Upgrade all dependencies on web3/web3-* v1.0.0-beta.37 to v1.2.1.
Make various adjustments related to the previous convention of
`"web3": "1.0.0-beta"` in `embark.json` signifying that embark's own web3
dependency should be used in dapp builds.
Fix bugs in library manager, including a switch from using the
live-plugin-manager package to using npm in a child process to install
`"versions"` dependencies specified in `embark.json` when a specified version
doesn't match up with embark's own version for that package.
Avoid race conditions when installing `"versions"` by completing all installs
prior to starting other services. If an install fails, then after all the
installs have completed or failed the embark command will exit with error.
Change various comments and update docs to reflect the new default of web3
For payable methods inside of the contract interatction section of cockpit, the value input has been updated to pass wei to the API. The input field now accepts value like `100 ether` or 25 szabo`. The value entered is automatically converted to wei and shown to the user in real time.
Additionally, the input is validated for a correct value, with an error shown to the user for incorrectly entered values.
A tooltip has been added to help the user enter correct values.
UI updates can be seen in video here: https://monosnap.com/file/642cHH2HxDeiFLzB2VLqHP9GuqoRfz
Upgrade chokidar to a version that's compatible with NodeJS v12.x.
Unfortunately, embark has other transitive dependencies that are not compatible
with v12.x, but upgrading chokidar is still a good step.
This pull-request upgrades `ethereumjs-wallet`, which has upgraded the underlying dependency on scrypt.js to 0.3.0, making scrypt an optional dependency and offering a pure JS version as a fallback.
The reasoning behind this is that scrypt is problematic to install in some systems, particularly those that don't have node-gyp setup and we have seen some weird issues when installing with elevated privileges (i.e. `sudo npm install -g scrypt`)
Embark API server's development proxy from port 55555 to 3000 was attempting to
inappropriately forward an `/embark-api/` endpoint for the blockchain process
logs to Create React App's development server. Why it was only happening for
the one endpoint is not known but probably has to do with timing around
registration of the API server's express routes.
The problem can be fixed with a one-line `filter:` function in the options for
`express-http-proxy`. However, it was realized that to fix an unrelated
problem, whereby the proxy doesn't forward websockets to CRA such that hot
reload doesn't work when accessing `embark-ui` in development on port 55555, a
switch to `http-proxy-middleware` would be required. That was quickly
attempted (easy switch) but there are outstanding [difficulties][bug] with
`webpack-dev-server` and `node-http-proxy` that cause CRA to crash.
Switch strategies and refactor the API module to serve a page on port 55555 (in
development only) that alerts the developer `embark-ui` should be accessed on
port 3000. The page redirects (client-side) after 10 seconds, with URL query
params and/or hash preserved. A future version could instead do client-side
polling of port 3000 with `fetch` and then redirect only once it's
available. The reason for not redirecting immediately is that the intermediate
page makes it more obvious what needs to be done, e.g. CRA dev server may need
to be started with `yarn start`.
[bug]: https://github.com/webpack/webpack-dev-server/issues/1642
Make tabs draggable so they can be arranged how the user would like.
The dragging functionality locks the tabs to the parent container.
Support for multiple rows of tabs.
Styling updates for selected tabs.
Implement a `/*` server-side catch-all route for Cockpit that loads Cockpit's
This change is necessary with intent to disable offline-first behavior in
production builds of Cockpit. Cockpit's service worker effectively translates
server-side route unavailability into client-side behaviors of
connected-react-router. When the service worker is unregistered the same will
be accomplished via the server-side catch-all route.
Implement fallback pages for when embark is in the monorepo but Cockpit's
Create React App development server isn't yet started or isn't yet responsive.
Implement a fallback page for when the static build of Cockpit is missing. When
embark is in the monorepo, give instructions for building Cockpit. Otherwise,
report that the distribution is broken.
Deprecate the environment variable `EMBARK_DEVELOPMENT` in favor of
`EMBARK_UI_STATIC`. Unless the latter is truthy at runtime, when embark is in
the monorepo the CRA dev server of Cockpit will be accessible at
`localhost:55555` via proxied requests to `localhost:3000`. The deprecation is
not a breaking change as `EMBARK_DEVELOPMENT` / `EMBARK_UI_STATIC` are not
relevant to normal users, but only to developers working on embark itself.
Bump `express-http-proxy` to the latest version.