// This file contains only the basic configuration you need to run Embark's node // For additional configurations, see: https://embark.status.im/docs/blockchain_configuration.html module.exports = { // default applies to all environments default: { enabled: true, client: "geth" // Can be geth or parity (default:geth) }, development: { clientConfig: { miningMode: 'dev' // Mode in which the node mines. Options: dev, auto, always, off } }, privatenet: { // Accounts to use as node accounts // The order here corresponds to the order of `web3.eth.getAccounts`, so the first one is the `defaultAccount` // For more account configurations, see: https://embark.status.im/docs/blockchain_accounts_configuration.html accounts: [ { nodeAccounts: true, // Accounts use for the node numAddresses: "1", // Number of addresses/accounts (defaults to 1) password: "config/development/password" // Password file for the accounts } ], clientConfig: { datadir: ".embark/privatenet/datadir", // Data directory for the databases and keystore miningMode: 'auto', genesisBlock: "config/privatenet/genesis.json" // Genesis block to initiate on first creation of a development node } }, privateparitynet: { client: "parity", genesisBlock: "config/privatenet/genesis-parity.json", datadir: ".embark/privatenet/datadir", miningMode: 'off' }, externalnode: { endpoint: "URL_OF_THE_NODE", // Endpoint of an node to connect to. Can be on localhost or on the internet accounts: [ { mnemonic: "YOUR_MNEMONIC", hdpath: "m/44'/60'/0'/0/", numAddresses: "1" } ] }, testnet: { networkType: "testnet", // Can be: testnet(ropsten), rinkeby, livenet or custom, in which case, it will use the specified networkId syncMode: "light", accounts: [ { nodeAccounts: true, password: "config/testnet/password" } ] }, livenet: { networkType: "livenet", syncMode: "light", accounts: [ { nodeAccounts: true, password: "config/livenet/password" } ] } // you can name an environment with specific settings and then specify with // "embark run custom_name" or "embark blockchain custom_name" //custom_name: { //} };