let fs = require('../core/fs.js'); let hostedGitInfo = require('hosted-git-info'); let utils = require('./utils.js'); let semver = require('semver'); class TemplateGenerator { constructor(templateName) { this.templateName = templateName; } checkPathExists(fspath) { if (fs.existsSync(fspath)) { console.error(`${fspath} already exists, will not overwrite`.red); process.exit(1); } } download(url, tmpFilePath, browse) { console.log(__('Installing template from ' + browse).green); console.log(__('Downloading template...').green); fs.mkdirpSync(utils.dirname(tmpFilePath)); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { utils.downloadFile(url, tmpFilePath, (err) => { if (err) { console.error(utils.errorMessage(err).red); reject(err); } else { resolve(); } }); }); } downloadFailed() { console.error('Does the template really exist?'.red); console.error(`Embark's supported templates: https://embark.status.im/templates/`.green); process.exit(1); } async downloadAndGenerate(uri, destinationFolder, name) { const fspath = utils.joinPath(destinationFolder, name); this.checkPathExists(fspath); const self = this; let ext; try { ext = await this.getExternalProject(uri); } catch (e) { console.error(utils.errorMessage(e).red); process.exit(1); } let {url, filePath, browse} = ext; let tmpFilePath = fs.tmpDir(filePath); try { try { await this.download(url, tmpFilePath, browse); } catch (err) { let {url_fallback, filePath_fallback, browse_fallback, embarkVersion} = ext; if (url_fallback) { console.log(__('Retrying with the default branch...').yellow); console.log((__(`It may not be compatible with your Embark version`) + ` ${embarkVersion}`).yellow); tmpFilePath = fs.tmpDir(filePath_fallback); await this.download(url_fallback, tmpFilePath, browse_fallback); } else { throw new Error(); } } } catch (e) { return this.downloadFailed(); } utils.extractZip(tmpFilePath, fspath, { map: file => { let fixed_path = file.path.split('/'); fixed_path.shift(); // remove first directory file.path = utils.joinPath(...fixed_path); return file; } }, () => { self.installTemplate(fspath, name, true); }); } generate(destinationFolder, name) { const fspath = utils.joinPath(destinationFolder, name); this.checkPathExists(fspath); console.log(__('Initializing Embark template...').green); let templatePath = fs.embarkPath(utils.joinPath('templates', this.templateName)); fs.copySync(templatePath, fspath); this.installTemplate( fspath, name, (this.templateName === 'boilerplate' || this.templateName === 'demo'), () => { if (name === 'embark_demo') { console.log('-------------------'.yellow); console.log(__('Next steps:').green); console.log(('-> ' + ('cd ' + fspath).bold.cyan).green); console.log('-> '.green + 'embark run'.bold.cyan); console.log(__('For more info go to http://embark.status.im').green); } } ); } installTemplate(templatePath, name, installPackages, cb) { utils.cd(templatePath); utils.sed('package.json', '%APP_NAME%', name); if (fs.existsSync('dot.gitignore')) { fs.moveSync('dot.gitignore', '.gitignore'); } else if (!fs.existsSync('.gitignore')) { fs.copySync(fs.embarkPath('templates/dot.gitignore'), '.gitignore'); } if (installPackages) { console.log(__('Installing packages...').green); utils.runCmd('npm install', null, (err) => { if (err) { console.error(utils.errorMessage(err).red); process.exit(1); } console.log(__('Init complete').green); console.log('\n' + __('App ready at ').green + templatePath); if (cb) cb(); }); } } getExternalProject(uri) { let url, folder, hgi; let fallback, url_fallback, folder_fallback, hgi_fallback, embarkVersion; hgi = hostedGitInfo.fromUrl(uri); if (!hgi || hgi.user.includes('#')) { let templateAndBranch = uri.split('#'); if (templateAndBranch.length === 1) { fallback = true; embarkVersion = semver(require('../../package.json').version); templateAndBranch.push(`${embarkVersion.major}.${embarkVersion.minor}`); } templateAndBranch[0] = `embark-framework/embark-${templateAndBranch[0]}-template`; hgi = hostedGitInfo.fromUrl(templateAndBranch.join('#')); if (fallback) { hgi_fallback = hostedGitInfo.fromUrl(templateAndBranch[0]); } } if(!hgi) { throw new Error('Unsupported template name or git host URL'); } url = hgi.tarball(); if (fallback) { url_fallback = hgi_fallback.tarball(); folder_fallback = `${hgi_fallback.user}/${hgi_fallback.project}/master`; } const returnObject = { url, browse: decodeURIComponent(hgi.browse()), url_fallback, filePath_fallback: fallback && utils.joinPath(".embark/templates/", folder_fallback, "archive.zip"), browse_fallback: fallback && decodeURIComponent(hgi_fallback.browse()), embarkVersion }; if (hgi.committish) { folder = `${hgi.user}/${hgi.project}/${hgi.committish}`; returnObject.filePath = utils.joinPath(".embark/templates/", folder, "archive.zip"); return returnObject; } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const request = require('request'); request.get({ url: `https://api.github.com/repos/${hgi.user}/${hgi.project}`, json: true, headers: { 'User-Agent': 'embark' } }, (err, resp, body) => { if (err) { return reject(err); } folder = `${hgi.user}/${hgi.project}/${body.default_branch}`; returnObject.url = returnObject.url.replace('/master', '/' + body.default_branch); returnObject.filePath = utils.joinPath(".embark/templates/", folder, "archive.zip"); resolve(returnObject); }); }); } } module.exports = TemplateGenerator;