const bip39 = require("bip39"); const hdkey = require('ethereumjs-wallet/hdkey'); const ethereumjsWallet = require('ethereumjs-wallet'); const fs = require('../core/fs'); const {getHexBalanceFromString} = require('../utils/utils'); const path = require('path'); class AccountParser { static parseAccountsConfig(accountsConfig, web3, logger, nodeAccounts) { let accounts = []; if (accountsConfig && accountsConfig.length) { accountsConfig.forEach(accountConfig => { const account = AccountParser.getAccount(accountConfig, web3, logger, nodeAccounts); if (!account) { return; } if (Array.isArray(account)) { accounts = accounts.concat(account); return; } accounts.push(account); }); } return accounts; } static getAccount(accountConfig, web3, logger = console, nodeAccounts) { let hexBalance = null; if (accountConfig.balance) { hexBalance = getHexBalanceFromString(accountConfig.balance, web3); } if (accountConfig.privateKey === 'random') { let randomAccount = web3.eth.accounts.create(); accountConfig.privateKey = randomAccount.privateKey; } if (accountConfig.nodeAccounts) { if (!nodeAccounts) { logger.warn('Cannot use nodeAccounts in this context'); return null; } if (!nodeAccounts.length) { return null; } return => { return {address}; }); } if (accountConfig.privateKey) { if (!accountConfig.privateKey.startsWith('0x')) { accountConfig.privateKey = '0x' + accountConfig.privateKey; } if (!web3.utils.isHexStrict(accountConfig.privateKey)) { logger.warn(`Private key ending with ${accountConfig.privateKey.substr(accountConfig.privateKey.length - 5)} is not a HEX string`); return null; } return Object.assign(web3.eth.accounts.privateKeyToAccount(accountConfig.privateKey), {hexBalance}); } if (accountConfig.privateKeyFile) { let privateKeyFile = path.resolve(fs.dappPath(), accountConfig.privateKeyFile); let fileContent = fs.readFileSync(privateKeyFile).toString(); if (accountConfig.password) { try { fileContent = JSON.parse(fileContent); if (!ethereumjsWallet['fromV' + fileContent.version]) { logger.error(`Key file ${accountConfig.privateKeyFile} is not a valid keystore file`); return null; } const wallet = ethereumjsWallet['fromV' + fileContent.version](fileContent, accountConfig.password); return Object.assign(web3.eth.accounts.privateKeyToAccount('0x' + wallet.getPrivateKey().toString('hex')), {hexBalance}); } catch (e) { logger.error('Private key file is not a keystore JSON file but a password was provided'); logger.error(e.message || e); return null; } } fileContent = fileContent.trim().split(/[,;]/); return, index) => { if (!key.startsWith('0x')) { key = '0x' + key; } if (!web3.utils.isHexStrict(key)) { logger.warn(`Private key is not a HEX string in file ${accountConfig.privateKeyFile} at index ${index}`); return null; } return Object.assign(web3.eth.accounts.privateKeyToAccount(key), {hexBalance}); }); } if (accountConfig.mnemonic) { const hdwallet = hdkey.fromMasterSeed(bip39.mnemonicToSeed(accountConfig.mnemonic.trim())); const addressIndex = accountConfig.addressIndex || 0; const numAddresses = accountConfig.numAddresses || 1; const wallet_hdpath = accountConfig.hdpath || "m/44'/60'/0'/0/"; const accounts = []; for (let i = addressIndex; i < addressIndex + numAddresses; i++) { const wallet = hdwallet.derivePath(wallet_hdpath + i).getWallet(); accounts.push(Object.assign(web3.eth.accounts.privateKeyToAccount('0x' + wallet.getPrivateKey().toString('hex')), {hexBalance})); } return accounts; } if (accountConfig.secretKey) { // Ignore simulator configs return null; } logger.warn(__('Unsupported account configuration: %s' ,JSON.stringify(accountConfig))); logger.warn(__('Check the docs at %s', ''.underline)); return null; } } module.exports = AccountParser;