If a package uses only `.js` then supply `--extensions ".js"`. If a package
uses only `.ts` then supply `--extensions ".ts"`. If a package uses both, then
supply `--extensions ".js,.ts"`.
The reason for this is that adding/removing TS/JS support ought to occasion
revising a package's `package.json` file and adjusting other scripts as well,
e.g. for linting. With these changes, it won't work to simply start adding
`.ts` files in a package's `src/` directory, which should prompt the developer
to review `package.json` and make the appropriate changes, and/or other
developers may realize changes need to be made during code review.
Implement scripts to collect coverage reports (JSON format) from all packages
in the monorepo that generate such reports. Reports are copied to
Implement scripts to generate a combined html report in `<root>/coverage`.
Adjust root `reset` and `clean` scripts to delete `<root>/.nyc_output` and
Implement a script in `<root>/package.json` to generate a `text-lcov` report
and upload it to coveralls from CI builds. Remove coveralls from
Supply `packages/embark` with an nyc configuration in its `package.json` and
have its `"test":` script generate both `json` and `html` reports.
Use nyc with `embarkjs`'s test suite: supply an nyc configuration in its
`package.json` and have its `"test":` script generate both `json` and `html`
Adjust `embarkjs`'s tests for more accurate coverage reporting.
Add support for `service webserver on/off` commands.
Deprecate commands `webserver start/stop` in favor of `service webserver on/off`.
Handles passing through of arguments to the function executed after process launch.
`service webserver on` - Enables the webserver serving the DApp. Shows an error if the webserver is already starting or started.
`service webserver off` - Disables the webserver serving the DApp. Shows an error if the webserver is already stopping or stopped.
`webserver start` - This command has been deprecated in favor of `service webserver on` and will be removed in future versions.
`webserver stop` - This command has been deprecated in favor of `service webserver off` and will be removed in future versions.
Several `embarkjs-*` packages specify a `"test":` script in their respective
`package.json` files but lack any tests, causing `yarn test` in the root of the
monorepo to fail. For now, disable those scripts.