import { __ } from 'embark-i18n'; import { dappPath, sha3 } from 'embark-utils'; import * as fs from 'fs-extra'; class DeployTracker { constructor(embark, options) { this.logger = embark.logger; =; this.embark = embark; this.trackContracts = (options.trackContracts !== false); // TODO: unclear where it comes from this.env = options.env; this.chainConfig = {}; this.chainFile = embark.config.contractsConfig.tracking; this.loadChainTrackerFile(); this.registerEvents(); } loadChainTrackerFile() { if (this.chainFile === false) return; if (this.chainFile === undefined) this.chainFile = ".embark/chains.json"; this.chainFile = dappPath(this.chainFile); if (!fs.existsSync(this.chainFile)) { + ' ' + __('file not found, creating it...')); fs.outputJSONSync(this.chainFile, {}); } this.chainConfig = fs.readJSONSync(this.chainFile); } registerEvents() { if (this.chainFile === false) return; const self = this; this.embark.registerActionForEvent("deploy:beforeAll", this.setCurrentChain.bind(this));"deploy:contract:deployed", (contract) => { self.trackContract(contract.className, contract.realRuntimeBytecode, contract.realArgs, contract.deployedAddress);; }); self.embark.registerActionForEvent("deploy:contract:shouldDeploy", (params, cb) => { if (!self.trackContracts) { return cb(null, params); } let contract = params.contract; let trackedContract = self.getContract(contract.className, contract.realRuntimeBytecode, contract.realArgs); if (trackedContract) { params.contract.address = trackedContract.address; } if (params.shouldDeploy && trackedContract) { params.shouldDeploy = true; } cb(null, params); }); } setCurrentChain(callback) { const self = this; if (this.chainConfig === false) { this.currentChain = {contracts: []}; return callback(); } function getBlock(blockNum, cb) {"blockchain:block:byNumber", blockNum, (err, block) => { if (err) { return cb(err); } let chainId = block.hash; if (self.chainConfig[chainId] === undefined) { self.chainConfig[chainId] = {contracts: {}}; } self.currentChain = self.chainConfig[chainId]; = self.env; cb(); }); } getBlock(0, (err) => { if (err) { // Retry with block 1 (Block 0 fails with Ganache-cli using the --fork option) return getBlock(1, (err) => { if (err) { self.logger.error(__('Error getting block data. The deploy-tracker will not work'), err); } callback(); }); } callback(); }); } loadConfig(config) { this.chainConfig = config; return this; } trackContract(contractName, code, args, address) { if (!this.currentChain) return false; this.currentChain.contracts[sha3(code + contractName + args.join(','))] = { name: contractName, address: address }; } getContract(contractName, code, args) { if (!this.currentChain) return false; let contract = this.currentChain.contracts[sha3(code + contractName + args.join(','))]; if (contract && contract.address === undefined) { return false; } return contract; } // TODO: abstract this // chainConfig can be an abstract PersistentObject save() { if (this.chainConfig === false) { return; } fs.writeJSONSync(this.chainFile, this.chainConfig, {spaces: 2}); } } module.exports = DeployTracker;