node: >=10.17.0 <12.0.0
npm: >=6.11.3
yarn: >=1.19.1
node v10.17.0 is the latest in the 10.x series and is still in the Active LTS
lifecycle. Embark is still not compatible with node's 12.x and 13.x
series (because of some dependencies), otherwise it would probably make sense
to bump our minimum supported node version all the way to the most recent 12.x
npm v6.11.3 is the version that's bundled with node v10.17.0.
yarn v1.19.1 is the most recent version as of the time node v10.17.0 was
Implement scripts to collect coverage reports (JSON format) from all packages
in the monorepo that generate such reports. Reports are copied to
Implement scripts to generate a combined html report in `<root>/coverage`.
Adjust root `reset` and `clean` scripts to delete `<root>/.nyc_output` and
Implement a script in `<root>/package.json` to generate a `text-lcov` report
and upload it to coveralls from CI builds. Remove coveralls from
Supply `packages/embark` with an nyc configuration in its `package.json` and
have its `"test":` script generate both `json` and `html` reports.
Use nyc with `embarkjs`'s test suite: supply an nyc configuration in its
`package.json` and have its `"test":` script generate both `json` and `html`
Adjust `embarkjs`'s tests for more accurate coverage reporting.