* add web3 connection
* add TODO
* refactor(@embark/embark-swarm): Re-add swarm storage plugin
Swarm added back in to the refactored code.
Prevent Embark from hanging when Swarm/IPFS crashes.
Use swarm config as per below
To take this PR for a spin, update `dapps/templates/demo/config/storage.js` with the following:
module.exports = {
// default applies to all environments
default: {
enabled: true,
ipfs_bin: "ipfs",
available_providers: ["ipfs", "swarm"],
upload: {
provider: "swarm",
host: "localhost",
port: 8500
dappConnection: [
provider: "swarm",
host: "localhost",
port: 8500,
getUrl: "http://localhost:8500/bzz:/"
// Configuration to start Swarm in the same terminal as `embark run`
, account: {
address: "SWAM_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS", // Address of account accessing Swarm
password: "config/development/password" // File containing the password of the account
/*swarmPath: "PATH/TO/SWARM/EXECUTABLE" // Path to swarm executable (default: swarm)*/
NOTE: `account.address` needs to be a node account. Please make sure `embark run2` has been run first, then create a new node account and update the config, then re-run embark.
1. `embark run2`
2. `geth account new --datadir=.embark/development/datadir --password=config/development/password`
3. Copy output from #2 to `account.address` in config
4. Re-run `embark run2`