const async = require('async'); const GethMiner = require('./miner'); const os = require('os'); const DEFAULTS = { "BIN": "geth", "NETWORK_TYPE": "custom", "NETWORK_ID": 1337, "RPC_API": ['eth', 'web3', 'net', 'debug'], "WS_API": ['eth', 'web3', 'net', 'shh', 'debug', 'pubsub'], "DEV_WS_API": ['eth', 'web3', 'net', 'shh', 'debug', 'pubsub', 'personal'], "TARGET_GAS_LIMIT": 8000000 }; // TODO: make all of this async class GethClient { static get DEFAULTS() { return DEFAULTS; } constructor(options) { this.config = options && options.hasOwnProperty('config') ? options.config : {}; this.env = options && options.hasOwnProperty('env') ? options.env : 'development'; this.isDev = options && options.hasOwnProperty('isDev') ? options.isDev : (this.env === 'development'); = "geth"; this.prettyName = "Go-Ethereum ("; this.bin = this.config.ethereumClientBin || DEFAULTS.BIN; this.httpReady = false; this.wsReady = !this.config.wsRPC; } isReady(data) { if (data.indexOf('HTTP endpoint opened') > -1) { this.httpReady = true; } if (data.indexOf('WebSocket endpoint opened') > -1) { this.wsReady = true; } return this.httpReady && this.wsReady; } /** * Check if the client needs some sort of 'keep alive' transactions to avoid freezing by inactivity * @returns {boolean} if keep alive is needed */ needKeepAlive() { // TODO: check version also (geth version < 1.8.15) if (this.isDev) { // Trigger regular txs due to a bug in geth (< 1.8.15) and stuck transactions in --dev mode. return true; } return false; } commonOptions(firstAccount = false) { let config = this.config; let cmd = []; cmd.push(this.determineNetworkType(config)); if (config.datadir) { cmd.push(`--datadir=${config.datadir}`); } if (config.syncMode) { cmd.push("--syncmode=" + config.syncMode); } // geth in dev mode needs the first account to have a blank password, so we use for convenience the same Parity's devpassword if (config.account && config.account.password) { if (firstAccount) cmd.push(`--password=${config.account.devPassword}`); else cmd.push(`--password=${config.account.password}`); } if (Number.isInteger(config.verbosity) && config.verbosity >= 0 && config.verbosity <= 5) { cmd.push("--verbosity=" + config.verbosity); } return cmd; } getMiner() { return new GethMiner({datadir: this.config.datadir}); } getBinaryPath() { return this.bin; } determineVersionCommand() { return this.bin + " version"; } determineNetworkType(config) { let cmd; if (config.networkType === 'testnet') { cmd = "--testnet"; } else if (config.networkType === 'rinkeby') { cmd = "--rinkeby"; } else if (config.networkType === 'custom') { cmd = "--networkid=" + config.networkId; } return cmd; } initGenesisCommmand() { let config = this.config; let cmd = this.bin + " " + this.commonOptions().join(' '); if (config.genesisBlock) { cmd += " init \"" + config.genesisBlock + "\" "; } return cmd; } newAccountCommand(firstAccount = false) { if (!(this.config.account && this.config.account.password)) { console.warn(__('Your blockchain is missing a password and creating an account may fail. Please consider updating ').yellow + __('config/blockchain > account > password').cyan + __(' then re-run the command').yellow); } return this.bin + " " + this.commonOptions(firstAccount).join(' ') + " account new "; } parseNewAccountCommandResultToAddress(data = "") { if (data.match(/{(\w+)}/)) return "0x" + data.match(/{(\w+)}/)[1]; return ""; } listAccountsCommand() { return this.bin + " " + this.commonOptions().join(' ') + " account list "; } parseListAccountsCommandResultToAddress(data = "") { if (data.match(/{(\w+)}/)) return "0x" + data.match(/{(\w+)}/)[1]; return ""; } parseListAccountsCommandResultToAddressList(data = "") { let list = data.split(os.EOL); list.pop(); // Remove empty value return => "0x" + el.match(/{(\w+)}/)[1]); } parseListAccountsCommandResultToAddressCount(data = "") { const count = this.parseListAccountsCommandResultToAddressList(data).length; return (count > 0 ? count : 0); } determineRpcOptions(config) { let cmd = []; cmd.push("--port=" + config.port); cmd.push("--rpc"); cmd.push("--rpcport=" + config.rpcPort); cmd.push("--rpcaddr=" + config.rpcHost); if (config.rpcCorsDomain) { if (config.rpcCorsDomain === '*') { console.warn('=================================='); console.warn(__('rpcCorsDomain set to *')); console.warn(__('make sure you know what you are doing')); console.warn('=================================='); } cmd.push("--rpccorsdomain=" + config.rpcCorsDomain); } else { console.warn('=================================='); console.warn(__('warning: cors is not set')); console.warn('=================================='); } return cmd; } determineWsOptions(config) { let cmd = []; if (config.wsRPC) { cmd.push("--ws"); cmd.push("--wsport=" + config.wsPort); cmd.push("--wsaddr=" + config.wsHost); if (config.wsOrigins) { if (config.wsOrigins === '*') { console.warn('=================================='); console.warn(__('wsOrigins set to *')); console.warn(__('make sure you know what you are doing')); console.warn('=================================='); } cmd.push("--wsorigins=" + config.wsOrigins); } else { console.warn('=================================='); console.warn(__('warning: wsOrigins is not set')); console.warn('=================================='); } } return cmd; } initDevChain(datadir, callback) { // No specific configuration needed for the dev chain return callback(); } mainCommand(address, done) { let self = this; let config = this.config; let rpc_api = this.config.rpcApi; let ws_api = this.config.wsApi; let args = []; async.series([ function commonOptions(callback) { let cmd = self.commonOptions(); args = args.concat(cmd); callback(null, cmd); }, function rpcOptions(callback) { let cmd = self.determineRpcOptions(self.config); args = args.concat(cmd); callback(null, cmd); }, function wsOptions(callback) { let cmd = self.determineWsOptions(self.config); args = args.concat(cmd); callback(null, cmd); }, function dontGetPeers(callback) { if (config.nodiscover) { args.push("--nodiscover"); return callback(null, "--nodiscover"); } callback(null, ""); }, function vmDebug(callback) { if (config.vmdebug) { args.push("--vmdebug"); return callback(null, "--vmdebug"); } callback(null, ""); }, function maxPeers(callback) { let cmd = "--maxpeers=" + config.maxpeers; args.push(cmd); callback(null, cmd); }, function mining(callback) { if (config.mineWhenNeeded || config.mine) { args.push("--mine"); return callback(null, "--mine"); } callback(""); }, function bootnodes(callback) { if (config.bootnodes && config.bootnodes !== "" && config.bootnodes !== []) { args.push("--bootnodes=" + config.bootnodes); return callback(null, "--bootnodes=" + config.bootnodes); } callback(""); }, function whisper(callback) { if (config.whisper) { rpc_api.push('shh'); if (ws_api.indexOf('shh') === -1) { ws_api.push('shh'); } args.push("--shh"); return callback(null, "--shh "); } callback(""); }, function rpcApi(callback) { args.push('--rpcapi=' + rpc_api.join(',')); callback(null, '--rpcapi=' + rpc_api.join(',')); }, function wsApi(callback) { args.push('--wsapi=' + ws_api.join(',')); callback(null, '--wsapi=' + ws_api.join(',')); }, function accountToUnlock(callback) { if (self.isDev && self.config.unlockAddressList) { // The first address is the dev account, that is automatically unlocked by the client using blank password args.push("--unlock=" + self.config.unlockAddressList.slice(1)); return callback(null, "--unlock=" + self.config.unlockAddressList.slice(1)); } let accountAddress = ""; if (config.account && config.account.address) { accountAddress = config.account.address; } else { accountAddress = address; } if (accountAddress) { if(!(self.config && self.config.account && self.config.account.password)){ console.warn(__("\n===== Password needed =====\nPassword for account {{account}} not found. Unlocking this account may fail. Please ensure a password is specified in config/blockchain.js > {{env}} > account > password.\n", {account: address, env: self.env})); } args.push("--unlock=" + accountAddress); return callback(null, "--unlock=" + accountAddress); } callback(null, ""); }, function gasLimit(callback) { if (config.targetGasLimit) { args.push("--miner.gastarget=" + config.targetGasLimit); return callback(null, "--miner.gastarget=" + config.targetGasLimit); } callback(null, ""); }, function isDev(callback) { if (self.isDev) { args.push('--dev'); return callback(null, '--dev'); } callback(null, ''); } ], function(err) { if (err) { throw new Error(err.message); } return done(self.bin, args); }); } } module.exports = GethClient;