This commit automates our release process. It takes care of a couple of things:
- Bumps version number in package.json as needed, see below
- Generates changelog based on commit history
- Create release commit
- Tags release commit
- Pushes release commit including tags to upstream repository
- Publishes release on npm
There are a couple of options supported. The base command is run like this:
npm run release
This will do a minor bump and try to push to `origin` on `master`. However,
this can be altered with the following options.
npm run release -- --dry-run
Can be used to perform dry run and not actually committing, tagging, pushing,
publishing anything.
npm run release -- --release-as <something>
Something can be `minor`, `major`, `patch` or anything you want `foo`, `1.0.0` etc.
npm run release -- --prerelease alpha
Will create a prerelease version a la `4.0.0-alpha.x`.
npm run release -- --prerelease alpha --npm-dist-tag next
Publishes a dist tag on npm using dist tag `next`
npm run release -- --sign
Signs the release commit (you need to have PGP setup for that).
npm run release -- --repo-origin pascal --repo-branch foo/bar
Pushes the release commit into `pascal/foo/bar`.
yarn.lock files are generated for embark and embark-ui, and their package.json
files and other npm related files are updated to support and require using yarn
for development of embark itself and for embark's CI.
Allow for embark sources to be authored in TypeScript and/or JavaScript, and to
make use of upcoming features of the JS language. Sources in the src/ directory
are transpiled into the dist/ directory, and npm-scripts are provided to
support and automate various aspect of the build process. Source map support is
enabled at runtime, i.e. when invoking the embark cli and running embark's test
display last line on tx
fix debugger call
listen to source event only after jumping to the end
keep track of last tx; add minimal debug feature; fix ast issue
initial debugger apis & ui integration
prevent crash when step is out of bounds; send all all available data in websocket
add debugger commands
fix line number tracking in editor; toggle breakpoints
replace timeouts with callbacks
add debugger manager & refactor
refactor debugger api
refactor cmd line debugger
reduce debugger decoupling
reduce debugger decoupling
fix debug buttons
trigger source update so api triggers ws event to update source location
move locals and contracts vars to a json view
improve debugger icons
simplify debugger data
update debug package
add command handler to get a contract given a tx; update debugger so it can get a contract by its tx instead of tracking latest txs only
update debugger package
- Add no cache via helmet
- Fix linting (no-return-else)
- Rebase Fix: Use for process log to avoid endpoint being called
- Rebase Fix: use option when compiling solidity