const fs = require('fs-extra'); const os = require('os'); const parseJson = require('parse-json'); const path = require('path'); import { dappPath, embarkPath, joinPath, pkgPath } from 'embark-utils'; require('colors'); function restrictPath(receiver, binding, count, args) { const dapp = dappPath(); let embark = embarkPath(); const pkg = pkgPath(); // In the monorepo, enable doing FS functions on all of embark (needed to access embark/node_modules) embark = embark.replace(path.normalize('embark/packages/'), ''); const allowedRoots = [ dapp, embark, pkg, os.tmpdir() ]; let allInsideRestricted = true; for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { const resolved = path.resolve(dapp, args[i]); allInsideRestricted = allowedRoots.some(p => { return resolved.indexOf(p) === 0; }); if (!allInsideRestricted) break; } if (allInsideRestricted) return receiver.apply(binding, args); throw new Error('EPERM: Operation not permitted'); } function mkdirpSync(...args) { return restrictPath(fs.mkdirpSync, fs, 1, args); } function mkdirp(...args) { return restrictPath(fs.mkdirp, fs, 1, args); } function readdir(...args) { return restrictPath(fs.readdir, fs, 1, args); } function stat(...args) { return restrictPath(fs.stat, fs, 1, args); } function remove(...args) { return restrictPath(fs.remove, fs, 1, args); } function copy(...args) { return restrictPath(fs.copy, fs, 2, args); } function copySync(...args) { return restrictPath(fs.copySync, fs, 2, args); } function move(...args) { return restrictPath(fs.move, fs, 2, args); } function moveSync(...args) { return restrictPath(fs.moveSync, fs, 2, args); } function symlink(...args) { return restrictPath(fs.symlink, fs, 2, args); } function appendFileSync(...args) { return restrictPath(fs.appendFileSync, fs, 1, args); } function writeFile(...args) { return restrictPath(fs.writeFile, fs, 1, args); } function writeFileSync(...args) { return restrictPath(fs.writeFileSync, fs, 1, args); } function readFile(...args) { return restrictPath(fs.readFile, fs, 1, args); } function readFileSync(...args) { return restrictPath(fs.readFileSync, fs, 1, args); } function readdirSync(...args) { return restrictPath(fs.readdirSync, fs, 1, args); } function statSync(...args) { return restrictPath(fs.statSync, fs, 1, args); } function readJSONSync(...args) { const content = readFileSync(...args); let json; try { json = parseJson(content); } catch(e) { console.error('error: '.red + args[0].green.underline + ' ' +; process.exit(0); } return json; } function writeJSONSync(...args) { return restrictPath(fs.writeJSONSync, fs, 1, args); } function outputJSONSync(...args) { return restrictPath(fs.outputJSONSync, fs, 1, args); } function writeJson(...args) { return restrictPath(fs.writeJson, fs, 1, args); } function existsSync(...args) { return restrictPath(fs.existsSync, fs, 1, args); } function ensureFileSync(...args) { return restrictPath(fs.ensureFileSync, fs, 1, args); } function ensureDirSync(...args) { return restrictPath(fs.ensureDirSync, fs, 1, args); } function access(...args) { return restrictPath(fs.access, fs, 1, args); } function removeSync(...args) { return restrictPath(fs.removeSync, fs, 1, args); } function createWriteStream(...args) { return restrictPath(fs.createWriteStream, fs, 1, args); } function copyPreserve(sourceFilePath, targetFilePath) { const implementation = (sourceFilePath, targetFilePath) => { let ext = 1; let preserved = targetFilePath; while (fs.existsSync(preserved)) { const extname = path.extname(targetFilePath); preserved = joinPath( path.dirname(targetFilePath), `${path.basename(targetFilePath, extname)}.${ext}${extname}` ); ext++; } if (preserved !== targetFilePath) { fs.copySync(targetFilePath, preserved); } fs.copySync(sourceFilePath, targetFilePath); }; return restrictPath(implementation, {}, 2, [sourceFilePath, targetFilePath]); } function outputFileSync(...args) { return restrictPath(fs.outputFileSync, fs, 1, args); } module.exports = { access, appendFileSync, copy, copyPreserve, copySync, createWriteStream, existsSync, ensureFileSync, ensureDirSync, mkdirp, mkdirpSync, move, moveSync, outputFileSync, outputJSONSync, readFile, readFileSync, readJSONSync, readdir, readdirSync, remove, removeSync, stat, statSync, symlink, writeFile, writeFileSync, writeJSONSync, writeJson };