisCommmand() { let config = this.config; let cmd = this.geth_bin + " " + this.commonOptions(); if (config.genesisBlock) { cmd += "init \"" + config.genesisBlock + "\" "; } return cmd; } newAccountCommand() { return this.geth_bin + " " + this.commonOptions() + "account new "; } listAccountsCommand() { return this.geth_bin + " " + this.commonOptions() + "account list "; } determineRpcOptions(config) { let cmd = ""; cmd += "--port " + config.port + " "; cmd += "--rpc "; cmd += "--rpcport " + config.rpcPort + " "; cmd += "--rpcaddr " + config.rpcHost + " "; if (config.rpcCorsDomain) { if (config.rpcCorsDomain === '*') { console.log('=================================='); console.log(__('rpcCorsDomain set to *')); console.log(__('make sure you know what you are doing')); console.log('=================================='); } cmd += "--rpccorsdomain=\"" + config.rpcCorsDomain + "\" "; } else { console.log('=================================='); console.log(__('warning: cors is not set')); console.log('=================================='); } return cmd; } determineWsOptions(config) { let cmd = ""; if (config.wsRPC) { cmd += "--ws "; cmd += "--wsport " + config.wsPort + " "; cmd += "--wsaddr " + config.wsHost + " "; if (config.wsOrigins) { if (config.wsOrigins === '*') { console.log('=================================='); console.log(__('wsOrigins set to *')); console.log(__('make sure you know what you are doing')); console.log('=================================='); } cmd += "--wsorigins \"" + config.wsOrigins + "\" "; } else { console.log('=================================='); console.log(__('warning: wsOrigins is not set')); console.log('=================================='); } } return cmd; } mainCommand(address, done) { let self = this; let config = this.config; let rpc_api = (this.config.rpcApi || ['eth', 'web3', 'net']); let ws_api = (this.config.wsApi || ['eth', 'web3', 'net']); async.series([ function commonOptions(callback) { let cmd = self.commonOptions(); callback(null, cmd); }, function rpcOptions(callback) { let cmd = self.determineRpcOptions(self.config); callback(null, cmd); }, function wsOptions(callback) { let cmd = self.determineWsOptions(self.config); callback(null, cmd); }, function dontGetPeers(callback) { if (config.nodiscover) { return callback(null, "--nodiscover"); } callback(null, ""); }, function vmDebug(callback) { if (config.vmdebug) { return callback(null, "--vmdebug"); } callback(null, ""); }, function maxPeers(callback) { let cmd = "--maxpeers " + config.maxpeers; callback(null, cmd); }, function mining(callback) { if (config.mineWhenNeeded || config.mine) { return callback(null, "--mine "); } callback(""); }, function bootnodes(callback) { if (config.bootnodes && config.bootnodes !== "" && config.bootnodes !== []) { return callback(null, "--bootnodes " + config.bootnodes); } callback(""); }, function whisper(callback) { if (config.whisper) { rpc_api.push('shh'); if (ws_api.indexOf('shh') === -1) { ws_api.push('shh'); } return callback(null, "--shh "); } callback(""); }, function rpcApi(callback) { callback(null, '--rpcapi "' + rpc_api.join(',') + '"'); }, function wsApi(callback) { callback(null, '--wsapi "' + ws_api.join(',') + '"'); }, function accountToUnlock(callback) { let accountAddress = ""; if(config.hasOwnProperty('address') && config.account.hasOwnProperty('address')) { accountAddress = config.account.address; } else { accountAddress = address; } if (accountAddress && !self.isDev) { return callback(null, "--unlock=" + accountAddress); } callback(null, ""); }, function gasLimit(callback) { if (config.targetGasLimit) { return callback(null, "--targetgaslimit " + config.targetGasLimit); } callback(null, ""); }, function mineWhenNeeded(callback) { if (config.mineWhenNeeded && !self.isDev) { return callback(null, "js .embark/" + self.env + "/js/mine.js"); } callback(null, ""); }, function fundAccount(callback) { if (self.isDev && self.config.accountsConfig && self.config.accountsConfig.length) { const accounts = AccountParser.parseAccountsConfig(self.config.accountsConfig, new Web3()); if (accounts.length) { const fundAccountTemplate = require('./fundAccout.js.ejs'); const code = fundAccountTemplate({accountAddress: accounts[0].address}); const filePath = `.embark/${self.env}/js/fundAccount.js`; fs.writeFile(fs.dappPath(filePath), code, (err) => { if (err) { console.error('Failed to created the script to fund the account'); return callback(null, ''); } callback(null, filePath); }); return; } } callback(null, ""); }, function isDev(callback) { if (self.isDev) { return callback(null, '--dev'); } callback(null, ''); } ], function (err, results) { if (err) { throw new Error(err.message); } done(self.geth_bin + " " + results.join(" ")); }); } } module.exports = GethCommands;