const http = require('follow-redirects').http; const https = require('follow-redirects').https; const shelljs = require('shelljs'); const clipboardy = require('clipboardy'); const {canonicalHost, defaultCorsHost, defaultHost, dockerHostSwap, isDocker} = require('./host'); const { findNextPort, downloadFile } = require('./network'); const logUtils = require('./log-utils'); const toposortGraph = require('./toposort'); import { unitRegex } from './constants'; import * as AddressUtils from './addressUtils'; import { getWeiBalanceFromString, getHexBalanceFromString, hexToNumber, decodeParams, sha3, sha512, isHex, soliditySha3, toChecksumAddress } from './web3Utils'; import { getAddressToContract, getTransactionParams } from './transactionUtils'; import LongRunningProcessTimer from './longRunningProcessTimer'; import AccountParser from './accountParser'; import { anchoredValue, dappPath, diagramPath, embarkPath, ipcPath, joinPath, pkgPath, tmpDir, urlJoin, PWD, DAPP_PATH, DIAGRAM_PATH, EMBARK_PATH, PKG_PATH, NODE_PATH } from './pathUtils'; import { setUpEnv } from './env'; const { extendZeroAddressShorthand, replaceZeroAddressShorthand } = AddressUtils; import { compact, last, recursiveMerge, groupBy } from './collections'; import { prepareForCompilation } from './solidity/remapImports'; import { removePureView } from './solidity/code'; import { File, getExternalContractUrl, Types } from './file'; function timer(ms) { const then =; return new Promise(resolve => ( setTimeout(() => resolve( - then), ms) )); } function checkIsAvailable(url, callback) { const protocol = url.split(':')[0]; const httpObj = (protocol === 'https') ? https : http; httpObj.get(url, function (_res) { callback(true); }).on('error', function (_res) { callback(false); }); } function hashTo32ByteHexString(hash) { if (isHex(hash)) { if (!hash.startsWith('0x')) { hash = '0x' + hash; } return hash; } const multihash = require('multihashes'); let buf = multihash.fromB58String(hash); let digest = multihash.decode(buf).digest; return '0x' + multihash.toHexString(digest); } function exit(code) { process.exit(code); } function runCmd(cmd, options, callback) { options = Object.assign({silent: true, exitOnError: true, async: true}, options || {}); const outputToConsole = !options.silent; options.silent = true; let result = shelljs.exec(cmd, options, function (code, stdout) { if(code !== 0) { if (options.exitOnError) { return exit(); } if(typeof callback === 'function') { callback(`shell returned code ${code}`); } } else { if(typeof callback === 'function') { return callback(null, stdout); } } }); result.stdout.on('data', function(data) { if(outputToConsole) { console.log(data); } }); result.stderr.on('data', function(data) { if (outputToConsole) { console.log(data); } }); } function copyToClipboard(text) { clipboardy.writeSync(text); } function byName(a, b) { return; } function isFolder(node) { return node.children && node.children.length; } function isNotFolder(node){ return !isFolder(node); } function fileTreeSort(nodes){ const folders = nodes.filter(isFolder).sort(byName); const files = nodes.filter(isNotFolder).sort(byName); return folders.concat(files); } function proposeAlternative(word, _dictionary, _exceptions) { const propose = require('propose'); let exceptions = _exceptions || []; let dictionary = _dictionary.filter((entry) => { return exceptions.indexOf(entry) < 0; }); return propose(word, dictionary, {threshold: 0.3}); } function toposort(graph) { return toposortGraph(graph); } function deconstructUrl(endpoint) { const matches = endpoint.match(/(ws|https?):\/\/([a-zA-Z0-9_.-]*):?([0-9]*)?/); return { protocol: matches[1], host: matches[2], port: matches[3], type: matches[1] === 'ws' ? 'ws' : 'rpc' }; } function prepareContractsConfig(config) { Object.keys(config.contracts).forEach((contractName) => { const gas = config.contracts[contractName].gas; const gasPrice = config.contracts[contractName].gasPrice; const address = config.contracts[contractName].address; const args = config.contracts[contractName].args; const onDeploy = config.contracts[contractName].onDeploy; if (gas && gas.toString().match(unitRegex)) { config.contracts[contractName].gas = getWeiBalanceFromString(gas); } if (gasPrice && gasPrice.toString().match(unitRegex)) { config.contracts[contractName].gasPrice = getWeiBalanceFromString(gasPrice); } if (address) { config.contracts[contractName].address = extendZeroAddressShorthand(address); } if (args && args.length) { config.contracts[contractName].args = => { if (typeof val === "string") { return extendZeroAddressShorthand(val); } return val; }); } if (Array.isArray(onDeploy)) { config.contracts[contractName].onDeploy =; } }); return config; } function jsonFunctionReplacer(_key, value) { if (typeof value === 'function') { return value.toString(); } return value; } function fuzzySearch(text, list, filter) { const fuzzy = require('fuzzy'); return fuzzy.filter(text, list, {extract: (filter || function () {})}); } /** * Builds a URL * * @param {string} protocol * The URL protocol, defaults to http. * @param {string} host * The URL host, required. * @param {string} port * The URL port, default to empty string. * @param {string} [type] * Type of connection * @returns {string} the constructued URL, with defaults */ function buildUrl(protocol, host, port, type) { if (!host) throw new Error('utils.buildUrl: parameter \'host\' is required'); if (port) port = ':' + port; else port = ''; if (!protocol) { protocol = type === 'ws' ? 'ws' : 'http'; } return `${protocol}://${host}${port}`; } /** * Builds a URL * * @param {object} configObj Object containing protocol, host, and port to be used to construct the url. * * protocol {String} (optional) The URL protocol, defaults to http. * * host {String} (required) The URL host. * * port {String} (optional) The URL port, default to empty string. * @returns {string} the constructued URL, with defaults */ function buildUrlFromConfig(configObj) { if (!configObj) throw new Error('[utils.buildUrlFromConfig]: config object must cannot be null'); if (! throw new Error('[utils.buildUrlFromConfig]: object must contain a \'host\' property'); return buildUrl(configObj.protocol, canonicalHost(, configObj.port, configObj.type); } function errorMessage(e) { if (typeof e === 'string') { return e; } else if (e && e.message) { return e.message; } return e; } function isConstructor(obj) { return !!obj.prototype && !!; } function isEs6Module(module) { return (typeof module === 'function' && isConstructor(module)) || (typeof module === 'object' && typeof module.default === 'function' && module.__esModule); } const Utils = { anchoredValue, buildUrl, buildUrlFromConfig, joinPath, tmpDir, ipcPath, dappPath, downloadFile, embarkPath, jsonFunctionReplacer, fuzzySearch, canonicalHost, compact, copyToClipboard, diagramPath, deconstructUrl, defaultCorsHost, defaultHost, decodeParams, dockerHostSwap, exit, errorMessage, getAddressToContract, getTransactionParams, isDocker, isEs6Module, checkIsAvailable, File, findNextPort, fileTreeSort, hashTo32ByteHexString, hexToNumber, isHex, last, soliditySha3, recursiveMerge, prepareContractsConfig, getWeiBalanceFromString, getHexBalanceFromString, getExternalContractUrl, groupBy, setUpEnv, sha512, sha3, timer, Types, unitRegex, urlJoin, removePureView, runCmd, escapeHtml: logUtils.escapeHtml, normalizeInput: logUtils.normalizeInput, LogHandler: require('./logHandler'), LongRunningProcessTimer, pkgPath, prepareForCompilation, proposeAlternative, toChecksumAddress, toposort, AddressUtils, AccountParser, PWD, DAPP_PATH, DIAGRAM_PATH, EMBARK_PATH, PKG_PATH, NODE_PATH }; module.exports = Utils;