const program = require('commander'); const EmbarkController = require('./cmd_controller.js'); const i18n = require('../lib/core/i18n/i18n.js'); const utils = require('../lib/utils/utils.js'); let embark = new EmbarkController(); // set PWD to process.cwd() since Windows doesn't have a value for PWD if (!process.env.PWD) { process.env.PWD = process.cwd(); } // set the anchor for embark's fs.dappPath() if (!process.env.DAPP_PATH) { process.env.DAPP_PATH = process.env.PWD; } // set the anchor for embark's fs.embarkPath() if (!process.env.EMBARK_PATH) { process.env.EMBARK_PATH = utils.joinPath(__dirname, '..'); } // set the anchor for embark's fs.pkgPath() if (!process.env.PKG_PATH) { process.env.PKG_PATH = process.env.PWD; } // NOTE: setting NODE_PATH at runtime won't effect lookup behavior in the // current process, but will take effect in child processes; this enables // lookup of *global* embark's own node_modules from within dapp scripts (such // as an ejected webpack.config.js), making embark's dependencies trasitive // dependencies of a dapp without the dapp explicitly specifying embark as a // dependency in the dapp's package.json process.env.NODE_PATH = utils.joinPath(process.env.EMBARK_PATH, 'node_modules') + (process.env.NODE_PATH ? require('path').delimiter : '') + (process.env.NODE_PATH || ''); process.env.DEFAULT_DIAGRAM_PATH = utils.joinPath(process.env.DAPP_PATH, 'diagram.svg'); process.env.DEFAULT_CMD_HISTORY_PATH = utils.joinPath(process.env.DAPP_PATH, '.embark', 'cmd_history'); process.env.DEFAULT_CMD_HISTORY_SIZE = 20; class Cmd { constructor() { program.version(embark.version); } process(args) { this.newApp(); this.demo();;; this.console(); this.blockchain(); this.simulator(); this.test(); this.reset(); this.ejectWebpack(); this.graph(); this.upload(); this.versionCmd(); this.helpCmd(); this.otherCommands(); //If no arguments are passed display help by default if (!process.argv.slice(2).length) {; } program.parse(args); } newApp() { let validateName = function(value) { try { if (value.match(/^[a-zA-Z\s-]+$/)) return value; } catch (e) { throw new Error(__('Name must be only letters, spaces, or dashes')); } }; program .command('new [name]') .description(__('New Application')) .option('--simple', __('create a barebones project meant only for contract development')) .option('--locale [locale]', __('language to use (default: en)')) .option('--template ', __('download a template using a known name or a git host URL')) .action(function(name, options) { i18n.setOrDetectLocale(options.locale); if (name === undefined) { const promptly = require('promptly'); return promptly.prompt(__("Name your app (default is %s):", 'embarkDapp'), { default: "embarkDApp", validator: validateName }, function(err, inputvalue) { if (err) { console.error(__('Invalid name') + ':', err.message); // Manually call retry // The passed error has a retry method to easily prompt again. err.retry(); } else { //slightly different assignment of name since it comes from child prompt if (options.simple) { embark.generateTemplate('simple', './', inputvalue); } else { embark.generateTemplate('boilerplate', './', inputvalue, options.template); } } }); } if (options.simple) { embark.generateTemplate('simple', './', name); } else { embark.generateTemplate('boilerplate', './', name, options.template); } }); } demo() { program .command('demo') .option('--locale [locale]', __('language to use (default: en)')) .description(__('create a working dapp with a SimpleStorage contract')) .action(function(options) { i18n.setOrDetectLocale(options.locale); embark.generateTemplate('demo', './', 'embark_demo'); }); } build() { program .command('build [environment]') .option('--contracts', 'only compile contracts into Embark wrappers') .option('--logfile [logfile]', __('filename to output logs (default: none)')) .option('-c, --client [client]', __('Use a specific ethereum client [%s] (default: %s)', 'geth, parity', 'geth')) .option('--loglevel [loglevel]', __('level of logging to display') + ' ["error", "warn", "info", "debug", "trace"]', /^(error|warn|info|debug|trace)$/i, 'debug') .option('--locale [locale]', __('language to use (default: en)')) .option('--pipeline [pipeline]', __('webpack config to use (default: production)')) .description(__('deploy and build dapp at ') + 'dist/ (default: development)') .action(function(env, _options) { i18n.setOrDetectLocale(_options.locale); _options.env = env || 'development'; _options.logFile = _options.logfile; // fix casing _options.logLevel = _options.loglevel; // fix casing _options.onlyCompile = _options.contracts; _options.client = _options.client; _options.webpackConfigName = _options.pipeline || 'production';; }); } run() { program .command('run [environment]') .option('-p, --port [port]', __('port to run the dev webserver (default: %s)', '8000')) .option('-c, --client [client]', __('Use a specific ethereum client [%s] (default: %s)', 'geth, parity', 'geth')) .option('-b, --host [host]', __('host to run the dev webserver (default: %s)', 'localhost')) .option('--noserver', __('disable the development webserver')) .option('--nodashboard', __('simple mode, disables the dashboard')) .option('--nobrowser', __('prevent the development webserver from automatically opening a web browser')) .option('--no-color', __('no colors in case it\'s needed for compatbility purposes')) .option('--logfile [logfile]', __('filename to output logs (default: %s)', 'none')) .option('--loglevel [loglevel]', __('level of logging to display') + ' ["error", "warn", "info", "debug", "trace"]', /^(error|warn|info|debug|trace)$/i, 'debug') .option('--locale [locale]', __('language to use (default: en)')) .option('--pipeline [pipeline]', __('webpack config to use (default: development)')) .description(__('run dapp (default: %s)', 'development')) .action(function(env, options) { i18n.setOrDetectLocale(options.locale); const nullify = (v) => { return (!v || typeof v !== 'string') ? null : v; };{ env: env || 'development', serverPort: options.port, serverHost:, client: options.client, locale: options.locale, runWebserver: !options.noserver ? null : false, useDashboard: !options.nodashboard, logFile: options.logfile, logLevel: options.loglevel, webpackConfigName: options.pipeline || 'development', openBrowser: !options.nobrowser ? null : false }); }); } console() { program .command('console [environment]') .option('-c, --client [client]', __('Use a specific ethereum client [%s] (default: %s)', 'geth, parity', 'geth')) .option('--logfile [logfile]', __('filename to output logs (default: %s)', 'none')) .option('--loglevel [loglevel]', __('level of logging to display') + ' ["error", "warn", "info", "debug", "trace"]', /^(error|warn|info|debug|trace)$/i, 'debug') .option('--locale [locale]', __('language to use (default: en)')) .option('--pipeline [pipeline]', __('webpack config to use (default: development)')) .description(__('Start the Embark console')) .action(function(env, options) { i18n.setOrDetectLocale(options.locale); embark.console({ env: env || 'development', client: options.client, locale: options.locale, logFile: options.logfile, logLevel: options.loglevel, webpackConfigName: options.pipeline || 'development' }); }); } blockchain() { program .command('blockchain [environment]') .option('-c, --client [client]', __('Use a specific ethereum client [%s] (default: %s)', 'geth, parity', 'geth')) .option('--locale [locale]', __('language to use (default: en)')) .description(__('run blockchain server (default: %s)', 'development')) .action(function(env, options) { i18n.setOrDetectLocale(options.locale); embark.initConfig(env || 'development', { embarkConfig: 'embark.json', interceptLogs: false }); embark.blockchain(env || 'development', options.client); }); } simulator() { program .command('simulator [environment]') .description(__('run a fast ethereum rpc simulator')) .option('--testrpc', __('use ganache-cli (former "testrpc") as the rpc simulator [%s]', 'default')) .option('-p, --port [port]', __('port to run the rpc simulator (default: %s)', '8545')) .option('-h, --host [host]', __('host to run the rpc simulator (default: %s)', 'localhost')) .option('-a, --accounts [numAccounts]', __('number of accounts (default: %s)', '10')) .option('-e, --defaultBalanceEther [balance]', __('Amount of ether to assign each test account (default: %s)', '100')) .option('-l, --gasLimit [gasLimit]', __('custom gas limit (default: %s)', '8000000')) .option('--locale [locale]', __('language to use (default: en)')) .action(function(env, options) { i18n.setOrDetectLocale(options.locale); embark.initConfig(env || 'development', { embarkConfig: 'embark.json', interceptLogs: false }); embark.simulator({ port: options.port, host:, numAccounts: options.numAccounts, defaultBalance: options.balance, gasLimit: options.gasLimit }); }); } test() { program .command('test [file]') .option('-n , --node ', __('node for running the tests ["vm", "embark", ] (default: vm)\n') + ' vm - ' + __('start and use an Ethereum simulator (ganache)') + '\n' + ' embark - ' + __('use the node of a running embark process') + '\n' + ' - ' + __('connect to and use the specified node')) .option('-d , --gasDetails', __('print the gas cost for each contract deployment when running the tests')) .option('-c , --coverage', __('generate a coverage report after running the tests (vm only)')) .option('--nobrowser', __('do not start browser after coverage report is generated')) .option('--locale [locale]', __('language to use (default: en)')) .option('--logLevel [loglevel]', __('level of logging to display') + ' ["error", "warn", "info", "debug", "trace"]', /^(error|warn|info|debug|trace)$/i, 'warn') .option('--solc', __('run only solidity tests')) .description(__('run tests')) .action(function(file, options) { const node = options.node || 'vm'; const urlRegexExp = /^(vm|embark|((ws|https?):\/\/([a-zA-Z0-9_.-]*):?([0-9]*)?))$/i; if (!urlRegexExp.test(node)) { console.error(`invalid --node option: must be "vm", "embark" or a valid URL\n`.red); options.outputHelp(); process.exit(1); } options.node = node; if (options.coverage && options.node !== 'vm') { console.error(`invalid --node option: coverage supports "vm" only\n`.red); options.outputHelp(); process.exit(1); } i18n.setOrDetectLocale(options.locale); embark.runTests({file, solc:options.solc, logLevel: options.logLevel, gasDetails: options.gasDetails, node: options.node, coverage: options.coverage, noBrowser: options.nobrowser}); }); } upload() { program .command('upload [environment]') //.option('--ens [ensDomain]', __('ENS domain to associate to')) .option('--logfile [logfile]', __('filename to output logs (default: %s)', 'none')) .option('--loglevel [loglevel]', __('level of logging to display') + ' ["error", "warn", "info", "debug", "trace"]', /^(error|warn|info|debug|trace)$/i, 'debug') .option('--locale [locale]', __('language to use (default: en)')) .option('-c, --client [client]', __('Use a specific ethereum client [%s] (default: %s)', 'geth, parity', 'geth')) .option('--pipeline [pipeline]', __('webpack config to use (default: production)')) .description(__('Upload your dapp to a decentralized storage') + '.') .action(function(env, _options) { i18n.setOrDetectLocale(_options.locale); if (env === "ipfs" || env === "swarm") { console.warn(("did you mean " + "embark upload".bold + " ?").underline); console.warn("In embark 3.1 forwards, the correct command is embark upload and the provider is configured in config/storage.js"); } _options.env = env || 'development'; _options.ensDomain = _options.ens; _options.logFile = _options.logfile; // fix casing _options.logLevel = _options.loglevel; // fix casing _options.client = _options.client; _options.webpackConfigName = _options.pipeline || 'production'; embark.upload(_options); }); } graph() { program .command('graph [environment]') .option('--skip-undeployed', __('Graph will not include undeployed contracts')) .option('--skip-functions', __('Graph will not include functions')) .option('--skip-events', __('Graph will not include events')) .option('--locale [locale]', __('language to use (default: en)')) .option('--output [svgfile]', __('filepath to output SVG graph to (default: %s)', process.env['DEFAULT_DIAGRAM_PATH'])) .description(__('generates documentation based on the smart contracts configured')) .action(function(env, options) { i18n.setOrDetectLocale(options.locale); embark.graph({ env: env || 'development', logFile: options.logfile, skipUndeployed: options.skipUndeployed, skipFunctions: options.skipFunctions, skipEvents: options.skipEvents, output: options.output || process.env['DEFAULT_DIAGRAM_PATH'] }); }); } reset() { program .command('reset') .option('--locale [locale]', __('language to use (default: en)')) .description(__('resets embarks state on this dapp including clearing cache')) .action(function(options) { i18n.setOrDetectLocale(options.locale); embark.initConfig('development', { embarkConfig: 'embark.json', interceptLogs: false }); embark.reset(); }); } ejectWebpack() { program .command('eject-webpack') .description(__('copy the default webpack config into your dapp for customization')) .action(function() { embark.initConfig('development', { embarkConfig: 'embark.json', interceptLogs: false }); embark.ejectWebpack(); }); } versionCmd() { program .command('version') .description(__('output the version number')) .action(function() { console.log(embark.version); process.exit(0); }); } helpCmd() { program .command('help') .description(__('output usage information and help information')) .action(function() { console.log("Documentation can be found at: ".green + ""; console.log(""); console.log("Have an issue? submit it here: ".green + ""; console.log("or chat with us directly at: ".green + "";; process.exit(0); }); } otherCommands() { program .action(function(cmd) { console.log((__('unknown command') + ' "%s"').red, cmd); let utils = require('../lib/utils/utils.js'); let dictionary = ['new', 'demo', 'build', 'run', 'blockchain', 'simulator', 'test', 'upload', 'version', 'console', 'eject-webpack', 'graph', 'help', 'reset']; let suggestion = utils.proposeAlternative(cmd, dictionary); if (suggestion) { console.log((__('did you mean') + ' "%s"?').green, suggestion); } console.log("type embark --help to see the available commands"); process.exit(0); }); } } module.exports = Cmd;